head 2.7; access; symbols; locks; strict; 2.7 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.6; 2.6 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 2.5; 2.5 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.4; 2.4 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.3; 2.3 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.2; 2.2 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.1; 2.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 2.0; 2.0 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 2.7 log @fixup make distribution & tws.h @ text @############################################################################## # Instructions to Make, for compilation of ZOT UIP/utility processes # # @@(MHWARNING) # @@(#)$Id: zotnetM,v 2.6 1992/10/20 23:00:26 jromine Exp jromine $ ############################################################################## # The following entries were inserted during MH configuration OPTIONS = @@(MHOPTIONS) CC = @@(MHCOMPILER) @@BEGIN: OPTIM CFLAGS = $(OPTIONS) -I. @@END: OPTIM @@BEGIN: DEBUG CFLAGS = $(OPTIONS) -I. @@END: DEBUG LFLAGS = -bhu $(OPTIONS) -I. LIB = libzot.a LLIB = llib-lzotnet OFILES = mts/mts.o mts/lock.o mts/client.o mf/mf.o \ @@BEGIN: MHMTS mf/mmuu.o mf/uumm.o \ @@END: MHMTS bboards/getbbent.o \ tws/dtime.o tws/dtimep.o tws/lexstring.o MAKE = make DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) $(MFLAGS) SHELL = /bin/sh DIRS = mts bboards tws mf @@BEGIN: OPTIM ############################################################################## # Generation Rules ############################################################################## .c.o:; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c @@BEGIN: NEWLOAD -ld -x -r $@@ mv a.out $@@ @@END: NEWLOAD @@BEGIN: OLDLOAD cc -s -o $@@ @@END: OLDLOAD @@END: OPTIM .c:; echo $@@ ############################################################################## # Generate ZOTnet subroutine library ############################################################################## all: allaux $(LIB) $(LIB): $(OFILES) -mv $@@ z$@@ @@BEGIN: RANLIB ar r $@@ $(OFILES); ranlib $@@ @@END: RANLIB @@BEGIN: LORDER ar r $@@ `lorder $(OFILES) | tsort` @@END: LORDER -@@ls -l $@@ -@@echo "ZOTnet library built normally" allaux:; for d in $(DIRS); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) all); done depend:; for d in $(DIRS); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) depend); done lint:; for d in $(DIRS); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) lint); done ############################################################################## # Installation ############################################################################## install: inst-all clean inst-all:; for d in $(DIRS); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) inst-all); done tar:; @@for d in $(DIRS); \ do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) TFLAGS="$(TFLAGS)" tar); done uninstall:; for d in $(DIRS); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) uninstall); done ############################################################################## # Miscellaneous tasks ############################################################################## unconfig:; -rm -f $(LIB) z$(LIB) _* :* *.o core for d in $(DIRS); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) unconfig); done -rm -f Makefile distribution:; -rm -f $(LIB) z$(LIB) _* :* for d in $(DIRS); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) distribution); done clean:; -rm -f $(LIB) z$(LIB) _* :* *.o core for d in $(DIRS); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) clean); done unclean:; -rm -f z$(LIB) _* :* core for d in $(DIRS); do (cd $$d; $(MAKE) unclean); done @ 2.6 log @move "rm -f tws/tws.h" from sbr to zotnet Makefile (error) @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: zotnetM,v 2.5 1990/04/05 15:18:23 sources Exp jromine $ a101 2 -rm -f tws/tws.h ln tws.h tws/tws.h @ 2.5 log @add ID @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id:$ d102 2 @ 2.4 log @remove -O (put in mhconfig) @ text @d5 1 @ 2.3 log @make unconfig changes @ text @d12 1 a12 1 CFLAGS = -O $(OPTIONS) -I. @ 2.2 log @ANSI Compilance @ text @d96 5 a100 1 unconfig distribution:; -rm -f $(LIB) z$(LIB) _* :* @ 2.1 log @default rule for .c @ text @d10 1 a10 1 CC = cc @ 2.0 log @changes for SUN40 shared libraries and NNTP under bbc @ text @d51 3 @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d93 1 a93 1 distribution:; -rm -f $(LIB) z$(LIB) _* :* d96 1 a96 1 clean:; -rm -f $(LIB) z$(LIB) _* :* core @