head 2.25; access; symbols; locks; strict; 2.25 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.24; 2.24 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.23; 2.23 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.22; 2.22 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.21; 2.21 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.20; 2.20 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.19; 2.19 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.18; 2.18 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.17; 2.17 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.16; 2.16 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.15; 2.15 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.14; 2.14 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.13; 2.13 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.12; 2.12 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.11; 2.11 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.10; 2.10 date; author mh; state Exp; branches; next 2.9; 2.9 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.8; 2.8 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.7; 2.7 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.6; 2.6 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.5; 2.5 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.4; 2.4 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.3; 2.3 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.2; 2.2 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.1; 2.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.0; 2.0 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 2.25 log @mhn fixup @ text @.\" @@(MHWARNING) .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.24 1993/10/26 16:00:12 jromine Exp jromine $ .if '\*(ZZ'-man' \{\ .SC MH-CHART 1 .NA mh-chart \- Chart of MH Commands .SY .\} .in 1i .na .ti .5i .ne 7 ali \%[\-alias\ aliasfile] \%[\-list] \%[\-nolist] \%[\-normalize] \%[\-nonormalize] \%[\-user] \%[\-nouser] aliases\ ... \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 6 anno \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-component\ field] \%[\-inplace] \%[\-noinplace] \%[\-date] \%[\-nodate] \%[\-text\ body] \%[\-help] @@BEGIN: BBOARDS .ti .5i .ne 12 bbc \%[bboards\ ...] \%[\-topics] \%[\-check] \%[\-read] \%[\-quiet] \%[\-verbose] \%[\-archive] \%[\-noarchive] \%[\-protocol] \%[\-noprotocol] \%[\-mshproc\ program] \%[switches\ for\ \fImshproc\fR] \%[\-rcfile rcfile] \%[\-norcfile] \%[\-file\ BBoardsfile] \%[\-user\ BBoardsuser] @@BEGIN: BPOP \%[\-host\ host] \%[\-rpop] \%[\-norpop] @@END: BPOP @@BEGIN: NNTP \%[\-host\ host] @@END: NNTP \%[\-help] @@BEGIN: BBSERVER .ti .5i .ne 6 bbl \%[+folder] \%[\-shell\ program] \%[\-verbose] \%[\-noverbose] bboard \%[\-help] @@END: BBSERVER @@END: BBOARDS .ti .5i .ne 6 burst \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-inplace] \%[\-noinplace] \%[\-quiet] \%[\-noquiet] \%[\-verbose] \%[\-noverbose] \%[\-help] @@BEGIN: TMA .ti .5i .ne 7 cipher \%[\-cbc] \%[\-cks] \%[\-ecb] \%[\-encipher] \%[\-decipher] \%[\-kd\ key] \%[\-iv\ vector] \%[\-auto] \%[\-noauto] \%[\-echo] \%[\-noecho] \%[\-help] @@END: TMA .ti .5i .ne 9 comp \%[+folder] \%[msg] \%[\-draftfolder\ +folder] \%[\-draftmessage\ msg] \%[\-nodraftfolder] \%[\-editor\ editor] \%[\-noedit] \%[\-file\ file] \%[\-form\ formfile] \%[\-use] \%[\-nouse] \%[\-whatnowproc\ program] \%[\-nowhatnowproc] \%[\-help] @@BEGIN: TMA .ti .5i .ne 5 decipher \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-insitu] \%[\-noinsitu] \%[\-verbose] \%[\-noverbose] \%[\-help] @@END: TMA .ti .5i .ne 9 dist \%[+folder] \%[msg] \%[\-annotate] \%[\-noannotate] \%[\-draftfolder\ +folder] \%[\-draftmessage\ msg] \%[\-nodraftfolder] \%[\-editor\ editor] \%[\-noedit] \%[\-form\ formfile] \%[\-inplace] \%[\-noinplace] \%[\-whatnowproc\ program] \%[\-nowhatnowproc] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 4 @@(MHETCPATH)/fmtdump \%[\-form\ formatfile] \%[\-format\ string] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 12 folder \%[+folder] \%[msg] \%[\-all] \%[\-fast] \%[\-nofast] \%[\-header] \%[\-noheader] \%[\-pack] \%[\-nopack] \%[\-recurse] \%[\-norecurse] \%[\-total] \%[\-nototal] \%[\-print] \%[\-noprint] \%[\-list] \%[\-nolist] \%[\-push] \%[\-pop] \%[\-help] .ti .5i folders .ti .5i .ne 11 forw \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-annotate] \%[\-noannotate] \%[\-draftfolder\ +folder] \%[\-draftmessage\ msg] \%[\-nodraftfolder] \%[\-editor\ editor] \%[\-noedit] \%[\-filter\ filterfile] \%[\-form\ formfile] \%[\-format] \%[\-noformat] \%[\-inplace] \%[\-noinplace] @@BEGIN: MIME \%[\-mime] \%[\-nomime] @@END: MIME \%[\-whatnowproc\ program] \%[\-nowhatnowproc] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 5 forw \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-digest\ list] \%[\-issue\ number] \%[\-volume\ number] \%[other\ switches\ for\ \fIforw\fR] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 11 @@BEGIN: MF .ne 12 @@END: MF @@BEGIN: POP .ne 13 @@END: POP inc \%[+folder] \%[\-audit\ audit\-file] \%[\-noaudit] \%[\-changecur] \%[\-nochangecur] @@BEGIN: TMA \%[\-decrypt] \%[\-nodecrypt] @@END: TMA \%[\-file\ name] \%[\-form\ formatfile] \%[\-format\ string] \%[\-silent] \%[\-nosilent] \%[\-truncate] \%[\-notruncate] \%[\-width\ columns] @@BEGIN: MF \%[\-uucp] \%[\-nouucp] @@END: MF @@BEGIN: POP \%[\-host\ host] \%[\-user\ user] \%[\-apop] \%[\-noapop] \%[\-rpop] \%[\-norpop] \%[\-pack\ file] \%[\-nopack] @@END: POP \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 7 mark \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-sequence\ name\ ...] \%[\-add] \%[\-delete] \%[\-list] \%[\-public] \%[\-nopublic] \%[\-zero] \%[\-nozero] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 9 @@(MHETCPATH)/mhl \%[\-bell] \%[\-nobell] \%[\-clear] \%[\-noclear] \%[\-folder\ +folder] \%[\-form\ formfile] \%[\-length\ lines] \%[\-width\ columns] \%[\-moreproc\ program] \%[\-nomoreproc] \%[files\ ...] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 8 mhmail \%[ addrs\ ... \%[\-body\ text] \%[\-cc\ addrs\ ...] \%[\-from\ addr] \%[\-subject subject]] \%[\-help] @@BEGIN: MIME .ti .5i .ne 9 mhn \%[\%[+folder] \%[msgs] | \%[\-file\0file]] .br \%[\-part\0number]... \%[\-type\0content]... .br \%[\-list\0\%[\-headers]\0\%[\-noheaders] .br \%[\-realsize]\0\%[\-norealsize]] \%[-nolist] .br \%[\-show\0\%[\-serialonly]\0\%[\-noserialonly] .br \%[\-form\0formfile]\0\%[\-pause]\0\%[\-nopause]] \%[\-noshow] .br \%[\-store\0\%[\-auto]\0\%[\-noauto]] \%[\-nostore] .br \%[\-cache] \%[\-nocache] \%[\-rcache\0policy] \%[\-wcache\0policy] .br \%[\-check]\0\%[\-nocheck] .br \%[\-ebcdicsafe]\0\%[\-noebcdicsafe] .br \%[\-rfc934mode]\0\%[\-norfc934mode] .br \%[\-verbose]\0\%[\-noverbose] .br \%[\-help] @@END: MIME .ti .5i .ne 5 mhparam \%[profile-components] \%[\-components] \%[\-nocomponents] \%[\-all] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 3 mhpath \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 5 @@BEGIN: POP .ne 7 @@END: POP msgchk \%[\-date] \%[\-nodate] \%[\-notify\ all/mail/nomail] \%[\-nonotify\ all/mail/nomail] @@BEGIN: POP \%[\-host\ host] \%[\-user\ user] \%[\-apop] \%[\-noapop] \%[\-rpop] \%[\-norpop] @@END: POP \%[users\ ...] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 5 msh \%[\-prompt\ string] \%[\-scan] \%[\-noscan] \%[\-topcur] \%[\-notopcur] \%[file] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 6 next \%[+folder] \%[\-header] \%[\-noheader] \%[\-showproc\ program] \%[\-noshowproc] \%[switches\ for\ \fIshowproc\fR] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 4 packf \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[-file\ name] \%[\-help] .ie t \{\ .ta .4i 1.8i .nf .in .5i .ne 7 ^pick~^^\0\-cc~^ \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-help] ^^^\0\-date~^ \%[\-before\ date] \%[\-after\ date] \%[\-datefield\ field] ^^^\0\-from~^ ^^^\s+2\b'\(lt\(bv\(bv\(lk\(bv\(bv\(lb'\s0\-search~\s+2\b'\(rt\(bv\(bv\(rk\(bv\(bv\(rb'\s0^ pattern \%[\-and\ ...] \%[\-or\ ...] \%[\-not\ ...] \%[\-lbrace\ ...\ \-rbrace] ^^^\0\-subject~^ ^^^\0\-to~^ \%[\-sequence\ name\ ...] \%[\-public] \%[\-nopublic] \%[\-zero] \%[\-nozero] ^^^\0\-\|\-component~^ \%[\-list] \%[\-nolist] .fi .re .in 1i .\} .el \{\ .ti .5i .ne 10 pick \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-and\ ...] \%[\-or\ ...] \%[\-not\ ...] \%[\-lbrace\ ...\ \-rbrace] \%[\-\|\-component\ pattern] \%[\-after\ date] \%[\-before\ date] \%[\-datefield\ field] \%[\-sequence\ name\ ...] \%[\-public] \%[\-nopublic] \%[\-zero] \%[\-nozero] \%[\-list] \%[\-nolist] \%[\-help] .\} @@BEGIN: MPOP .ti .5i .ne 11 popi \%[+folder] \%[\-host\ host] \%[\-user\ user] \%[\-apop] \%[\-noapop] \%[\-rpop] \%[\-norpop] @@BEGIN: BPOP \%[\-auto] \%[\-noauto] \%[\-mshproc\ program] @@END: BPOP \%[\-form\ formatfile] \%[\-format\ string] \%[\-width\ columns] \%[\-help] @@END: MPOP .ti .5i .ne 6 prev \%[+folder] \%[\-header] \%[\-noheader] \%[\-showproc\ program] \%[\-noshowproc] \%[switches\ for\ \fIshowproc\fR] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 7 prompter \%[\-erase\ chr] \%[\-kill\ chr] \%[\-prepend] \%[\-noprepend] \%[\-rapid] \%[\-norapid] \%[\-doteof] \%[\-nodoteof] file \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 7 @@(MHETCPATH)/rcvstore \%[+folder] \%[\-create] \%[\-nocreate] \%[\-sequence\ name\ ...] \%[\-public] \%[\-nopublic] \%[\-zero] \%[\-nozero] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 9 refile \%[msgs] \%[\-draft] \%[\-link] \%[\-nolink] \%[\-preserve] \%[\-nopreserve] \%[\-src\ +folder] \%[\-file\ file] +folder ... \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 15 repl \%[+folder] \%[msg] \%[\-annotate] \%[\-noannotate] \%[\-cc\ all/to/cc/me] \%[\-nocc\ all/to/cc/me] \%[\-draftfolder\ +folder] \%[\-draftmessage\ msg] \%[\-nodraftfolder] \%[\-editor\ editor] \%[\-noedit] \%[\-fcc\ +folder] \%[\-filter\ filterfile] \%[\-form\ formfile] .\" \%[\-format] \%[\-noformat] \%[\-inplace] \%[\-noinplace] \%[\-query] \%[\-noquery] \%[\-whatnowproc\ program] \%[\-nowhatnowproc] \%[\-width\ columns] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 4 rmf \%[+folder] \%[\-interactive] \%[\-nointeractive] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 3 rmm \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 8 scan \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-clear] \%[\-noclear] \%[\-form\ formatfile] \%[\-format\ string] \%[\-header] \%[\-noheader] \%[\-width\ columns] \%[\-reverse] \%[\-noreverse] \%[\-file filename] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 15 send \%[\-alias\ aliasfile] \%[\-draft] \%[\-draftfolder\ +folder] \%[\-draftmessage\ msg] \%[\-nodraftfolder] @@BEGIN: TMA \%[\-encrypt] \%[\-noencrypt] @@END: TMA \%[\-filter\ filterfile] \%[\-nofilter] \%[\-format] \%[\-noformat] \%[\-forward] \%[\-noforward] @@BEGIN: MIME \%[\-mime] \%[\-nomime] @@END: MIME \%[\-msgid] \%[\-nomsgid] \%[\-push] \%[\-nopush] @@BEGIN: MIME \%[\-split\ seconds] @@END: MIME \%[\-verbose] \%[\-noverbose] \%[\-watch] \%[\-nowatch] \%[\-width\ columns] \%[file\ ...] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 7 show \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-draft] \%[\-header] \%[\-noheader] \%[\-showproc\ program] \%[\-noshowproc] \%[switches\ for\ \fIshowproc\fR] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 5 sortm \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-datefield\ field] \%[\-textfield\ field] \%[\-notextfield] \%[\-limit days] \%[\-nolimit] \%[\-verbose] \%[\-noverbose] \%[\-help] @@BEGIN: TMA .ti .5i .ne 11 tma \%[\-boot\ file] \%[\-id\ kdsid] \%[\-mk\ key] \%[\-kds\ server] \%[\-add] \%[\-delete] \%[\-list] \%[\-reset] \%[\-user\ name] \%[\-fetch] \%[\-nofetch] \%[\-expire\ days] \%[\-fexpire\ days] \%[\-count\ uses] \%[\-fcount\ uses] \%[\-echo] \%[\-noecho] \%[\-verbose] \%[\-noverbose] addrs\ ... \%[\-help] @@END: TMA .ti .5i .ne 5 vmh \%[\-prompt\ string] \%[\-vmhproc\ program] \%[\-novmhproc] \%[switches\ for\ \fIvmhproc\fR] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 6 whatnow \%[\-draftfolder\ +folder] \%[\-draftmessage\ msg] \%[\-nodraftfolder] \%[\-editor\ editor] \%[\-noedit] \%[\-prompt\ string] \%[file] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 7 whom \%[\-alias\ aliasfile] \%[\-check] \%[\-nocheck] \%[\-draft] \%[\-draftfolder\ +folder] \%[\-draftmessage\ msg] \%[\-nodraftfolder] \%[file] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 7 @@(MHETCPATH)/ap \%[\-form\ formatfile] \%[\-format\ string] \%[\-normalize] \%[\-nonormalize] \%[\-width\ columns] addrs\ ... \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 5 @@(MHETCPATH)/conflict \%[\-mail\ name] \%[\-search\ directory] \%[aliasfiles\ ...] \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 5 @@(MHETCPATH)/dp \%[\-form\ formatfile] \%[\-format\ string] \%[\-width\ columns] dates\ ... \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 3 @@(MHETCPATH)/install\-mh \%[\-auto] \%[\-compat] @@BEGIN: APOP .ti .5i .ne 3 popauth \%[\-init] \%[\-list] \%[\-user\ name] \%[\-help] @@END: APOP .ti .5i .ne 11 @@(MHETCPATH)/post \%[\-alias\ aliasfile] @@BEGIN: TMA \%[\-encrypt] \%[\-noencrypt] @@END: TMA \%[\-filter\ filterfile] \%[\-nofilter] \%[\-format] \%[\-noformat] @@BEGIN: MIME \%[\-mime] \%[\-nomime] @@END: MIME \%[\-msgid] \%[\-nomsgid] \%[\-verbose] \%[\-noverbose] \%[\-watch] \%[\-nowatch] \%[\-width\ columns] file \%[\-help] .ti .5i .ne 10 @@(MHETCPATH)/slocal \%[address\ info\ sender] \%[\-addr\ address] \%[\-info\ data] \%[\-sender\ sender] \%[\-user\ username] \%[\-mailbox\ mbox] \%[\-file\ file] \%[\-maildelivery\ deliveryfile] \%[\-verbose] \%[\-noverbose] \%[\-debug] \%[\-help] .ad .in 0 @ 2.24 log @add -nocache, -rcache, -wcache @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.19 1993/08/20 17:13:30 jromine Exp $ d239 2 a240 2 \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-file\0file] @ 2.23 log @fixes from mtr @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.21 1993/08/27 18:14:18 jromine Exp $ a131 1 \%[\-create] \%[\-nocreate] d239 1 a239 1 \%[+folder] \%[msgs] d253 1 a253 1 \%[\-cache\0policy] @ 2.22 log @document mhn -file @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.21 1993/08/27 18:14:18 jromine Exp jromine $ d255 1 d257 1 d259 1 d261 1 d263 1 @ 2.21 log @use folder -[no]create @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.20 1993/08/26 22:56:45 jromine Exp jromine $ d240 3 a242 1 \%[+folder] \%[msgs] \%[\-part\0number]... \%[\-type\0content]... @ 2.20 log @document folder -create policy @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.19 1993/08/20 17:13:30 jromine Exp jromine $ d132 1 a132 1 \%[\-create\0policy] @ 2.19 log @fixup for mhn changes @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.18 1992/11/11 17:34:01 jromine Exp jromine $ d132 1 @ 2.18 log @add fmtdump switches, slocal, popauth @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.17 1992/10/16 21:36:08 jromine Exp jromine $ d241 1 a241 1 \%[\-list\0\%[\-header]\0\%[\-noheader] d245 1 a245 1 \%[\-show\0\%[\-serialonly]\0\%[\-noserialonly]] d247 1 a247 1 \%[\-form\0formfile]] \%[\-noshow] d251 5 a255 4 \%[\-verbose] \%[\-noverbose] \%[\-rfc934mode] \%[\-norfc934mode] \%[\-ebcdic] \%[\-noebcdicsafe] .br @ 2.17 log @MIME changes @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.16 1992/05/12 22:23:34 jromine Exp jromine $ d121 5 a125 3 .ne 2 fmtdump \%[filename] d571 1 d574 7 d597 14 @ 2.16 log @fixup for nroff problems @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.15 1992/02/09 20:55:28 jromine Exp jromine $ d154 3 d232 1 d254 1 d341 1 d358 1 a360 1 d459 3 d464 1 d466 1 d579 3 @ 2.15 log @add mhparam/fmtdump @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.14 1992/02/04 21:42:01 jromine Exp jromine $ d4 1 a4 1 .SC MH\-CHART 1 d6 1 a6 1 mh\-chart \- Chart of \fIMH\fR Commands @ 2.14 log @contributed patch @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.13 1992/02/04 21:12:57 jromine Exp jromine $ d121 1 a121 1 .ne 3 d249 8 @ 2.13 log @contributed patch @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.12 1992/01/31 16:41:02 jromine Exp jromine $ d191 2 a193 1 \%[\-rpop] \%[\-norpop] d267 1 @ 2.12 log @Multimedia MH @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.11 1992/01/29 22:50:50 jromine Exp $ d326 18 @ 2.11 log @add fmtdump @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.10 1991/01/07 11:13:54 mh Exp jromine $ d230 21 d427 1 @ 2.10 log @document scan -file filename jlr @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.9 90/04/08 18:22:55 sources Exp Locker: mh $ d119 5 @ 2.9 log @agreement @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.8 90/04/05 21:43:10 sources Exp Locker: sources $ d384 1 @ 2.8 log @prompter fix @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.7 90/04/05 20:40:25 sources Exp Locker: sources $ d18 1 a18 1 names\ ... @ 2.7 log @add sortm options @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id: mh-chart.rf,v 2.6 90/04/05 15:08:08 sources Exp Locker: sources $ d317 1 @ 2.6 log @add ID @ text @d2 1 a2 1 .\" @@(#)$Id:$ d420 2 @ 2.5 log @put things back, do .NA stuff another way @ text @d2 1 @ 2.4 log @changes for "bbhome: none" @ text @d3 2 a4 2 .TH MH\-CHART 1 @@(MHCENTERFOOT) @@(MHLEFTFOOT) .SH .NA d6 1 a6 1 .SH .SY @ 2.3 log @typo @ text @d52 1 d62 1 @ 2.2 log @fixup for makewhatis @ text @d3 1 a3 1 .TH MH\-CHART 1 [mh.6] MH @ 2.1 log @probably still not up to date @ text @d3 2 a4 2 .SC MH\-CHART 1 .NA d6 1 a6 1 .SY @ 2.0 log @changes for SUN40 shared libraries and NNTP under bbc @ text @d350 1 a350 1 \%[\-format] \%[\-noformat] d379 1 @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d26 1 d47 3 @