head 1.6; access; symbols; locks; strict; 1.6 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.6 log @note NNTP interaction, but mostly, just make this page a little longer to work-around a troff problem @ text @.\" @@(MHWARNING) .\" @@(#)$Id: bboards.rf,v 1.5 1990/04/05 15:11:40 sources Exp jromine $ .SC BBOARDS 1 .NA bboards \- the UCI BBoards facility .SY bbc \%[\-check] \%[\-read] bboards ... \%[\-help] .DE The home directory of \fIbboards\fR is where the BBoard system is kept. This documentation describes some of the nuances of the BBoard system. Note that if your system is configured to use the Network News Transfer Protocol (\fBNNTP\fP) to read BBoards, @@BEGIN: NNTP (your system does seem to be configured this way), @@END: NNTP then there is no local bboards setup; instead, \fIbbc\fP opens an \fBNNTP\fP connection to the local server. .in +.5i .ti -.5i \fBBBoards, BBoard\-IDs\fR .br A BBoard is just a file containing a group of messages relating to the same topic. These files live in the ~bboards home directory. Each message in a BBoard file has in its header the line \*(lqBBoard-Id: n\*(rq, where \*(lqn\*(rq is an ascending decimal number. This id-number is unique for each message in a BBoards file. It should NOT be confused with the message number of a message, which can change as messages are removed from the BBoard. .ti -.5i \fBBBoard Handling\fR .br To read BBoards, use the \fIbbc\fR and \fImsh\fR programs. The \fImsh\fR command is a monolithic program which contains all the functionality of \fIMH\fR in a single program. The `\-check' switch to \fIbbc\fR lets you check on the status of BBoards, and the `\-read' switch tells \fIbbc\fR to invoke \fImsh\fR to read those BBoards. .ti -.5i \fBCreating a BBoard\fR .br Both public, and private BBoards are supported. Contact the mail address \fIPostMaster\fR if you'd like to have a BBoard created. .ti -.5i \fBBBoard addresses\fR .br Each BBoard has associated with it 4 addresses, these are (for the ficticious BBoard called ``hacks''): .in +.75i .br .ti -.5i \fBhacks\fR\0: The Internet wide distribution list. .br .ti -.5i \fBdist-hacks\fR\0: The local BBoard. .br .ti -.5i \fBhacks-request\fR\0: The people responsible for the BBoard at the Internet level. .br .ti -.5i \fBlocal-hacks-request\fR\0: The people responsible for the BBoard locally. .in -.75i .in -.5i .Fi ^$HOME/\&.mh\(ruprofile~^The user profile ^$HOME/\&.bbrc~^BBoard information .Pr ^Path:~^To determine the user's MH directory .Ps ^bboards:~^To specify interesting BBoards .Ps ^mshproc:~^Program to read a given BBoard .Sa bbc(1), bbl(1), bbleader(1), msh(1) .De The default bboard is \*(lqsystem\*(rq .Co None .En @ 1.5 log @add ID @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id:$ d15 8 @ 1.4 log @put things back, do .NA stuff another way @ text @d2 1 @ 1.3 log @typo @ text @d2 2 a3 2 .TH BBOARDS 1 @@(MHCENTERFOOT) @@(MHLEFTFOOT) .SH .NA d5 1 a5 1 .SH .SY @ 1.2 log @fixup for makewhatis @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .TH BBOARDS 1 [mh.6] MH @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d2 2 a3 2 .SC BBOARDS 1 .NA d5 1 a5 1 .SY @