head 1.11; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.11 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.10; 1.10 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.9; 1.9 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.8; 1.8 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.7; 1.7 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.11 log @typo in CC= @ text @############################################################################## # Instructions to Make, for compilation of MMDF-MTS library # # @@(MHWARNING) # @@(#)$Id: mmdf,v 1.10 1992/11/20 17:14:07 jromine Exp jromine $ ############################################################################## # The following entries were inserted during MH configuration OPTIONS = @@(MHOPTIONS) -I.. CC = @@(MHCOMPILER) @@BEGIN: OPTIM CFLAGS = $(OPTIONS) @@END: OPTIM @@BEGIN: DEBUG CFLAGS = $(OPTIONS) @@END: DEBUG LINT = lint LFLAGS = -bhu $(OPTIONS) LLIBS = CP = @@(CP) LN = @@(LN) LIB = mmdfmts.a CFILES = hosts.c OFILES = hosts.o @@BEGIN: OPTIM ############################################################################## # Generation Rules ############################################################################## .c.o:; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c @@BEGIN: NEWLOAD -ld -x -r $@@ mv a.out $@@ @@END: NEWLOAD @@BEGIN: OLDLOAD ${CC} -s -o $@@ @@END: OLDLOAD @@END: OPTIM ############################################################################## # Here it is... ############################################################################## all: $(LIB) depend:; lint: l-mmdf @@BEGIN: MMDFIMTS $(LIB): $(OFILES) mmdf_lib.a util_lib.a -mv $(LIB) z$(LIB) -rm -fr tmp mkdir tmp mmdf util ln hosts.o mmdf_lib.a util_lib.a tmp cd mmdf; ar x ../mmdf_lib.a; ln *.o ../tmp cd util; ar x ../util_lib.a; ln *.o ../tmp -@@rm -f tmp/signal.o #dont want 4.1 signal package @@BEGIN: RANLIB cd tmp; ar r ../$@@ *.o; ranlib $@@ @@END: RANLIB @@BEGIN: LORDER cd tmp; ar r ../$@@ `lorder *.o | tsort` @@END: LORDER rm -fr tmp mmdf util -rm -f ../libmts.a -cd ..; $(LN) mmdf/$@@ libmts.a -rm -f ../llib-lmts -cd .. ; $(LN) mmdf/llib-lmmdf llib-lmts -@@ls -l $@@ -@@echo "MMDFI-MTS library built normally" @@END: MMDFIMTS @@BEGIN: MMDFIIMTS $(LIB): $(OFILES) libmmdf.a -mv $(LIB) z$(LIB) @@BEGIN: RANLIB cp libmmdf.a $@@ ar r $@@ hosts.o; ranlib $@@ @@END: RANLIB @@BEGIN: LORDER mkdir tmp cd tmp; ar x ../libmmdf.a ln hosts.o tmp cd tmp; ar r ../$@@ `lorder *.o | tsort` rm -fr tmp @@END: LORDER -rm -f ../libmts.a -cd ..; $(LN) mmdf/$@@ libmts.a -rm -f ../llib-lmts -cd ..; $(LN) mmdf/llib-lmmdf llib-lmts -@@ls -l $@@ -@@echo "MMDFII-MTS library built normally" @@END: MMDFIIMTS l-mmdf:; $(LINT) $(LFLAGS) $(CFILES) $(LLIBS) hosts.o: Makefile ############################################################################## # Miscellaneous tasks ############################################################################## unconfig: distribution -rm -f Makefile distribution: clean clean: unclean -rm -f *.o $(LIB) z$(LIB) unclean:; -rm -f _* :* core @ 1.10 log @try to use LN instead of hard link @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: mmdf,v 1.9 1992/11/18 16:51:59 jromine Exp jromine $ d11 1 a11 1 CC = (MHCOMPILER) @ 1.9 log @fixup the way @@(LN) works @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: mmdf,v 1.8 1992/11/05 19:13:39 jromine Exp jromine $ d71 1 a71 1 ln $@@ ../libmts.a d93 1 a93 1 ln $@@ ../libmts.a d95 1 a95 1 -$(LN) llib-lmmdf ../llib-lmts @ 1.8 log @use LN for llib files @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: mmdf,v 1.7 1992/02/04 17:42:12 jromine Exp jromine $ d73 1 a73 1 -$(LN) llib-lmmdf ../llib-lmts @ 1.7 log @use CP instead of ld for llib in case of cross-device link Stephen Gildea @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id: mmdf,v 1.6 1990/04/05 15:16:01 sources Exp jromine $ d22 1 d73 1 a73 1 -$(CP) llib-lmmdf ../llib-lmts d95 1 a95 1 -$(CP) llib-lmmdf ../llib-lmts @ 1.6 log @add ID @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id:$ d21 1 d72 1 a72 1 -ln llib-lmmdf ../llib-lmts d94 1 a94 1 -ln llib-lmmdf ../llib-lmts @ 1.5 log @remove -O (put in mhconfig) @ text @d5 1 @ 1.4 log @llib ln command failure shouldn't abort make /. @ text @d12 1 a12 1 CFLAGS = -O $(OPTIONS) @ 1.3 log @make unconfig changes @ text @d70 1 a70 1 ln llib-lmmdf ../llib-lmts d92 1 a92 1 ln llib-lmmdf ../llib-lmts @ 1.2 log @ANSI Compilance @ text @d106 3 @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d10 1 a10 1 CC = cc d38 1 a38 1 cc -s -o $@@ @