From: Thomas Scott Christiansen I noticed that in the mh.6 tar file on huey, you have some things on using MH for netnews. I thought you would like the whole kit, so here it is: =========================================================================== Using MH on Netnews and System MSGS First look at all the directories in /usr/spool/news. Then, assuming that your MH directory is ~/Mail, do something like the following: % ln -s /usr/spool/news/{net,fa,mod} ~/Mail You may now reference read-only folders named (for example +net/jokes and +mod/unix. Linking /usr/msgs will allow you to read msgs in a similar manner, but that you should have your system administrator make /usr/msgs perms 775 and the msgs program setgid the group on the msgs dir. Usually the perms are 777, which means this wouldn't be a read-only folder. WARNINGS If your version of MH has a limit on message numbers (as in max 2000 msgs) then you will not be able to read folders with highest message numbers higher than this without modifying the MH source code. Refiling causes copies to be made of messages, rather than actually moving them, since these are read-only folders. Doing followups to news articles In order to do followups to news articles, you should get your local mail administrator to do the following things on your system. It all assumes that you have used /usr/local/lib/mh as your MH lib directory. First create an alias like this: followup: "|/usr/local/lib/mh/followup" This file should look like this and be executable: #!/bin/sh sed -f /usr/local/lib/mh/followup.sed | /usr/lib/news/inews -h The sed script should look like this: 1,/^$/{ /^From /d /^To:/d /^Received:/d /^Message-Id:/d /^Date:/d } Then create a link to repl called flup, and add the following line to your mh_profile: flup: -nocc all -form flupcomps where flupcomps is the following file (located in ~/Mail) To: followup Subject: Re: %<{subject}%subject%|Orphaned response%> %<{followup-to}Newsgroups: %followup-to%|%<{newsgroups}Newgroups: %newsgroups%>%> %<{message-id}References: %message-id%<{references} %references%>%> %<{distribution}Distribution: %distribution%> Followup-to: Fcc: +posted --------