head 1.11; branch ; access ; symbols ; locks ; strict; comment @% @; 1.11 date; author sources; state Exp; branches ; next 1.10; 1.10 date; author sources; state Exp; branches ; next 1.9; 1.9 date; author sources; state Exp; branches ; next 1.8; 1.8 date; author sources; state Exp; branches ; next 1.7; 1.7 date; author sources; state Exp; branches ; next 1.6; 1.6 date; author sources; state Exp; branches ; next 1.5; 1.5 date; author sources; state Exp; branches ; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author sources; state Exp; branches ; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author sources; state Exp; branches ; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author sources; state Exp; branches ; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches ; next ; desc @@ 1.11 log @add ID @ text @% run this through LaTeX % @@(#)$Id:$ \input lcustom \documentstyle[12pt,sfwmac]{article} \parindent 0pt \parskip 6pt plus 2pt % for 12pt font %\raggedright \def\displaylabel#1{{\tt #1}\ \hfill} %\def\displaylabel#1{\pgm{#1}\ \hfill} \newenvironment{display}[1]{% \list{}{\let\makelabel\displaylabel% \settowidth{\labelwidth}{\makelabel{#1}\ }% \setlength{\leftmargin}{\labelwidth}\addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelsep}% \setlength{\itemindent}{0pt}}}{\endlist} \begin{document} \title{Changes to\\ The Rand MH Message Handling System:\\ UCI version MH.6.7} \author{John L.~Romine\\ Computing Suport Group\\ Department of Information and Computer Science\\ University of California, Irvine\\ Irvine, CA 92717} \date{\ifdraft \versiondate/\\ Version \versiontag/\else \today\fi} \maketitle \footnotetext[0]{\hskip -\parindent This document (version \versiontag/) was \LaTeX set \today\ with \fmtname\ v\fmtversion.} \begin{abstract} This document describes the user-visible and internal changes to the UCI version of the Rand \MH/ system from \MH/~\#6.5 to \MH/.6.7. The first part should be of interest to all users of \MH/, while the latter part is of interest only to \MH/ Administrators. This document is meant to supplement, not supersede, the standard \MH/ User's manual\cite{MH.USR} and \MH/ Administrator's manual\cite{MH.ADM}. Comments concerning this documentation should be addressed to the Internet mailbox {\sf Bug-MH@@ICS.UCI.EDU}. \end{abstract} \newpage \section* {Acknowledgements} The \MH/ system described herein is based on the original Rand \MH/ system. It has been extensively developed (perhaps too much so) by Marshall T.~Rose and John L.~Romine at the University of California, Irvine. For this release, numerous \MH/-Workers sent in fixes and other changes. Also, a number of sites served as beta-testers for the changes which were made. \section* {Disclaimer} The Regents of the University of California wish to make it known that: \begin{quote} Although each program has been tested by its contributor, no warranty, express or implied, is made by the contributor or the University of California, as to the accuracy and functioning of the program and related program material, nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the contributor or the University of California in connection herewith. \end{quote} \section* {Conventions} In this document, certain \LaTeX -formatting conventions are adhered to: \begin{enumerate} \item The names of \unix/ commands, such as \pgm{comp}, are presented in {\it text italics}. \item Arguments to programs, such as \arg"msgs", are presented in {\tt typewriter style} and delimited by single-quotes. \item \unix/ pathnames and envariables, such as $$\file{/usr/uci/}\hbox{\qquad and\qquad}\file{\$SIGNATURE},$$ are presented in {\sl slanted roman}. \item Text presenting an example, such as \begin{verbatim} comp -editor zz \end{verbatim} is presented in {\tt typewriter style}. \end{enumerate} \newpage \section* {General Changes} The author is pleased to announce that there are very few user-visible changes to \MH/.6.7 from the previous \MH/.6.6 distribution. The majority of development was in the form of bug fixes and slight enhancements. In addition, this release is slightly faster than the previous release. With a few minor exceptions, it is backward-compatible with the previous release. The changes were made mainly to generalize the source code to be compatible with a larger range of systems and compilers. There were many small changes to add declarations for ANSI C compliance. The System 5 support has been brought up to SYS5 R3, and there is support for Sun OS 4.0. \subsection*{Using Aliases} A new profile entry \arg"Aliasfile:" has been added. The \pgm{ali}, \pgm{send}, and \pgm{whom} programs will look for this profile entry and treat it as they would an argument to \switch"alias". This should make it easier for novice \MH/ users to begin using aliases. \subsection*{BBoards \& News} In addition to reading local BBoards, the UCI BBoards facility\cite{MH.BB} has been augmented to let it read the Network News using the NNTP\cite{NetworkNews} instead of reading remote BBoards with the POP\cite{MH.POP}\cite{MH.XPOP}. This capability is enabled by compiling \MH/ with the \arg"bboards: nntp" option. Unfortunately, reading remote BBoards via the POP and the Network News via the NNTP may not both be enabled. To support the NNTP, a new module, \file{uip/pshsbr.c}, is compiled and loaded into \pgm{bbc} and \pgm{msh} instead of \file {uip/popsbr.c}. The default BBoard is changed from \arg"system" to \arg"general" for the NNTP. When reading BBoards, \pgm{bbc} will first look for local BBoards, and then contact the NNTP server to read the Network News. The location of the NNTP server should be specified with the \arg"nntphost:" entry in the \file{mtstailor} file (see the \MH/ Administrator's Guide for details), or may be specified on the command line with the \switch"host" switch. \subsection*{Format Strings} The manual page documenting format strings \man{mh-format}(5) has been rewritten to better explain how to write format strings, and how they are interpreted by \MH/. A description of the \file{replcomps} default format is now included in that manual page. Some new format functions were added, and others were augmented: \begin{display}{date2local} \item [trim] Strips leading and trailing spaces from \verb"str". \item [date2local] Will coerce the date to the local timezone. \item [date2gmt] Will coerce the date to GMT. \item [divide] Divides \arg"num" by its argument. This is useful for building \pgm{scan} format strings which print large message sizes in \verb"Kb" or \verb"Mb". \item [friendly] Modified to just return the text of the address header, if the address cannot be parsed. \item [szone] A flag indicating whether the timezone was explict in the date string. \end{display} % \section*{New Program Features} In addition to the general changes mentioned above, many programs have specific new features added, either by new switches or by expanded functionality. Each command's manual page gives complete information about its new options. Here is a short summary. \subsection*{User Interface Programs} \def\displaylabel#1{\pgm{#1}\ \hfill} \begin{display}{prompter} \item [anno] Accepts a \switch"nodate" switch which inhibits the date annotation, leaving only the body annotation. \item [folder] When invoked with the \switch"pack" switch and the new \switch"verbose" switch, \pgm{folder} will give information about the actions taken to renumber the folder. On most systems, \pgm{folder} can now create any non-existing parent folders of a new sub-folder. \item [forw] When making digests, \pgm{forw} will put the issue and volume numbers in the digest trailer as well as the digest list name. \item [inc] Detects NFS write failures, and will not zero your maildrop in that event. \item [msh] Supports a variant of the new \pgm{sortm}. \item [prompter] Considers a period on a line by itself to signify end-of-file when the \switch"doteof" switch is specified. \item [repl] The \switch"[no]format" switches have not been used since \mh5 and have been deleted. \item [scan] With the \switch"file msgbox" switch, \pgm{scan} can list a \pgm{packf}\/'d-format file directly (without using \pgm{msh}). Lists messages in reverse order with the \switch"reverse" switch. This should be considered a bug. \item [sortm] Now has the options: \switch"textfield field", \switch"notextfield", \switch"limit days", and \switch"nolimit". With these options, \pgm{sortm} can be instructed to sort a folder based on the contents of an arbitrary header such as \arg"subject". \pgm{sortm} minimizes renaming messages, and will no longer arbitrarily pack folders; for this behavior, use \verb"folder -pack". \item [whatnow] Deletes the draft by renaming it with leading comma, instead of unlinking it. \end{display} \subsection*{\MH/ Support Programs} The following support programs also have changes or enhancements: \begin{display}{rcvtty} \item [mhl] Will now accept a format string on any component, not just addresses and dates. \item [popd] Will use {\it shadow} password files if compiled with the \verb"SHADOW" option. It can now also read UUCP-style maildrops directly. \item [rcvtty] If given no arguments, \pgm{rcvtty} will produce a \verb"scan" listing as specified by a format string or file; a default format string is used if one is not specified. Before the listing is written to the users terminal, the terminal's bell is rung and a newline is output. The \switch"nobell" and the \switch"nonewline" options inhibit these functions. On \verb"BSD43" systems, \pgm{rcvtty} will be installed set-group-id to the \verb"tty" group, and will obey the \pgm{mesg} permissions on your terminal. Using the \switch"biff" switch will cause \pgm{rcvtty} to also obey the \pgm{biff} permissions on your terminal. \item [slocal] Understands UUCP-style \arg"From " lines and will write output files using this format if appropriate. Before invoking a delivery program, \pgm{slocal} will strip such lines unless compiled with the \verb"RPATHS" option, in which case it will will convert such lines into \arg"Return-Path:" headers. \pgm{slocal} has a new result code \arg"N", for use in \file{.maildelivery} files. With this result code, \pgm{slocal} will perform the action only if the message has not been delivered and the previous action succeeded. This allows for performing an action only if multiple conditions are true. \end{display} \section*{Documentation} Several of the older \MH/ papers have been difficult to format because they depended on an older version of PhDTeX\cite{PhDTeX}\cite{AmSTeX} which was not supplied. These papers have been updated, and some TeX library files are supplied in \file{papers/doclib/}, so that these papers may be generated on any system with TeX. Many of the manual pages have been revised to include documentation of new command options, and some have been expanded to give more detail. All are now slightly reformatted at installation time to make them more compatible with programs like \pgm{makewhatis}. \section*{\MH/ Administration} This section describes changes in configuring, compiling and installing \MH/.6.7 and should not be of interest to casual \MH/ users. The \file{READ-ME} file has been revised to better document the configuration and compilation options which have been included in this release. Some compilation options have been removed, and many new options have been added. All \MH/ \file{Makefile}\/s have been updated to work around some incompatibilities introduced in newer versions of \pgm{make}. \MH/ programs will no longer be installed with the sticky-bit turned on. Reading this section not a substitute for carefully reading the \file{READ-ME} file before attempting to compile \MH/. \subsection*{Bug Fixes} Some bugs were fixed which in general were not user-visible: \def\displaylabel#1{{\tt #1}\ \hfill} \begin{display}{dynamic memory} \item [address parser] Fixed to allow use of the \arg"AT" domain, and some minor bugs were fixed pertaining to address groups. \item [date parser] Improved to accept more forms of illegal dates. Military timezones were removed. \item [dynamic memory] Many problems with the dynamic memory pool becoming corrupted have been fixed. \item [locking] Fixed to open files for write if necessary to enable locking. \item [nil pointers] All reported nil pointer problems have been fixed. \item [replcomps] The \arg"In-Reply-To:" header had quotes added around the date field to comply with RFC822\cite{RFC822}. \end{display} \subsection*{White Pages} If \MH/ is compiled with the \verb"WP" option, \pgm{send} recognizes an address between \arg"<<" and \arg">>" characters such as: \begin{verbatim} To: << rose -org psi >> \end{verbatim} to be a name meaningful to a whitepages service. In order to expand the name, \pgm{send} must be invoked interactively (i.e., not from \pgm{push}). For each name, \pgm{send} will invoke a command called \pgm{fred} in a special mode asking to expand the name. To get a copy of the white pages service, contact wpp-manager@@psi.com. \subsection*{Configuration Options} Some configuration options have been added or changed: % \begin{display}{mailgroup} \item [cc] To specify an alternate C compiler. \item [ccoptions] Defaults to \switch"O". \item [bboards] May now be defined as \arg"on", \arg"off", \arg"pop", or \arg"nntp". \item [bbdelivery] Determines whether the bboard delivery agent should be installed. \item [lex] To specify an alternate version of \pgm{lex}. \item [mailgroup] If defined, \pgm{inc} will be made set-group-id to this group. \item [sharedlib] For \verb"SUN40" systems; if \arg"on", makes \file{libmh.a} into a shared library. \item [slibdir] The directory where the above shared library should be installed. \end{display} \subsection*{Compilation Options} For different configurations, several \arg"-D" options to \pgm{cc} have been added or changed: % \begin{display}{NOIOCTLH} \item [BSD43] Will make \pgm{rcvtty} set-group-id to the group \verb"tty". \item [NETWORK] This option has been deleted. See \verb"SOCKETS". \item [NOIOCTLH] Tells \MH/ not to include the file \file{sys/ioctl.h}. Use this if this file is not present on your system. \item [NTOHL] On systems with TCP/IP networking, \pgm{msh} will try to use the \verb"ntohl()" macro from the file \file{netinet/in.h} to byte-swap the binary map files it writes. \item [SENDMAILBUG] Some versions of \SendMail/ return a {\tt 451} (failure) reply code when they don't mean to indicate failure. This option considers that code to be equivalent to {\tt 250} (OK). \item [SHADOW] Causes \pgm{popd} to read the file \file{/etc/shadow} for encrypted passwords instead of \file{/etc/passwd}. Use this if you are using a newer version of SYSTEM 5 with shadow password files. \item [SOCKETS] Enable this if you are on a non-BSD system with a socket interface for TCP/IP networking compatible with 4.2BSD UNIX. \item [SUN40] Use on Suns running Sun OS 4.0 and later. \item [SUN41] Use on Suns running Sun OS 4.1 and later. \item [SYS5] This option has been updated to refer to SYS5 R3 and later systems. \item [SYS5DIR] Use this if your system uses \verb"struct dirent" instead of \verb"struct direct". This should be true for systems based on SYS5 R3 and later. \item [TYPESIG] Defines the base type for the {\it signal} system call. This defaults to \verb"int", but should be defined as \verb"void" if appropriate for your system. \item [WP] Enables support for the White Pages service. \end{display} \subsection*{Installation} \MH/ will now explicitly set the protection mode on every file it installs. Previously any existing file \MH/ installed would be backed up into the source tree, and then overwritten. Now, a few system-dependent files will not be overwritten, and your changes will have to be merged in by hand. See the \file{READ-ME} file for more details. \bibliography{bcustom,sfwdoc,mail,networking} \bibliographystyle{alpha} \showsummary \end{document} @ 1.10 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d2 1 @ 1.9 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d9 1 a9 1 \raggedright d11 2 a12 1 \def\displaylabel#1{\pgm{#1}\hfill} a70 1 \newpage a119 1 If you compiled \MH/ with the \arg"bboards: nntp" option, d125 2 a126 1 d153 1 a153 1 \begin{itemize} d170 1 a170 1 \end{itemize} d179 2 a180 1 \begin{description} d214 1 a214 1 Now has the following new options: d228 1 a228 1 \end{description} d232 1 a232 1 \begin{description} d270 1 a270 1 \end{description} d287 3 a289 1 installing \MH/.6.7. The \file{READ-ME} file has been revised to d294 6 a299 1 This section not a substitute for carefully d302 4 a305 11 \subsection*{Internal Changes} Some internal changes were made which in general are not user-visible: \begin{description} \item [m\_seq \& m\_getfld] have minor speed improvements. \item [locking] Fixed to also open files for write if necessary to enable locking. \item [replcomps] Quotes were added around the date field of the \arg"In-Reply-To:" header to comply with \cite{RFC822}. d307 2 a308 2 Some bugs were fixed pertaining to address groups, and the \arg"AT" domain. d312 11 a322 1 \end{description} d324 12 a335 5 %\item [uip/Makefile] % doesn't use sticky bit %\item [whom] % WP changes % d337 1 d341 1 a341 1 \begin{description} d359 1 a359 1 \end{description} d365 1 a365 1 \begin{description} d403 3 a405 1 \end{description} @ 1.8 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d5 1 a5 1 \documentstyle[sfwmac,res]{article} d8 2 a9 2 \parskip 10pt % for 10pt font %\raggedright d11 7 d34 5 a38 8 This document describes the user-visible change to the UCI version of the Rand \MH/ system that were made from \mh5 to \MH/ \#6.5. It is based on the \mh6 changes document, but has been updated to accurately reflect the \MH/ distributed with 4.3\bsd/~\unix/. This document does not describe bug-fixes, per se, or internal changes, unless these activities resulted in a visible change for the \MH/ user. d41 2 a42 1 not supersede, the standard \MH/ User's manual\cite{MH.USR}. a52 6 Einar A.~Stefferud, Jerry N.~Sweet, and Terry P.~Domae provided numerous suggestions to improve the UCI version of \MH/. Of course, a large number of people have helped \MH/ along. The list of ``\MH/~immortals'' is too long to list here. d54 3 d94 9 a102 2 This document describes the changes to \MH/ from release \MH/.6.5 to the current release \MH/.6.7. d104 5 a108 2 All known bugs are fixed. There were many small changes to add declarations for ANSI C compliance. a109 3 \section*{User Changes} Many improvements and new options have been added to \MH/ programs. d111 1 a111 1 A new profile entry \verb"Aliasfile:" has been added. The a114 1 d121 5 a125 2 the UCI BBoards facility has been augmented to let it read the Network News using the NNTP instead of reading remote BBoards with the POP. d140 3 a142 1 entry in the \file{mtstailor} file, or may be specified on d146 1 a146 1 The man page documenting format strings \man{mh-format}(5) has d148 3 a150 2 and how they are interpreted. A description of the \file{replcomps} default format is included. d152 2 a153 2 Some new format functions were added, and others augmented: \begin{description} d157 1 a157 1 Coerce the date to the local timezone. d159 1 a159 1 Coerce the date to GMT. d161 2 a162 2 Divides \verb"num" by its argument. This is useful for building \pgm{scan} format strings which output large d170 2 a171 9 \end{description} \subsection*{Documentation} man pages won't upset makewhatis The man pages have been updated and I'll be supplying some TeX stuff so that the MH papers can be generated on systems without UCI's version of AmSTeX. d176 3 a178 1 % d191 2 a192 1 When making digests, will put the issue and volume numbers a196 2 \item [mhl] Accepts format strings on all components. a201 16 \item [popd] Will use {\it shadow} password files if compiled with the \verb"SHADOW" option. Can read UUCP-style maildrops directly. \item [rcvtty] Has lots of new enhancements: \begin{enumerate} \item Now uses an mh-format string to specify the output format. -->needs separate man page. \item -biff, \item uses mh-format \item -[no]bell \item obeys 4.3 tty prots \end{enumerate} d206 3 a208 2 Can list a \pgm{packf}\/'d-format file directly (without using \pgm{msh}) with the \switch"file msgbox" switch. a211 12 \item [slocal] Understands UUCP-style \arg"From " lines and will write output files using this format if appropriate. Before invoking a delivery program, \pgm{slocal} will strip such lines unless compiled with the \verb"RPATHS" option, in which case it will will convert such lines into \verb"Return-Path:" headers. When using the new result code \arg"N" in your \file{.maildelivery} file, \pgm{slocal} will perform the action only if the message has not been delivered and the previous action succeeded. d213 1 a213 1 A major rewrite. Now has the following new options: d229 2 a230 4 \subsection*{Other Internal Changes} Some other internal changes were made which in general are not user-visible. % d232 11 a242 14 \item [m\_seq \& m\_getfld] have minor speed improvements. \item [locking] Fixed to also open files for write if necessary to enable locking. \item [replcomps] Quotes were added around the date field of the \verb"In-Reply-To:" header to comply with RFC822. \item [address parser] Some bugs were fixed pertaining to address groups, and the \verb"AT" domain. \item [date parsing] Was improved to accept more types of illegal dates. Military timezones were removed. \end{description} d244 4 a247 3 \begin{display}{uip/Makefile} \item [mts: sendmail] SENDMAILBUG option d249 12 a260 18 \item [uip/Makefile] doesn't use sticky bit can install inc sgid-mailgroup rcvtty sgid-tty \item [config] bbserver \item [mtstailor] nntphost \item [DOCS] \item [bbc] -host host if NNTP \item [config/install changes] will not overwrite mtstailor, etc. shared libraries cc lex \end{display} d262 8 a269 18 \subsection*{Other bug fixes, etc.} \begin{description} \item [whom] WP changes \item [spost] uses sendmail: from mtstailor \item [send] Aliasfile: profile entry \item [rcvdist] malloc bug fixed \item [rcvstore] bugs fixed - tmpfile always removed \item [post] -fill-in file for WP changes hidden Dcc: header \item [msh] NNTP interface stuff sortm changes d271 7 a277 2 \item [dropsbr] SOCKETS/NTOHL changes d279 4 a282 1 \end{description} d284 1 a284 1 \section*{Confuration and Installation} d294 18 a311 1 makefiles deal with changed "make" semantics d313 6 d332 1 a332 1 You may now specify an alternate version of \pgm{lex}. d371 1 a371 1 Use on Sun Microsystems systems running Sun OS 4.0 and later. d373 1 a373 1 Use on Sun Microsystems systems running Sun OS 4.1 and later. d387 1 a387 1 For those sites with restrictive \verb"umask"s, \MH/ will now d390 5 a394 4 For sites who are already running \MH/, previously all files would be overwritten when installing \MH/. Now a few files (documented in \file{READ-ME}) will not be overwritten, and your changes will have to be merged in by hand. d396 1 a396 1 \bibliography{bcustom,sfwdoc} @ 1.7 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d5 1 a5 1 \documentstyle[11pt,sfwmac,res]{article} d8 2 a9 2 \parskip 11pt % for 11pt font \raggedright d14 1 a14 1 UCI version MH.6.7} d16 4 a19 4 Computing Suport Group\\ Department of Information and Computer Science\\ University of California, Irvine\\ Irvine, CA 92717} d68 1 d91 3 d95 70 d169 1 a169 1 d189 2 d194 5 d200 1 a200 1 Has lot of new enhancements: d211 1 a211 1 The \switch"format" and \switch"noformat" switches d214 1 a214 1 Can list a \pgm{packf}'d-format file directly d248 19 a266 1 Some other stuff a268 14 \item [mh-format] In addition to a much improved manual page, some new functions were added: \begin{enumerate} \item put{num,str}f can do ljust \item "trim" \item "divide" \item "zonef" szone \item "friendly" more friendly \item "localdate" date2local \item "gmtdate" date2gmt \end{enumerate} \item [m\_seq] speedup d271 1 a271 19 \item [addrsbr] WP changes discard newlines in addresses \item [m\_getfld] slight speedup \item [lock] always lock for write \item [replcomps] fixed typo added quotes around date in-reply-to \item [popd] SHADOW passwd files reads old UUCP mbox format \item [mf] fixed some addr parsing bugs "at" domain, dotted-addresses in groups \item [tws] improved error-rejection no mil-timezones a287 2 man pages won't upset makewhatis makefiles deal with changed "make" semantics a288 19 \item [config] mailgroup bboards: nntp/pop/on/off bbdelivery: on/off NOIOCTLH NTOHL SENDMAILBUG SHADOW SOCKETS SUN40 SUN41 SYS5 changes for R3 SYS5DIR TYPESIG lex: sharedlib: on/off slibdir: \item [papers/] updated to be formatable a298 2 \item [pshsbr] new module for NNTP a308 6 \item [bbc] can use NNTP instead of BB/POP some UCL ifdefs for speedups? signal type under TYPESIG able to understand reseting bb-id? - needs testing reads "general" instead of "system" if NNTP a313 2 \section* {General Changes} d315 6 a320 2 This document describes the changes to \MH/ from release \MH/.6.5 to the current release \MH/.6.7. d322 2 a323 2 Fixes for null pointers, and freeing incremented malloc'd pointers are plentiful. d325 1 a325 2 There were many small changes to add declarations for ANSI C compliance. d327 3 a329 2 \subsection*{Configuration} d331 10 d342 6 a347 11 \item [bboards: nntp/pop/on/off] \item [bbdelivery: on/off] \item [lex:] \item [sharedlib: on/off] \item [slibdir:] d350 4 a353 2 \subsubsection*{Compiler Options} d355 4 d360 2 a361 2 Tells \MH/ not to include the file \file"sys/ioctl.h". Use this if this file is not present on your system. d363 4 a366 1 \pgm{msh} will d368 3 a370 1 d372 3 a374 1 d376 2 a377 1 d379 1 a379 1 d381 3 a383 3 \item [SYS5 changes for R3] d385 3 a387 1 d389 3 a391 1 d394 3 a396 3 \#ifdefs for SYS5 (release 3) and hpux. You can now define TYPESIG to be "void" to stop compiler warnings regarding signal types (automatically defined that way on SUN40). d398 4 a401 2 4. The bboard program "bbl" and associated man pages are installed if you enable "bboards", whether or not you enable "bbdelivery". a402 42 For SYS5, you can set "mailgroup" in the MH config file to have inc be set-gid to that group. You can also defined SOCKET for those non-BSD systems with sockets. NTOHL The bug is minor, msh can't read map files -- which would cause a performance penalty, as well as giving irritating diagnostic messages. You can add "options NONTOHL" if you don't want the ntohl() macro to be used (for binary file transportability). \subsection*{New Features} 7. whatnowsbr reads the "Aliasfile:" profile entry for its built-in send. 5. In mh-format, %(friendly{addr}) will return the text of the header if it can't parse the addresses. 6. Changes to uip/mshcmds.c to support a variant of the new sortm. ---> need to add these to msh? Other minor things are "anno -[no]date", "scan -[no]reverse", "prompter -doteof" and "forw -[no]dashmunging". These are either now visible or new options. changes to rcvtty to work with biff, some major changes to sortm to make it sort by subject as well as date. 1. A new sortm, which has "-textfield field" and "-limit days". This lets you sort by date first, then by an arbitrary text field (like subject). It can also sort by text field first and date second. It's kinda complicated; see "man sortm" for the details. \subsection*{Documentation} The man pages have been updated and I'll be supplying some TeX stuff so that the MH papers can be generated on systems without UCI's version of AmSTeX. mh-format man page improved d409 1 @ 1.6 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @a53 4 However, Van Jacobson deserves a special acknowledgement for his tireless work in improving the performance of \MH/. Some programs have been speeded-up by a factor of 10 or 20. All of users of \MH/, everywhere, owe a special thanks to Van. a67 1 \newpage d91 1 a91 1 \subsection*{Program Changes} d96 1 a96 1 \begin{display}{prompter} d101 3 a103 4 When invoked with the \switch"pack" switch, will give information about the actions taken to renumber the folder with the \switch"verbose" switch. d105 1 a105 1 On most systems, \pgm{folder} will create any non-existing d139 1 a139 1 Understands UUCP-style \arg"From\ " lines and will write d141 4 a144 3 It can also convert such lines into \verb"Return-Path:" headers before invoking a delivery program if compiled with the \verb"RPATHS" option. d152 3 a154 4 \begin{enumerate} \item \switch"textfield field" and \switch"notextfield" \item \switch"limit days" and \switch"nolimit" \end{enumerate} d159 3 a161 2 Does not automatically pack folders; for this behavior, use the \switch"pack" switch to \pgm{folder}. d163 7 a169 1 Deletes the draft by renaming it with leading comma. a181 5 \end{display} Some other stuff \begin{display}{uip/Makefile} @ 1.5 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d105 5 d111 2 a112 3 \item [folder] New switch \switch"verbose" which gives information about the actions taken by \switch"pack" to renumber the folder. d114 1 a114 1 When making digests, forw will put the issue and volume numbers d117 1 a117 1 Should now be able to detect NFS write failures, and will d120 1 a120 1 Will now accept format strings on all components. d122 2 a123 2 Will consider a period on a line by itself to signify end-of-file if the \switch"doteof" switch is specified. d139 5 a143 6 The new \switch"file filename" is useful for getting a listing of a \pgm{packf}-format file without using \pgm{msh}.\\ Has a \switch"reverse" switch to list messages in reverse order. This should be considered a bug. \item [send] Aliasfile: profile entry d145 10 a154 2 fix for RPATHS, can write mbox format on output new "n" action d156 11 a166 4 new version with -textfield, -limit, etc. doesn't compress folders \item [spost] uses sendmail: from mtstailor d168 1 a168 5 deletes draft by renaming with leading comma Aliasfile profile entry WP changes \item [whom] WP changes d170 16 a185 10 some new functions better documentation put{num,str}f can do ljust "trim" "divide" "zonef" szone "friendly" more friendly "localdate" date2local "gmtdate" date2gmt fix for addr parser calls a187 2 \item [makedir] can do recursive mkdir's on most systems d251 6 @ 1.4 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d97 3 a99 2 Many programs have new features added, either with new switches or by expanded functionality. d101 1 a101 1 \begin{display}{uip/Makefile} d126 4 a129 4 \item -biff, uses mh-format -[no]bell \item obeys 4.3 tty prots d135 4 a138 3 The -reverse causes scan to -[no]reverse standard -file for scanning msgbox files -- needs doc? @ 1.3 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d5 1 a5 1 \documentstyle[11pt,sfwmac]{article} d8 1 a8 1 \parskip 13pt % for 11pt font d97 4 a100 2 \begin{description} \settowidth{\labelwidth}{{\bf folder\-pack }} d102 2 a103 2 Accepts a -nodate switch which inhibits the date annotation, leaving only the body annotation. The default is -date. a104 10 \item [bbc] can use NNTP instead of BB/POP some UCL ifdefs for speedups? signal type under TYPESIG able to understand reseting bb-id? - needs testing reads "general" instead of "system" if NNTP \item [dropsbr] SOCKETS/NTOHL changes d106 2 a107 2 New switch -verbose which gives information about the actions taken by -pack to renumber the folder. d109 2 a110 3 When using -digest, forw will put the issue and volume numbers in the digest trailer. a113 1 d115 1 a115 8 Will now accept format strings on all components. Also, some bugs with 'body:component=">"' have been fixed. \item [msh] NNTP interface stuff sortm changes \item [post] -fill-in file for WP changes hidden Dcc: header d118 1 a118 7 if the -doteof switch is specified. -nodoteof is the default. \item [pshsbr] new module for NNTP \item [rcvdist] malloc bug fixed \item [rcvstore] bugs fixed - tmpfile always removed d120 3 d125 1 d127 1 d129 1 d131 2 a132 2 The -[no]format switches have not been used since mh.5 and have been deleted. d227 26 @ 1.2 log @checkpoint @ text @d7 4 d97 3 a99 2 \begin{itemize} \item anno\\ d103 1 a103 1 \item bbc\\ d110 1 a110 1 \item dropsbr\\ d113 1 a113 1 \item folder\\ d116 1 a116 1 \item forw\\ d120 1 a120 1 \item inc\\ d124 1 a124 1 \item mhl\\ d127 1 a127 1 \item msh\\ d130 1 a130 1 \item post\\ d133 1 a133 1 \item prompter\\ d136 1 a136 1 \item pshsbr\\ d138 1 a138 1 \item rcvdist\\ d140 1 a140 1 \item rcvstore\\ d142 1 a142 1 \item rcvtty\\ d147 1 a147 1 \item repl\\ d150 1 a150 1 \item scan\\ d154 1 a154 1 \item send\\ d156 1 a156 1 \item slocal\\ d159 1 a159 1 \item sortm\\ d162 1 a162 1 \item spost\\ d164 1 a164 1 \item whatnow\\ d168 1 a168 1 \item whom\\ d170 1 a170 1 \item mh-format\\ d181 1 a181 1 \item m_seq\\ d183 1 a183 1 \item makedir\\ d185 1 a185 1 \item mts: sendmail\\ d187 1 a187 1 \item addrsbr\\ d190 1 a190 1 \item m_getfld\\ d192 1 a192 1 \item lock\\ d194 1 a194 1 \item replcomps\\ d197 1 a197 1 \item popd\\ d200 1 a200 1 \item mf\\ d203 1 a203 1 \item tws\\ d206 1 a206 1 \item uip/Makefile\\ d210 1 a210 1 \item config\\ d212 1 a212 1 \item mtstailor\\ d214 2 a215 2 \item DOCS\\ \item bbc\\ d217 1 a217 1 \item config/install changes\\ d225 1 a225 1 \item config\\ d242 1 a242 1 \item papers/\\ d244 1 a244 1 \end{itemize} d259 2 a260 2 \begin{itemize} \item mailgroup\\ d262 1 a262 1 \item bboards: nntp/pop/on/off\\ d264 1 a264 1 \item bbdelivery: on/off\\ d266 1 a266 1 \item lex:\\ d268 1 a268 1 \item sharedlib: on/off\\ d270 1 a270 1 \item slibdir:\\ d272 1 a272 1 \end{itemize} d276 2 a277 2 \begin{itemize} \item NOIOCTLH\\ d280 1 a280 1 \item NTOHL\\ d282 1 a282 1 \item SENDMAILBUG\\ d284 1 a284 1 \item SHADOW\\ d286 1 a286 1 \item SOCKETS\\ d288 1 a288 1 \item SUN40\\ d290 1 a290 1 \item SUN41\\ d292 1 a292 1 \item SYS5 changes for R3\\ d294 1 a294 1 \item SYS5DIR\\ d296 1 a296 1 \item TYPESIG\\ d298 1 a298 1 \end{itemize} @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @a90 12 \begin{verbatim} -- ali accept Aliasfile profile entry anno -[no]date bbc can use NNTP instead of BB/POP some UCL ifdefs for speedups? signal type under TYPESIG able to understand reseting bb-id? - needs testing reads "general" instead of "system" if NNTP d92 5 a96 2 dropsbr SOCKETS/NTOHL changes d98 6 a103 113 folder -verbose used by -pack forw will put issue/volume numbers in digest trailers inc should be able to detect NFS write failures mhl added -volume, -issue hidden switches interface from forw. will allow format strings on all components does BODYCOMP stuff right msh NNTP interface stuff sortm changes post -fill-in file for WP changes hidden Dcc: header prompter -[no]doteof minor fix for -nobody pshsbr new module for NNTP rcvdist malloc bug fixed rcvstore bugs fixed - tmpfile always removed rcvtty -biff, uses mh-format -[no]bell obeys 4.3 tty prots repl -[no]format went away malloc bug fixed scan -[no]reverse standard -file for scanning msgbox files -- needs doc? send Aliasfile: profile entry slocal fix for RPATHS, can write mbox format on output new "n" action sortm new version with -textfield, -limit, etc. doesn't compress folders spost uses sendmail: from mtstailor whatnow deletes draft by renaming with leading comma Aliasfile profile entry WP changes whom WP changes mh-format some new functions better documentation put{num,str}f can do ljust "trim" "divide" "zonef" szone "friendly" more friendly "localdate" date2local "gmtdate" date2gmt fix for addr parser calls mseq speedup makedir can do recursive mkdir's on most systems mts: sendmail SENDMAILBUG option addrsbr WP changes discard newlines in addresses mgetfld slight speedup lock always lock for write replcomps fixed typo added quotes around date in-reply-to popd SHADOW passwd files reads old UUCP mbox format mf fixed some addr parsing bugs "at" domain, dotted-addresses in groups tws improved error-rejection no mil-timezones uip/Makefile doesn't use sticky bit can install inc sgid-mailgroup rcvtty sgid-tty config bbserver mtstailor nntphost DOCS bbc -host host if NNTP config/install changes will not overwrite mtstailor, etc. shared libraries cc lex man pages won't upset makewhatis makefiles deal with changed "make" semantics papers/ updated to be formatable Let me see if I can hit the highlights in these changes. There were the SUN40 changes to use shared libraries and the NNTP changes to bbc which you've already seen. I have fixed up some problems with those patches. \end{verbatim} d105 136 @