head 2.16; access; symbols; locks; strict; 2.16 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.15; 2.15 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.14; 2.14 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.13; 2.13 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.12; 2.12 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.11; 2.11 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.10; 2.10 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.9; 2.9 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.8; 2.8 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.7; 2.7 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.6; 2.6 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.5; 2.5 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.4; 2.4 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.3; 2.3 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.2; 2.2 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.1; 2.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.0; 2.0 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 2.16 log @make MANDIR @ text @############################################################################## # Instructions to Make, for compilation of MH modules # # @@(MHWARNING) # @@(#)$Id: MH-Makefile,v 2.15 1992/12/03 16:23:40 jromine Exp jromine $ ############################################################################## MAKE = make DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) $(MFLAGS) -k SHELL = /bin/sh # Targets to Make: # # all: generate MH system, assumes configuration previously done # # depend: generate dependencies, for MH master maintainers only! # # lint: verify code, for MH master maintainers only! # # compat-v7: verify V7 restrictions, for MH master maintainers only! # # install: install system # # inst-all: install system # # inst-lib: install shared libraries # # mkdirs: make MH target directories # # tar: generate tar commands to move targets to other systems # e.g., make TFLAGS="cf mh.tar" tar # # uninstall: undo installation # # distribution: # revert source tree to MH distribution # unconfig: # removes configured files - for MH master maintainers only! # # checkout: MH maintainers only! # # clean: remove all objects and targets plus clean up # # unclean: remove scratch files and backups ############################################################################## # Generate MH system ############################################################################## ALL = config sbr mts zotnet uip support doc all:; for d in $(ALL); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) all); done depend:; for d in $(ALL); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) depend); done lint:; for d in $(ALL); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) lint); done compat-v7: all miscellany/tools/7limit */x* */*/x* miscellany/tools/8limit */*.o */*/*.o INSTALL = zotnet support uip doc BINDIR = $(DESTDIR)@@(MHBINPATH) ETCDIR = $(DESTDIR)@@(MHETCPATH) MANDIR = $(DESTDIR)@@(MHMANDIR) SLIB = sbr install: inst-all inst-all: mkdirs inst-lib for d in $(INSTALL); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) inst-all); done inst-lib:; for d in $(SLIB); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) inst-lib); done mkdirs: $(BINDIR) $(ETCDIR) $(MANDIR) $(BINDIR) $(ETCDIR) $(MANDIR): mkdir $@@ && chmod 0755 $@@ tar:; @@for d in $(INSTALL); \ do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) TFLAGS="$(TFLAGS)" tar); done uninstall:; for d in $(INSTALL); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) uninstall); done ############################################################################## # Miscellaneous tasks ############################################################################## DISTRIBUTION= dist conf config sbr mts zotnet support uip doc papers distribution: READ-ME CHANGES rm -f _* :* @@if test -f tma/mh/files; \ then \ echo rm -f `cat tma/mh/files`; rm -f `cat tma/mh/files`; \ echo rm -rf tma; rm -rf tma; \ fi -rm -f support/pop/mmdfII/pop/lock.c -rm -f support/bboards/mmdfII/bboards/lock.c -rm -f zotnet/tws/tws.h -rm -f uip/pshsbr.c cd support/pop/mmdfII/pop ; @@(LN) ../../../../zotnet/mts/lock.c . cd support/bboards/mmdfII/bboards ; @@(LN) ../../../../zotnet/mts/lock.c . cd zotnet/tws ; @@(LN) ../tws.h . cd uip ; @@(LN) popsbr.c pshsbr.c for d in $(DISTRIBUTION); \ do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) distribution); done READ-ME: conf/mh-gen.8 nroff -man conf/mh-gen.8 > read-me.tmp mv read-me.tmp $@@ CHANGES: papers/changes/mh-changes.ms nroff -ms papers/changes/mh-changes.ms > changes.tmp mv changes.tmp $@@ unconfig:; rm -f _* :* core READ-ME -rm -f support/pop/mmdfII/pop/lock.c -rm -f support/bboards/mmdfII/bboards/lock.c -rm -f zotnet/tws/tws.h -rm -f uip/pshsbr.c for d in $(DISTRIBUTION); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) unconfig); done cp conf/makefiles/MH-Unconfig tmp mv tmp Makefile checkout: unclean lint compat-v7 find . \( -name ":*" -o -name "_*" -o -name "#*" \) -a -print clean:; rm -f _* :* core for d in $(DISTRIBUTION); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) clean); done unclean:; rm -f _* :* core for d in $(DISTRIBUTION); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) unclean); done @ 2.15 log @remove -Tcrt from nroff line @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: MH-Makefile,v 2.14 1992/12/02 22:19:13 jromine Exp jromine $ d66 1 d76 1 a76 1 mkdirs: $(BINDIR) $(ETCDIR) d78 2 a79 3 $(BINDIR) $(ETCDIR): mkdir $@@ chmod 0755 $@@ @ 2.14 log @add mh changes document @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: MH-Makefile,v 2.13 1992/11/18 16:51:59 jromine Exp jromine $ d116 1 a116 1 nroff -ms -Tcrt papers/changes/mh-changes.ms > changes.tmp @ 2.13 log @fixup the way @@(LN) works @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: MH-Makefile,v 2.12 1992/11/06 18:53:55 jromine Exp jromine $ d93 1 a93 1 distribution: READ-ME d114 4 @ 2.12 log @use @@(LN) @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: MH-Makefile,v 2.11 1992/11/02 22:56:13 jromine Exp jromine $ d104 4 a107 4 @@(LN) zotnet/mts/lock.c support/pop/mmdfII/pop/lock.c @@(LN) zotnet/mts/lock.c support/bboards/mmdfII/bboards/lock.c @@(LN) zotnet/tws.h zotnet/tws/tws.h @@(LN) uip/popsbr.c uip/pshsbr.c @ 2.11 log @make pshsbr.c from popsbr.c @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: MH-Makefile,v 2.10 1992/10/29 17:41:35 jromine Exp jromine $ d104 4 a107 4 ln zotnet/mts/lock.c support/pop/mmdfII/pop/lock.c ln zotnet/mts/lock.c support/bboards/mmdfII/bboards/lock.c ln zotnet/tws.h zotnet/tws/tws.h ln uip/popsbr.c uip/pshsbr.c @ 2.10 log @fixup make unconfig @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: MH-Makefile,v 2.9 1992/10/29 16:25:20 jromine Exp jromine $ d103 1 d107 1 d119 1 @ 2.9 log @fixup make distribution & tws.h @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: MH-Makefile,v 2.8 1992/10/16 16:51:06 jromine Exp jromine $ d93 2 a94 1 distribution:; rm -f _* :* d109 5 a113 1 unconfig:; rm -f _* :* core d118 1 a118 2 echo > tmp \ 'all clean:; @@echo "You must configure MH first -- see READ-ME for details"' @ 2.8 log @make install not force clean @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: MH-Makefile,v 2.7 1992/03/03 17:25:21 jromine Exp jromine $ d101 1 d104 1 d109 3 @ 2.7 log @add 'clean' target to empty makefile @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: MH-Makefile,v 2.6 1992/02/06 17:25:23 jromine Exp jromine $ d21 1 a21 1 # install: install system and clean up afterwards d68 1 a68 1 install: inst-all clean @ 2.6 log @fixes @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: MH-Makefile,v 2.5 1990/04/08 14:09:51 sources Exp jromine $ d109 1 a109 1 'all:; @@echo "You must configure MH first -- see READ-ME for details"' @ 2.5 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: MH-Makefile,v 2.4 90/04/05 15:39:13 sources Exp Locker: sources $ d23 2 d27 1 a27 1 # inst-all: install system d64 2 d70 1 a70 1 inst-all: inst-lib d75 6 d99 4 @ 2.4 log @add warning @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: MH-Makefile,v 2.3 90/04/05 15:17:14 sources Exp Locker: sources $ d81 1 a81 1 DISTRIBUTION= conf config sbr mts zotnet support uip doc papers dist @ 2.3 log @add ID @ text @d3 3 a6 1 # @@(#)$Id:$ @ 2.2 log @make unconfig changes @ text @d4 1 @ 2.1 log @checkpoint @ text @d91 3 @ 2.0 log @changes for SUN40 shared libraries and NNTP under bbc @ text @d32 1 a32 1 # does "make dist" -- removes all configured files @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d20 2 d31 2 d59 1 d63 2 a64 1 inst-all:; for d in $(INSTALL); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) inst-all); done d66 2 d88 3 @