head 1.7; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.7 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.7 log @fix for broken "make"s @ text @############################################################################## # Instructions to Make, for compilation of ZOT UIP/utility processes # # @@(MHWARNING) # @@(#)$Id: bboards,v 1.6 1990/04/05 15:16:32 sources Exp jromine $ ############################################################################## # The following entries were inserted during MH configuration OPTIONS = @@(MHOPTIONS) -I.. CC = @@(MHCOMPILER) @@BEGIN: OPTIM CFLAGS = $(OPTIONS) @@END: OPTIM @@BEGIN: DEBUG CFLAGS = $(OPTIONS) @@END: DEBUG LINT = lint LFLAGS = -bhu $(OPTIONS) LLIBS = .c:; echo $@@ ###################################################################### # Here it is... ###################################################################### all: getbbent.o lint: l-getbbent install: inst-all clean inst-all:; tar:; uninstall:; ###################################################################### # getbbent ###################################################################### getbbent: getbbent.o l-getbbent:; $(LINT) $(LFLAGS) getbbent.c $(LLIBS) ############################################################################## # Miscellaneous tasks ############################################################################## unconfig: distribution -rm -f Makefile distribution: clean clean: unclean -rm -f *.o unclean:; -rm -f _* :* core eddep makedep ############################################################################## # Dependencies ############################################################################## MODULES = getbbent depend:; for m in $(MODULES); do ( \ i=`basename $$m .c`; \ echo $$i.o: $$i.c >> makedep; \ grep '^#[ ]*include' $$i.c | \ sed -e 's,[^"]*"/\([^"]*\)".*,'$$i'.o: /\1,' \ -e 's,[^"]*"\([^"]*\)".*,'$$i'.o: \1,' \ -e 's,[^<]*<\(.*\)>.*,#'$$i'.o: /usr/include/\1,' \ >> makedep \ ); done echo '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/+2,$$d' > eddep echo '$$r makedep' >> eddep echo 'w' >> eddep cp Makefile _Makefile ed - Makefile < eddep rm eddep makedep echo '# DEPENDENCIES MUST END AT END OF FILE' >> Makefile echo '# IF YOU PUT STUFF HERE IT WILL GO AWAY' >> Makefile # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE # DEPENDENCIES START HERE getbbent.o: getbbent.c getbbent.o: bboards.h getbbent.o: ../../h/strings.h #getbbent.o: /usr/include/ctype.h #getbbent.o: /usr/include/pwd.h #getbbent.o: /usr/include/grp.h #getbbent.o: /usr/include/stdio.h #getbbent.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h #getbbent.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h # DEPENDENCIES MUST END AT END OF FILE # IF YOU PUT STUFF HERE IT WILL GO AWAY @ 1.6 log @add ID @ text @d5 1 a5 1 # @@(#)$Id:$ d28 1 a28 1 all: getbbent @ 1.5 log @remove -O (put in mhconfig) @ text @d5 1 @ 1.4 log @make unconfig changes @ text @d12 1 a12 1 CFLAGS = -O $(OPTIONS) @ 1.3 log @ANSI Compilance @ text @d53 3 @ 1.2 log @add default rule for .c @ text @d10 1 a10 1 CC = cc @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d21 1 @