head 1.3; access; symbols; locks; strict; 1.3 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.3 log @add ID @ text @% UCI Dissertation Style for AmSTeX. % @@(#)$Id:$ % Tim Morgan with many suggestions, bug fixes, etc, from Marshall Rose % Based originally on Michael Spivak's AMSPPT.STY. % When edits are made to this file, the version number should be incremented. \def\version{103} \let\fmtversion=\version % These two control sequences are defined \def\fmtname{dissertation} % in plain.tex, so we do it here too. % Assumes the following hidden definitions from plain.tex: % \z@@ is defined from plain.tex as 0pt (and magically can % be used as the integer constant 0 also). % \p@@ is the same, but 1pt % \@@ne is 1 % \m@@ne is -1 % \tw@@ is 2 % \thr@@@@ is 3 % \@@m is 1000 % \@@M is 10000 % And the following scratch register definitions: % \dimen@@ is \dimendef'd to be \dimen0 % \skip@@ is \skipdef'd to be \skip0 % \count@@ is \count255 \catcode`\@@=11 % So we can use a special character %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PARAMETERS DIFFERENT THAN IN PLAIN % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % These are words which TeX doesn't hyphenate perfectly. % Unfortunately, the plural forms must be included also. \hyphenation{com-put-er com-mun ap-pen-dix cart-wheel data-base Dijk-stra} \hyphenation{in-fra-struc-ture man-u-script mi-cro-fiche para-mil-i-tary} \hyphenation{post-am-ble pre-am-ble sub-scrib-er wave-guide sub-scrib-ers} \hyphenation{com-put-ers cart-wheels data-bases in-fra-struc-tures} \hyphenation{man-u-scripts mi-cro-fiches post-am-bles pre-am-bles} \hyphenation{buf-fer buf-fers des-ig-na-ted par-a-graph par-a-graphs} \hyphenation{key-stroke key-strokes usu-al-ly} \def\normal@@topskip{0.48cm} \topskip=\normal@@topskip % For correct page positioning, do NOT \hoffset=0.5in % change any of these values!!! \voffset=0.07cm \hsize=15.2cm \vsize=22.2cm \normallineskiplimit=\p@@ % Min. dist. btw. lines. \parindent=1cm % Normal indentation. \hfuzz=0.115\p@@ % So we hear fewer complaints. Good up to \vfuzz=0.115\p@@ % 300 dpi. \pretolerance=200 % At 12pt, these margins are kind of narrow \tolerance=300 % so we have to be more tolerant. \clubpenalty=\@@M % Never allow these. \widowpenalty=\@@M \newlinechar=`\^^J % For writing output to tty. \uchyph=\z@@ % Don't take any chances. \brokenpenalty=\@@M % Never hyphenate last line on a page. \newcount\defaultinterlinepenalty % This probably won't make any \defaultinterlinepenalty=\thr@@@@ % difference, so why not?? \interlinepenalty=\defaultinterlinepenalty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PARAMETERS DIFFERENT from AmSTeX % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \TagsOnRight % Set tags like a sane person does %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % EXTRA FONTS NEEDED % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newif\ifolddigits \olddigitsfalse % Allow use of amcscod10 for citations \def\useolddigits{% \olddigitstrue \oktell{Old Digits Mode}% } \font\sixrm=cmr6 \font\sixbf=cmbx6 \font\sixi=cmmi6 \skewchar\sixi='177 \font\sixsy=cmsy6 \skewchar\sixsy='60 \font\eightrm=cmr8 \font\eightsl=cmsl8 \font\eightit=cmti8 \font\eightsy=cmsy8 \skewchar\eightsy='60 \skewchar\eightsy='60 \font\eightbf=cmbx8 \font\eightex=cmex10 at 8\p@@ \font\eighti=cmmi8 \skewchar\eighti='177 \font\ninerm=cmr9 \font\nineit=cmti9 \font\ninei=cmmi9 \skewchar\ninei='177 \font\ninesy=cmsy9 \skewchar\ninesy='60 \font\ninesl=cmsl9 \font\ninebf=cmbx9 \font\twelvecsc=cmcsc10 scaled \magstep1 \font\tencsc=cmcsc10 \font\eightcsc=cmcsc10 at 8\p@@ \font\elevencsc=cmcsc10 scaled \magstephalf \font\ninecsc=cmcsc10 at 9\p@@ \let\tencscod=\tencsc \let\eightcscod=\eightcsc \font\eightsf=cmss10 at 8\p@@ \font\tensf=cmss10 \font\twelvesf=cmss10 at 12\p@@ \font\twelvett=cmtt10 scaled \magstep1 \font\eighttt=cmtt10 at 8\p@@ % \tentt is predefined in plain.tex \font\twelvebti=cmbti at 12\p@@ \font\tenbti=cmbti \font\eightbti=cmbti at 8\p@@ \font\twelveex=cmex10 scaled \magstep1 \font\twelverm=cmr10 scaled \magstep1 \font\twelvesl=cmsl10 scaled \magstep1 \font\twelvebf=cmbx10 scaled \magstep1 \font\twelvei=cmmi10 scaled \magstep1 \skewchar\twelvei='177 \font\twelvesy=cmsy10 scaled \magstep1 \skewchar\twelvesy='60 \font\twelveit=cmti10 scaled \magstep1 \font\twelvechap@@font=cmssbx10 at 14\p@@ \font\twelvesec@@font=cmss10 at 13\p@@ \font\twelvesubsec@@font=cmssi10 scaled \magstep1 \font\tenchap@@font=cmssbx10 scaled \magstep1 \font\tensec@@font=cmssbx10 scaled \magstephalf \font\tensubsec@@font=cmssi10 \font\eightchap@@font=cmssbx10 \font\eightsec@@font=cmss10 at 9\p@@ \font\eightsubsec@@font=cmssqi8 % Font selection \newcount\font@@no \def\curfont{\ifcase\font@@no\rm\or\it\or\sl\or\bf\or\tt\or\csc\or\bti\or\sf \else\errmessage{Internal font confusion}\fi} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SPACING CONTROL % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newskip\normalabovedisplayskip \newskip\normalbelowdisplayskip \newskip\normalabovedisplayshortskip \newskip\normalbelowdisplayshortskip \newdimen\normalparskip \normalparskip=22.5\p@@ \newdimen\parstretch \parstretch=8\p@@ \newif\ifsinglespacing % Tells if we are currently in single space mode \newif\ifhalfspacing % Special version of singlespacing, a little bigger. % Actually tell TeX what spacing is wanted \def\setbaselines{% \baselineskip=\normalbaselineskip \abovedisplayskip=\normalabovedisplayskip \belowdisplayskip=\normalbelowdisplayskip \abovedisplayshortskip=\normalabovedisplayshortskip \belowdisplayshortskip=\normalbelowdisplayshortskip % Compute \parskip for even paragraph spacing at all pt sizes \dimen@@=\normalparskip \advance\dimen@@ by -\normalbaselineskip \parskip=\dimen@@ plus\parstretch } % Go from double to single spacing \def\reducespacing{% \normalbaselineskip=0.64\normalbaselineskip \normalabovedisplayskip=0.64\normalabovedisplayskip \normalbelowdisplayskip=0.64\normalbelowdisplayskip \normalabovedisplayshortskip=0.64\normalabovedisplayshortskip \normalbelowdisplayshortskip=0.64\normalbelowdisplayshortskip } % Set halfspacing baseline etc starting from singlespacing mode \def\sethalfspacing{% \normalbaselineskip=1.28125\normalbaselineskip \abovedisplayskip=1.28125\abovedisplayskip \belowdisplayskip=1.28125\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayshortskip=1.28125\abovedisplayshortskip \belowdisplayshortskip=1.28125\belowdisplayshortskip } % Go to single spacing if we're not there already \def\singlespace{% \normalspacing \reducespacing \halfspacingfalse \singlespacingtrue \setbaselines } % Go to 1-1/2 spacing. \def\halfspace{% \normalspacing \reducespacing \sethalfspacing \singlespacingtrue \halfspacingtrue \setbaselines } % Go to normal, doublespacing mode \def\doublespace{% \normalspacing \singlespacingfalse \halfspacingfalse \setbaselines } % Make sure we're doing the spacing we're supposed to be. \def\setspacing{% \normalspacing \ifsinglespacing \reducespacing \ifhalfspacing \sethalfspacing \fi \fi \setbaselines } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FOUR DIFFERENT POINT SIZES % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\twelvepoint{% \def\big@@@@AmS{10.2\p@@}% \def\Big@@@@AmS{13.8\p@@}% \def\bigg@@@@AmS{17.4\p@@}% \def\Bigg@@@@AmS{21.0\p@@}% \let\smallertype=\tenpoint \let\curtype=\twelvepoint \def\biggertype{\errmessage{No larger point size available}}% \def\normalspacing{% \normalbaselineskip=22.8\p@@ \normalabovedisplayskip=14.5\p@@ plus 3\p@@ minus 9\p@@ \normalbelowdisplayskip=14.5\p@@ plus 3\p@@ minus 9\p@@ \normalabovedisplayshortskip=\z@@ plus 4\p@@ \normalbelowdisplayshortskip=9\p@@ plus 4\p@@ minus 5\p@@ }% \def\rm{\font@@no=0\fam\z@@\twelverm}% \def\it{\font@@no=1\fam\itfam\twelveit}% \def\sl{\font@@no=2\fam\slfam\twelvesl}% \def\bf{\font@@no=3\fam\bffam\twelvebf}% \def\tt{\font@@no=4\fam\ttfam\twelvett \spaceskip.5em plus.25em minus.15em }% \def\csc{\font@@no=5\twelvecsc}% \def\bti{\font@@no=6\twelvebti}% \def\sf{\font@@no=7\twelvesf}% \let\sc=\csc \ifolddigits \let\cite@@font=\tencscod \else \let\cite@@font=\elevencsc \fi \textfont\z@@=\twelverm \scriptfont\z@@=\ninerm \scriptscriptfont\z@@=\sixrm \textfont\@@ne=\twelvei \scriptfont\@@ne=\ninei \scriptscriptfont\@@ne=\sixi \textfont\tw@@=\twelvesy \scriptfont\tw@@=\ninesy \scriptscriptfont\tw@@=\sixsy \textfont\thr@@@@=\twelveex \scriptfont\thr@@@@=\twelveex \scriptscriptfont\thr@@@@=\twelveex \textfont\itfam=\twelveit \textfont\slfam=\twelvesl \textfont\ttfam=\twelvett \textfont\bffam=\twelvebf \scriptfont\bffam=\ninebf \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sixbf \let\chap@@font=\twelvechap@@font \let\sec@@font=\twelvesec@@font \let\subsec@@font=\twelvesubsec@@font \let\subsubsec@@font=\twelvebf \def\oldstyle{\fam1\twelvei}% \setspacing \curfont \ifundefined{everypointsize}\else\everypointsize{twelve}{12}\fi } \def\tenpoint{% \def\big@@@@AmS{8.5\p@@}% \def\Big@@@@AmS{11.5\p@@}% \def\bigg@@@@AmS{14.5\p@@}% \def\Bigg@@@@AmS{17.5\p@@}% \let\smallertype=\eightpoint \let\curtype=\tenpoint \let\biggertype=\twelvepoint \def\normalspacing{% \normalbaselineskip=18.9\p@@ \normalabovedisplayskip=12\p@@ plus 3\p@@ minus 9\p@@ \normalbelowdisplayskip=12\p@@ plus 3\p@@ minus 9\p@@ \normalabovedisplayshortskip=\z@@ plus 3\p@@ \normalbelowdisplayshortskip=7\p@@ plus 3\p@@ minus 4\p@@ }% \def\rm{\font@@no=0\fam\z@@\tenrm}% \def\it{\font@@no=1\fam\itfam\tenit}% \def\sl{\font@@no=2\fam\slfam\tensl}% \def\bf{\font@@no=3\fam\bffam\tenbf}% \def\tt{\font@@no=4\fam\ttfam\tentt \spaceskip.5em plus.25em minus.15em }% \def\csc{\font@@no=5\tencsc} \def\bti{\font@@no=6\tenbti}% \def\sf{\font@@no=7\tensf}% \let\sc=\csc \ifolddigits \let\cite@@font=\eightcscod \else \let\cite@@font=\ninecsc \fi \textfont\z@@=\tenrm \scriptfont\z@@=\sevenrm \scriptscriptfont\z@@=\fiverm \textfont\@@ne=\teni \scriptfont\@@ne=\seveni \scriptscriptfont\@@ne=\fivei \textfont\tw@@=\tensy \scriptfont\tw@@=\sevensy \scriptscriptfont\tw@@=\fivesy \textfont\thr@@@@=\tenex \scriptfont\thr@@@@=\tenex \scriptscriptfont\thr@@@@=\tenex \textfont\itfam=\tenit \textfont\slfam=\tensl \textfont\ttfam=\tentt \textfont\bffam=\tenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf \let\chap@@font=\tenchap@@font \let\sec@@font=\tensec@@font \let\subsec@@font=\tensubsec@@font \let\subsubsec@@font=\tenbf \def\oldstyle{\fam1\teni}% \setspacing \curfont \ifundefined{everypointsize}\else\everypointsize{ten}{10}\fi } \def\eightpoint{% \def\big@@@@AmS{6.8\p@@}% \def\Big@@@@AmS{9.2\p@@}% \def\bigg@@@@AmS{11.6\p@@}% \def\Bigg@@@@AmS{14.0\p@@}% \def\smallertype{\errmessage{No smaller point size available}}% \let\curtype=\eightpoint \let\biggertype=\tenpoint \def\normalspacing{% \normalbaselineskip=15\p@@ \normalabovedisplayskip=10\p@@ plus 2.4\p@@ minus 7.2\p@@ \normalbelowdisplayskip=10\p@@ plus 2.4\p@@ minus 7.2\p@@ \normalabovedisplayshortskip=\z@@ plus 2.4\p@@ \normalbelowdisplayshortskip=55.6\p@@ plus 2.4\p@@ minus 3.2\p@@ }% \def\rm{\font@@no=0\fam\z@@\eightrm}% \def\it{\font@@no=1\fam\itfam\eightit}% \def\sl{\font@@no=2\fam\slfam\eightsl}% \def\bf{\font@@no=3\fam\bffam\eightbf}% \def\tt{\font@@no=4\fam\ttfam\eighttt \spaceskip.5em plus.25em minus.15em }% \def\csc{\font@@no=5\eightcsc}% \def\bti{\font@@no=6\eightbti}% \def\sf{\font@@no=7\eightsf}% \let\sc=\csc \def\cite@@font{\errmessage{You may not do citations in 8 point}} \textfont\z@@=\eightrm \scriptfont\z@@=\sixrm \scriptscriptfont\z@@=\fiverm \textfont\@@ne=\eighti \scriptfont\@@ne=\sixi \scriptscriptfont\@@ne=\fivei \textfont\tw@@=\eightsy \scriptfont\tw@@=\sixsy \scriptscriptfont\tw@@=\fivesy \textfont\thr@@@@=\eightex \scriptfont\thr@@@@=\eightex \scriptscriptfont\thr@@@@=\eightex \textfont\itfam=\eightit \textfont\slfam=\eightsl \textfont\ttfam=\eighttt \textfont\bffam=\eightbf \scriptfont\bffam=\sixbf \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf \let\chap@@font=\eightchap@@font \let\sec@@font=\eightsec@@font \let\subsec@@font=\eightsubsec@@font \let\subsubsec@@font=\eightbf \def\oldstyle{\fam1\eighti}% \setspacing \curfont \ifundefined{everypointsize}\else\everypointsize{eight}{10}\fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % TABLE of CONTENTS Macros % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This set of macros allows you to build a table of contents for a document % automatically in TeX. There are only three control sequences which you % will need to use. The first is \inicont, which initializes the macros. % This package works by writing the appropriate lines into a file called % \jobname.toc in your account. This file is read by \printcontents or % by \printcont in PRINT-PRELIM.TEX. % \newwrite\cont@@file % Get a free channel to write to \newif\ifcont@@closed \cont@@closedtrue % Haven't opened contents file yet \newwrite\fig@@file \newwrite\tab@@file \newif\iffig@@closed \fig@@closedtrue % Or the list of figures file \newif\iftab@@closed \tab@@closedtrue % Or the tables file \def\contitle{\jobname.toc} % Default name of contents file \def\figtitle{\jobname.lof} % ditto for figures file \def\tabtitle{\jobname.lot} % ditto for tables file % Make sure the contents file is open before writing to it \def\opencontfile{% \ifcont@@closed \immediate\openout\cont@@file=\contitle \cont@@closedfalse \fi } % % This control sequence adds its argument to the table of contents. % \def\content#1{% \opencontfile \let\\=\space \write\cont@@file{\string\Z{#1}{\the\pageno}}% } % % This control sequence is the same as \content except that the first % box written will have two leading spaces to indent it. % \def\subcontent#1{% \opencontfile \let\\=\space \write\cont@@file{\string\Z{\string\hskip \parindent{}#1}{\the\pageno}}% } % And the same thing for sub-sections \def\subsubcontent#1{% \opencontfile \let\\=\space \write\cont@@file{\string\Z{\string\hskip 2\parindent{}#1}{\the\pageno}}% } % And the same thing for sub-sub-sections \def\subsubsubcontent#1{% \opencontfile \let\\=\space \write\cont@@file{\string\Z{\string\hskip 3\parindent{}#1}{\the\pageno}}% } % Simple table-of-contents printer for \articlestyle. % For dissertations, use the one in print-prelim.tex. % Use this macro as the last thing in your report, since it makes % the page numbers be in romannumerals at the bottom of the page. \def\printcontents{% \closeout \cont@@file \null\vfill\supereject % Close output, end last page \twelvepoint\rm % Make sure we're in normal mode \pageno=\m@@ne % Contents get roman numerals. \plain@@page@@numbers % Put page #s at bottom only \oktell{Table of Contents} \null \vskip .8in minus\baselineskip \centerline{\chap@@font Contents} \vskip \tw@@\baselineskip \rightline{Page} \begingroup % Temporarily change \baselineskip to avoid % underfull \vbox's during output errors. \baselineskip=\@@ne\baselineskip plus .05\baselineskip \def\Z##1##2{\line{\ignorespaces##1\leaders \hbox to.7em{.\hfil}\hfil\hbox to2em{\hss##2}}} \catcode`@@=11 \let\\=\space \input\contitle \relax \endgroup % Also undoes the \catcode change } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % NUMBERED FOOTNOTES % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % First, modify \vfootnote from Plain to use smallertype and singlespace \def\vfootnote#1{% \insert\footins\bgroup\tenpoint\singlespace \interlinepenalty\interfootnotelinepenalty \splittopskip\ht\strutbox % top baseline for broken footnotes \splitmaxdepth\dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty\@@MM \leftskip\z@@skip \rightskip\z@@skip \spaceskip\z@@skip \xspaceskip\z@@skip \parindent=.13in \textindent{#1}\footstrut\futurelet\next\fo@@t } % Allocate a counter for the numbered footnotes \newcount\note@@count \note@@count=\@@ne \def\nfootnote#1{% \unskip\footnote{$^{\number\note@@count}$}{#1}% \global\advance\note@@count by\@@ne } % Same except that trailing period or comma is ``tucked'' under % the note mark. \ntucknote provides auto numbering. \def\ntucknote#1#2{\nfootnote{#1}\llap{#2}} \def\tucknote#1#2#3{\footnote{#1}{#2}\llap{#3}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % UTILITY MACROS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Insert a discretionary hyphen. For use in restricted % horizontal mode, as in the bibliography. \def\hyphenbreak{\discretionary{-}{}{-}} % Check if a macro name is currently undefined (from The TeXbook) \def\ifundefined#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax} % Terminal input and output routines and auxilary stuff \newwrite\undef@@out@@chan % Allocate a channel for the tty \def\tell#1{{\let\\=\space\immediate\write\undef@@out@@chan{#1}}} \def\ask#1{\read-16 to #1} % Read from tty w/o prompt % Sanitize a string before \write'ing it. % Call with \unexpanded{op}{msg} % Modified from version in The TeXbook, originally by Todd Allen \long\def\unexpanded#1#2{% \def\finwrite{#1}% {\aftergroup\finwrite\aftergroup{\sanitize@@uci#2\endsanity@@uci}}% } \def\sanitize@@uci{\futurelet\next@@uci\sanswitch@@uci} \def\sanswitch@@uci{\ifx\next@@uci\endsanity@@uci \else\ifx\next@@uci\\\aftergroup\space\let\next@@uci=\eat@@uci \else\ifcat\noexpand\next@@uci\space\aftergroup\space\let\next@@uci=\eat@@uci \else\ifcat\noexpand\next@@uci\bgroup\aftergroup{\let\next@@uci=\eat@@uci \else\ifcat\noexpand\next@@uci\egroup\aftergroup}\let\next@@uci=\eat@@uci \else\let\next@@uci=\copytoken@@uci\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \next@@uci } \def\eat@@uci{\afterassignment\sanitize@@uci \let\next@@uci= } \long\def\copytoken@@uci#1{% \ifcat\noexpand#1\relax\aftergroup\noexpand \else\ifcat\noexpand#1\noexpand~\aftergroup\noexpand \fi \fi \aftergroup#1\sanitize@@uci } \def\endsanity@@uci\endsanity@@uci{} % Now use the sanity stuff to make a sane tell command. This macro % actually takes one argument, but since it's the last for \unexpanded, % we avoid scanning it twice by not picking it up here. \def\sanetell{\unexpanded{\immediate\write\undef@@out@@chan}} % Produce verbatim listings of various sorts \def\uncatcodespecials{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 } \dospecials} \def\setupverbatim{% \par \tt \spaceskip=\z@@ % Want fixed tt spacing now \obeylines \uncatcodespecials \obeyspaces \verbatimdefs } % This macro turns on verbatim mode until ?endverbatim is seen. \def\verbatim{% \begingroup \setupverbatim \parskip=\z@@ plus .05\baselineskip \parindent=\z@@ \catcode`\ =13 \catcode`\^^M=13 \catcode`\?=\z@@ \verbatimgobble } {\catcode`\^^M=13{\catcode`\ =13\gdef\verbatimdefs{\def^^M{\ \par}\let =\ }} \gdef\verbatimgobble#1^^M{}% } % This defines ?endverbatim to end the group which begins with \verbatim \let\endverbatim=\endgroup % Input a file in verbatim mode. Sometimes useful for including % real-life examples into a paper. \def\verbfile#1{% \begingroup\setupverbatim \parskip=\z@@ plus .05\baselineskip \parindent=\z@@ \input#1 \endgroup } % This is the same as the above, but it adds line numbers to each % line of the file printed. \lineno@@uci has the obvious use. \newcount\lineno@@uci \def\listing#1{% \lineno@@uci=\z@@ \begingroup\setupverbatim \parskip=\z@@ plus .05\baselineskip \parindent=20\p@@ \everypar{\advance\lineno@@uci by\@@ne \llap{\the\lineno@@uci\ \ }}% \input#1 \endgroup } % Draw a little qed symbol (black box) \def\qed{\hbox{\hskip\p@@ \vrule width4\p@@ height6\p@@ depth1.5\p@@ \hskip\p@@}} % Conditions -- from AmSppt \newif\ifrunin@@AmS \runin@@AmSfalse \let\runin=\runin@@AmStrue \newdimen\cond@@dimen \newdimen\condindent % Amount each nested condition is indented \condindent=.5in % Default indentation amount % This is used in \conditions \def\firstcon@@AmS#1:{% \ifrunin@@AmS {\rm\ignorespaces#1\unskip}\ignorespaces \runin@@AmSfalse \else \par \ifdim\lastskip<\smallskipamount \removelastskip \penalty55 \smallskip \fi \\#1:% \fi } % Do one item of the conditions. This is really \\ in disguise. \def\cond@@item#1:{% \par\noindent \hbox to \cond@@dimen{\hfil\rm\ignorespaces#1\unskip\quad}% \hangafter1 \hangindent\cond@@dimen\ignorespaces } \cond@@dimen=\z@@ % Value for outermost block % Do the main stuff for \conditions. \def\conditions{% \par \let\\=\cond@@item \begingroup \advance\cond@@dimen by\condindent \firstcon@@AmS } % Exit special stuff for \conditions. \def\endconditions{% \par\smallbreak\endgroup \ifdim\cond@@dimen>\z@@ \cond@@item \fi % If ending an inner condition } % Automatically numbered items \newcount\item@@count \newdimen\item@@dimen \item@@dimen=\z@@ \def\item@@prefix{} \def\beginitems{% \begingroup \advance \parindent by\item@@dimen \ifnum\item@@dimen>\z@@ \edef\item@@prefix{\item@@prefix\number\item@@count.} \else \item@@dimen=1cm \fi \item@@count=\z@@ \singlespace \interlinepenalty=200 } \def\enditems{\par\endgroup} \def\nitem{\advance\item@@count by\@@ne \item{\item@@prefix\number\item@@count.}} % Turn back on the \+ construct of plain TeX. \def\tabalign{\us@@true\m@@ketabbox} \outer\def\+{\tabalign} % Fix AmSTeX's definition used in its definition of ~ (tie). \def\s@@AmS{\penalty\@@M\ifx\tok@@AmS\Space@@AmS\else\ \fi} % And make \/ work the way it does in plain.tex \let\/=\ic@@AmS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PAGE CONTROL and OBJECT MANIPULATION % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This definition doesn't blow up if you're in vertical mode already \def\pagebreak{\ifhmode\vadjust{\break}\else\break\relax} % This definition clears out all previous inserts etc to % guarantee that the following stuff is at the top of a page. \def\clearpage{\vfill\supereject} % This macro keeps the stuff in the argument on the same page, leaving % blank space on this page if necessary \def\keep{\par\setbox\z@@=\vbox\bgroup} \def\endkeep{% \egroup \dimen@@=\ht\z@@ \advance\dimen@@ by\dp\z@@ \vskip\z@@ plus\dimen@@ \penalty\z@@ \vskip\z@@ plus-\dimen@@ \vskip\parskip \box\z@@ \goodbreak } \def\filkeep{% \egroup \filbreak \vskip\parskip \box\z@@ \goodbreak } % List macros from the TeXbook \toksdef\ta=\z@@ \toksdef\tb=\tw@@ \newif\ifresult@@uci % usage: \newlist\list \def\newlist#1{\let#1=\empty} % usage: \append{item}\to\list \def\append#1\to#2{\ta={\\{#1}}\tb=\expandafter{#2}\edef#2{\the\tb\the\ta}} \def\gappend#1\to#2{\ta={\\{#1}}\tb=\expandafter{#2}\xdef#2{\the\tb\the\ta}} % usage: \cardinality\list\to\counter \def\cardinality#1\to#2{#2=\z@@ \long\def\\##1{\advance#2 by\@@ne }#1} % usage: \ifismember{item}\of\list ... \else ... \fi \def\ifismember#1\of#2{% \def\given@@uci{#1}% \result@@ucifalse \def\\##1{% \def\next@@uci{##1}% \ifx\next@@uci\given@@uci \result@@ucitrue\fi }% #2% \ifresult@@uci } % usage: \ifwasmember{item}\of\list ... \else ... \fi % side effect: removes {item} from \list if present \def\ifwasmember#1\of#2{% \newlist\ref@@mtr \def\given@@uci{#1}% \result@@ucifalse \def\\##1{% \def\next@@uci{##1}% \ifx\next@@uci\given@@uci \result@@ucitrue \else \append ##1\to\ref@@mtr \fi }% #2% \let#2=\ref@@mtr \ifresult@@uci } % Append #1 to list #2 if #1 is not already in #2 \def\addtolist#1\to#2{% \ifismember#1\of#2% \else \append #1\to #2% \fi } % Same thing, but do it \global'ly \def\gaddtolist#1\to#2{% \ifismember#1\of#2% \else \gappend#1\to#2% \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % STUFF for BIBLIOGRAPHY and APPENDICES % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Bibliography Package: % Original version by Michal Spivak % Updated for JACM format and automated by Tim Morgan % Final cleanup, and much-improved automation, by Marshall Rose % Additional work and IEEE support by TM. % Simple appendix entry builder \def\appendix#1#2{% \par \clearpage \ifoddpages \ifodd\pageno \else \null\vfill\eject\fi \fi \pageno@@foot \begingroup \setbox\z@@=\hbox{#1}% \ifdim\wd\z@@>\z@@ \content{Appendix #1: #2}% \oktell{Appendix #1: #2}% \def\title{Appendix #1\\#2}% \else \content{Appendix: #2}% \oktell{Appendix: #2}% \def\title{Appendix\\#2}% \fi \let\\=\cr \tabskip=\z@@ \chap@@font \halign to\hsize{\centerline{\ignorespaces##\unskip}\cr\title\cr}% \endgroup \nobreak \vskip 1.0in minus 0.15in } % Citations: % We keep a running list, \ref@@set, which is % all the things which were \cite'd throughout the paper, with % only one entry for each different key. % % There are three versions of each of the citation % commands: % 1. The \def'd version is the normal one used throughout the paper. % 2. Within a figure, table, etc,'s caption, because of the use of % \def and \edef, a special version which just produces the % citation without the \gaddtolist command is used. These % definitions are predefined, and are \let to be \cite etc with % \no@@cites, for speed. % % When the user requests a citation with key, we first look it up % in a translation table called \key@@table, organized as a list of % pairs, to see if it really should be % printed differently. The user can specify this translation table using % the \printkey command. If a key is not in the table, it is printed % as-is. % We keep the dimension \key@@size as the largest printed key so far. % This value can then be used to print the keys in the bibliography % optimally, rather than just trying to guess. Each time we print a % (in \use@@key), we see if it's longer than \key@@size, and if so then % we set \key@@size = its width. \newdimen\key@@size \key@@size=\z@@ % Init. value so \key@@size is made as small as possible % Invisible citation. usage: \icite{key} \def\icite#1{% \gaddtolist#1\to\ref@@set } % Management of \key@@table stuff. This table is formatted as % \\{real-key}{printed-key}... \newlist\key@@table % Add a pair of items to the list. This should be done before any % citations are made, for obvious reasons. % #1=real key (the one you use in the paper and bibliography) % #2=the key that gets printed in the output \def\printkey#1#2{% \ta={\\{#1}{#2}}% \tb=\expandafter{\key@@table}% \xdef\key@@table{\the\tb\the\ta}% } % Print a key, looking it up in the table. #1 is \whatever which % expands to the key used by the user. The definition of \\ here % makes use of the format of the \key@@table, so that the table is % actually EXECUTED, hence making lookup relatively fast. \newif\if@@not@@printed@@ \def\use@@key#1{% \@@not@@printed@@true \def\\##1##2{% \if@@not@@printed@@ \def\temp@@uci{##1}% \ifx\temp@@uci#1% \@@not@@printed@@false \setbox\z@@=\hbox{[##2]\enspace}% \ifdim\wd\z@@>\key@@size \global\key@@size=\wd\z@@ \fi ##2% \fi \fi }% \key@@table \if@@not@@printed@@ \setbox\z@@=\hbox{\cite@@font[\ignorespaces#1\unskip]\enspace}% \ifdim\wd\z@@>\key@@size \global\key@@size=\wd\z@@ \fi #1% \fi } % This macro moves forward until it hits \end, skipping spaces. % Each time it hits a comma, or when it hits and \end, it % adds whatever has been collected so far (in \@@total) to % \ref@@set and to the output list. It is assumed that \@@total % has been set to \empty before this routine is called (this is done % by \@@@@cite, below). \def\@@icite#1{% \if#1\end \expandafter\gaddtolist\@@total\to\ref@@set \use@@key\@@total \let\@@next=\relax % Exit loop after this time \else \if#1,% % We have a complete key now. \expandafter\gaddtolist\@@total\to\ref@@set \use@@key\@@total,\space \global\let\@@total=\empty \else \xdef\@@total{\@@total#1}% Add new char to total \fi \let\@@next=\@@icite % Continue looping until done \fi \@@next } % Initialize and call \@@icite. Used in \cite, \citep, \citepp \def\@@@@cite#1{\global\let\@@total=\empty\@@icite#1\end} % usage: \cite{key [, key...]} \def\cite#1{% {\cite@@font[\@@@@cite{#1}]}% } % usage: \citep{key}{page} \def\citep#1#2{% {\cite@@font[\@@@@cite{#1}, \hbox{\rm p \ignorespaces#2\unskip}]}% } % usage: \citepp{key}{pages} \def\citepp#1#2{% {\cite@@font[\@@@@cite{#1}, \hbox{\rm pp \ignorespaces#2\unskip}]}% } % These three definitions are used in \no@@cites, below. They % don't handle extraneous spaces as well as the normal % definition, but they should be sufficient for most people. \def\i@@cite#1{{\cite@@font[\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\@@@@cite{#1}]}} \def\i@@citep#1#2{{\cite@@font[\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\@@@@cite{#1},\space \hbox{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\rm p \ignorespaces#2\unskip}]}% } \def\i@@citepp#1#2{{\cite@@font[\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\@@@@cite{#1},\space \hbox{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\rm pp \ignorespaces#2\unskip}]}% } % Turn off adding citations to \ref@@set. This is needed when % using \cite etc inside a caption for tables, figures, etc. % \no@@cites is undone by exiting an enclosing group. \def\no@@cites{% \let\citepp=\i@@citepp \let\citep=\i@@citep \let\cite=\i@@cite } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % References Section % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The basic strategy is as follows. We read the bib. file, which is % assumed to be in sorted order of keys/author names. Each % entry is of the form \ref{key}. We see if that key is in the table % \ref@@set, which is a table of all the keys we've \cite'd. If the key % isn't in the list, we print it in parens and go on to the next entry. % Otherwise, we print the key in square brackets, and format the % bibliography entry according to the format (JACM or IEEE). We print a % warning if the key is in the \ref@@seen list. We add the key to % the \ref@@seen list. The key is removed from the \ref@@set list if it % was there. At the end of the references (\endreferences), we check % if there are any keys left in \ref@@set. If so, the bib. file was % deficient, and we print a warning message (it should probably be a % fatal error message). % Annotation control \newif\ifinclude@@annos % Should annotations be printed? \include@@annosfalse % By default, no \def\annotate{% % ``official'' command \include@@annostrue \oktell{Annotating bibliography}% } \newif\ifin@@anno % True while doing an annotation \in@@annofalse \def\refi@@AmS{F} % This starts as False % Begin an annotation -- must be in vertical mode. Just gather % text into box0 for use by \endanno. We do a couple of consistency % checks at the beginning. \def\anno{% \ifhmode \message{You forgot the \noexpand\endref command!} \message{I've inserted one for you.} \endanno \fi \if F\refi@@AmS \errmessage{No \noexpand\ref command before first \noexpand\anno} \fi \let\\=\newline \in@@annotrue \setbox\z@@=\vbox\bgroup } % End of an annotation. Decide if it should be typeset or skipped. \def\endanno{% \egroup % End the group for box0 \in@@annofalse % No longer doing an annotation \if T\refed@@uci % If previous reference was used, \ifinclude@@annos {% And if we're producing an annotated bib., \vskip\parskip \interlinepenalty=\defaultinterlinepenalty \unvbox\z@@ % Then include annotation as normal paragraph(s) \par }\fi \fi } \global\newlist\ref@@set % list of all references cited \global\newlist\ref@@seen % list of all references defined \def\reftitle{References} % Default title for bibliography % usage: \references (begin the References section) \def\references{% \vfill\supereject % Begin new page, clear out everything \ifoddpages % Make sure start on even page. \ifodd\pageno \relax \else \null\vfill\eject \fi \fi \begingroup % Following changes are local to bib. \twelvepoint % Get good appearance \singlespace \no@@cites % \cite's just produce [key] \parskip=0.6\baselineskip plus5\p@@ minus4\p@@ \tolerance=5000 % Must be extremely tolerant! \pretolerance=300 \interlinepenalty=400 % To discourage breaking a reference % across page boundaries \uchyph=\@@ne % Needed to try hyphenating title words \sfcode`.=\@@m % Like \frenchspacing, but only for % periods % Now we output the title and so forth. \centerline{\csc \reftitle}% \nobreak \medskip \content\reftitle % Tell user and TOC. \oktell\reftitle \pageno@@foot % Put page # in special place % Special definitions within reference mode \let\year=\yr \let\month=\mon } % usage: \endreferences (end the References section) \def\endreferences{% \par % Make sure last printed reference is finished up. \cardinality\ref@@set\to\count@@ \ifnum\count@@>\z@@ \def\\##1{[##1] } \ifnum\count@@>1 \message{Warning: \number\count@@\space undefined citations: \ref@@set} \else \message{Warning: One undefined citation: \ref@@set} \fi \fi \endgroup % End of \references group } % References Database \newbox\bybox@@AmS \newbox\bysamebox@@AmS \newbox\paperbox@@AmS \newbox\paperinfobox@@AmS \newbox\jourbox@@AmS \newbox\jourinfobox@@AmS \newbox\volbox@@AmS \newbox\issuebox@@AmS \newbox\monbox@@AmS \newbox\yrbox@@AmS \newbox\pagesbox@@AmS \newbox\editorbox@@AmS \newbox\bookbox@@AmS \newbox\bookinfobox@@AmS \newbox\publbox@@AmS \newbox\publaddrbox@@AmS \newbox\finalinfobox@@AmS\newbox\wastebox@@uci \newbox\talkbox@@AmS \newbox\keybox@@AmS \newbox\editorsbox@@AmS \def\using@@IEEE{F} % By default, not using IEEE format % reset a \keyword to the ``not used'' condition \def\refset@@AmS#1{% \expandafter\gdef\csname is\expandafter\eat@@AmS \string#1@@AmS\endcsname{F}\expandafter \setbox\csname\expandafter\eat@@AmS\string#1box@@AmS\endcsname=\null } % reset \keyword's \def\ref@@AmS{% \refset@@AmS\key \refset@@AmS\finalinfo \refset@@AmS\by \gdef\isbysame@@AmS{F}% \refset@@AmS\paper \refset@@AmS\paperinfo \refset@@AmS\jour \refset@@AmS\jourinfo \refset@@AmS\vol \refset@@AmS\issue \refset@@AmS\mon \refset@@AmS\yr \refset@@AmS\pages \gdef\ispage@@AmS{F}% \refset@@AmS\book \refset@@AmS\bookinfo \refset@@AmS\publ \refset@@AmS\publaddr \refset@@AmS\editor \refset@@AmS\talk \refset@@AmS\editors \gdef\istoappear@@AmS{F}% \gdef\isinbook@@AmS{F}% \bgroup \ignorespaces } % usage: \ref{citation} \keywords arguments ... \endref. We make sure % we aren't still doing an \anno first. \def\ref#1{% \ifin@@anno \message{You forgot an \noexpand\endanno command,} \message{but I forgive you this time.} \endanno \fi \def\refi@@AmS{T}% \ifwasmember#1\of\ref@@set \def\refed@@uci{T}% \okmessage{[#1]}% \else \def\refed@@uci{F}% \okmessage{(#1)}% \fi \ifismember#1\of\ref@@seen \sanetell{multiply defined: [#1]}% \else \append#1\to\ref@@seen \fi \def\refl@@AmS{F}% \def\\{\egroup\endref@@AmS\gdef\refi@@AmS{F}\ref@@AmS}% \ref@@AmS \gdef\@@total{#1}% \key \if T\refed@@uci \use@@key\@@total \fi\egroup\setbox\wastebox@@uci=\hbox\bgroup\ignorespaces } % End of a reference. % % Note that \endref@@AmS is \let to be whichever \endref@@xxx command % is being used; default is \endref@@JACM for JACM format. % % If we printed the reference, \endref@@AmS will % have set \bysamebox@@AmS to be a box containing a box % containing a rule and a period. This is unboxed if a subsequent % reference which gets printed uses \bysame. Otherwise, we here % save the \by field (if given) so that if a subsequent reference % using \bysame gets used, we'll know who the author was, even though % the reference which gave the author(s) wasn't printed. Tricky, huh? \def\endref{% \egroup\gdef\refl@@AmS{T}% \if T\refed@@uci \endref@@AmS \else \if T\isby@@AmS \setbox\bysamebox@@AmS=\box\bybox@@AmS \fi \fi \par } % define a \keyword. #1=keyword, #2=font to use, or {} \def\refdef@@AmS#1#2{% \def#1{% \egroup \expandafter\gdef \csname is\expandafter\eat@@AmS\string#1@@AmS\endcsname{T}% \expandafter\setbox \csname\expandafter\eat@@AmS\string#1box@@AmS\endcsname =\hbox\bgroup#2\ignorespaces }% } % define the keywords \refdef@@AmS\by\by@@font \refdef@@AmS\paper{} \refdef@@AmS\paperinfo{} \refdef@@AmS\jour\book@@font \refdef@@AmS\vol\book@@font \refdef@@AmS\issue{} \refdef@@AmS\mon{} \refdef@@AmS\yr{} \refdef@@AmS\pages{} \refdef@@AmS\talk{} \refdef@@AmS\book\book@@font \refdef@@AmS\bookinfo{} \refdef@@AmS\publ{} \refdef@@AmS\publaddr{} \refdef@@AmS\finalinfo{} \refdef@@AmS\editor{} \refdef@@AmS\jourinfo{} \refdef@@AmS\key\cite@@font \refdef@@AmS\editors{} % These don't fit the normal pattern. \def\bysame{\egroup\gdef\isbysame@@AmS{T}\bgroup} \def\page{\egroup\gdef\ispage@@AmS{T}\setbox\pagesbox@@AmS=\hbox\bgroup \ignorespaces} \def\toappear{\egroup\gdef\istoappear@@AmS{T}\bgroup} \def\inbook{\egroup\gdef\isinbook@@AmS{T}\setbox\bookbox@@AmS=\hbox\bgroup \book@@font\ignorespaces } % This is the font we normally print book and journal titles in, but we % use \twelveit for IEEE format. \let\book@@font=\twelvesl % Similarly, this is the font to use for the author's name(s). % Optionally, the user can ask for the cite font instead (this is % not necessarily related to use of the IEEE format). \let\by@@font=\twelverm % As an option, the user can have the author's name(s) in caps-small-caps. \def\AuthorsInCSC{% \let\by@@font=\elevencsc \oktell{Authors in CSC mode}% } % Define some aliases for some of the above, for user convenience. \let\pp=\pages \let\pgs=\pages \let\pg=\page \let\p=\page \let\journal=\jour \let\volume=\vol \let\author=\by \let\authors=\by \let\ieee@@editors=\editors % Save it in case we use IEEE format \let\editors=\editor % If using default JACM format \let\other=\talk \let\no=\issue % Helpers to \endref@@AmS, which speed things up a lot, and/or % make the code more compact. \def\a@@comma{, } % Used in next routine. Predefined for speed of \let. \def\setpunct@@AmS{\let\prepunct@@AmS=\a@@comma} \def\ppunbox@@AmS#1{\prepunct@@AmS\unhbox#1\unskip} % Actually do some typesetting (finally). As mentioned above, % \endref@@AmS is called to print a reference if we want it. It % is \let to be either \endref@@JACM or \endref@@IEEE (or possibly % some other format in the future) depending on the desired % format. % % For some reason, the ~'s don't see to tie things, so some % \hbox's were introduced. % % There is unfortunately a lot of common code between the % different formats. Here are some sections which were easy to % pull out: \def\endref@@startup{% % Test to see if there is anything in the wastebox \setbox\wastebox@@uci=\hbox{\unhbox\wastebox@@uci\unskip}% \ifdim\wd\wastebox@@uci>\z@@ \errmessage{Keyword omitted after \noexpand\ref}% \fi \let\prepunct@@AmS=\empty \vskip\parskip \noindent \hangafter=\@@ne } % This is the text printed for the JACM format for papers % appearing in a book. \def\appearing@@in{Appearing in } % Common code at the end of \endref@@JACM and \endref@@IEEE. % The argument is the date routine to use. \def\endref@@finishup#1{% \if T\istalk@@AmS \dimen@@=\wd\talkbox@@AmS \ifdim\dimen@@>\z@@ \ppunbox@@AmS\talkbox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \fi \fi \if T\isbook@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\bookbox@@AmS \setpunct@@AmS \editor@@ref \fi \if T\isinbook@@AmS \prepunct@@AmS\appearing@@in\unhbox\bookbox@@AmS\unskip \setpunct@@AmS \editor@@ref \gdef\isbook@@AmS{T}% \fi \if T\isbookinfo@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\bookinfobox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\using@@IEEE \if T\ispubladdr@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\publaddrbox@@AmS \if T\ispubl@@AmS \def\prepunct@@AmS{: }\else\setpunct@@AmS\fi \fi \if T\ispubl@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\publbox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \fi \else \if T\ispubl@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\publbox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\ispubladdr@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\publaddrbox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \fi \fi \if T\isbook@@AmS \if T\isvol@@AmS \prepunct@@AmS Vol.~\unhbox\volbox@@AmS\unskip\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\isyr@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\yrbox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\istoappear@@AmS \ (to appear)\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\ispages@@AmS \prepunct@@AmS pp.~\unhbox\pagesbox@@AmS\unskip\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\ispage@@AmS \prepunct@@AmS p.~\unhbox\pagesbox@@AmS\unskip\setpunct@@AmS \fi \fi \if T\istalk@@AmS #1% This is the date routine to use. \fi \if T\isfinalinfo@@AmS \period\unhbox\finalinfobox@@AmS \else \if T\refl@@AmS . \else ; \fi \fi } % Print editor(s) if and as appropriate. \def\editor@@ref{% \if T\using@@IEEE \if T\iseditor@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\editorbox@@AmS, Ed.\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\iseditors@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\editorsbox@@AmS, Eds.\setpunct@@AmS \fi \else \if T\iseditor@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\editorbox@@AmS\ (ed.)\setpunct@@AmS \fi \fi } % This routine prints the date in the JACM format \def\date@@JACM{% \if T\isyr@@AmS \/\ (% \if T\ismon@@AmS \unhbox\monbox@@AmS\unskip, \fi \unhbox\yrbox@@AmS\unskip)\setpunct@@AmS \else \if T\ismon@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\monbox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \fi \fi } % This prints the date in the IEEE format. \def\date@@IEEE{% \if T\isyr@@AmS \prepunct@@AmS \if T\ismon@@AmS \unhbox\monbox@@AmS\unskip\a@@comma \fi \unhbox\yrbox@@AmS\unskip\setpunct@@AmS \else \if T\ismon@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\monbox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \fi \fi } % This version produces JACM format references. \def\endref@@JACM{% \endref@@startup \if T\refi@@AmS \hbox to \key@@size{\cite@@font [\unhbox\keybox@@AmS\unskip]\hfil}% \hangindent=\key@@size \if T\isby@@AmS \unhcopy\bybox@@AmS\unskip \def\prepunct@@AmS{\hskip7\p@@ plus5\p@@\relax}% \setbox\z@@=\hbox{\unhbox\bybox@@AmS\unskip}% \dimen@@=\wd\z@@ % We want \dimen0=max(\wd0, 2in) \ifdim\dimen@@>2in \dimen@@=2in \fi \setbox\bysamebox@@AmS=\hbox{\hbox to\dimen@@{\leaders\hrule\hfill.}}% \else \if T\isbysame@@AmS \unhcopy\bysamebox@@AmS\unskip \def\prepunct@@AmS{\hskip7\p@@ plus5\p@@\relax}% \fi \fi \fi \if T\ispaper@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\paperbox@@AmS\def\prepunct@@AmS{. }% \fi \if T\ispaperinfo@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\paperinfobox@@AmS\def\prepunct@@AmS{. }% \fi \if T\isjour@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\jourbox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \editor@@ref \if T\isjourinfo@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\jourinfobox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\isvol@@AmS \ \unhbox\volbox@@AmS\unskip \fi \if T\isissue@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\issuebox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \fi \date@@JACM \if T\istoappear@@AmS \ (to appear)\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\ispages@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\pagesbox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\ispage@@AmS \prepunct@@AmS p.~\unhbox\pagesbox@@AmS\unskip\setpunct@@AmS \fi \fi \endref@@finishup\date@@JACM } % This version produces IEEE format references. \def\endref@@IEEE{% \endref@@startup \if T\refi@@AmS \hbox to \key@@size{\cite@@font [\unhbox\keybox@@AmS\unskip]\hfil}% \hangindent=\key@@size \if T\isby@@AmS \unhcopy\bybox@@AmS\unskip\setpunct@@AmS \setbox\z@@=\hbox{\unhbox\bybox@@AmS\unskip}% \dimen@@=\wd\z@@ % We want \dimen0=max(\wd0, 2in) \ifdim\dimen@@>2in \dimen@@=2in \fi \setbox\bysamebox@@AmS=\hbox{\hbox to\dimen@@{\leaders\hrule\hfill}}% \else \if T\isbysame@@AmS \unhcopy\bysamebox@@AmS\unskip\setpunct@@AmS \fi \fi \fi \if T\ispaper@@AmS \prepunct@@AmS``\unhbox\paperbox@@AmS\unskip,'' \let\prepunct@@AmS=\empty \fi \if T\ispaperinfo@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\paperinfobox@@AmS\def\prepunct@@AmS{, }% \fi \if T\isjour@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\jourbox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \editor@@ref \if T\isjourinfo@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\jourinfobox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\isvol@@AmS \prepunct@@AmS vol.~\unhbox\volbox@@AmS\unskip\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\isissue@@AmS \prepunct@@AmS no.~\unhbox\issuebox@@AmS\unskip\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\istoappear@@AmS \ (to appear)\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\ispages@@AmS \prepunct@@AmS pp.~\unhbox\pagesbox@@AmS\unskip\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\ispage@@AmS \prepunct@@AmS p.~\unhbox\pagesbox@@AmS\unskip\setpunct@@AmS \fi \if T\ispubladdr@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\publaddrbox@@AmS \if T\ispubl@@AmS \def\prepunct@@AmS{: }\else\setpunct@@AmS\fi \fi \if T\ispubl@@AmS \ppunbox@@AmS\publbox@@AmS\setpunct@@AmS \fi \let\ispubl@@AmS=F\let\ispubladdr@@AmS=F% For finishup routine \date@@IEEE \fi \endref@@finishup\date@@IEEE } % By default, we use JACM format references \let\endref@@AmS=\endref@@JACM % But it's possible to get the other format \def\IEEE{% \gdef\using@@IEEE{T}% Now we're using IEEE format. \let\editors=\ieee@@editors \let\endref@@AmS=\endref@@IEEE \refdef@@AmS\vol{}% Vol not printed in slanted any more. \global\let\appearing@@in=\empty % Don't say that in IEEE format. \let\volume=\vol \let\book@@font=\twelveit % Book and journal titles in this font. \oktell{IEEE Bibliography Style}% } % References Dump \newwrite\dump@@file \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 \catcode`\%=12 \catcode`\[=1 \catcode`\]=2 \def\ref@@open[{] \def\ref@@close[}] \def\ref@@comment[%] \catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2 \catcode`\%=14 \catcode`\[=12 \catcode`\]=12 \def\refdump{% \vfill\supereject \begingroup \content\reftitle \tell{Dumping \reftitle\space to refdump.tex}% \immediate\openout\dump@@file=refdump \immediate\write\dump@@file{% \noexpand\catcode`\noexpand\@@=11 ^^J% \noexpand\let\noexpand\content=\noexpand\eat@@AmS^^J% \noexpand\pageno=\the\pageno^^J% \noexpand\def\noexpand\ref@@set\ref@@open\ref@@comment }% \def\\##1{\immediate\write\dump@@file{ \noexpand\\{##1}\ref@@comment}}% \ref@@set \immediate\write\dump@@file{% \ref@@close^^J% }% \immediate\closeout\dump@@file \endgroup } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % OUTPUT CONTROL % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Control for informational messages. Default is \verbose mode. \newif\iftell@@all \let\verbose=\tell@@alltrue \let\quiet=\tell@@allfalse \verbose \def\oktell#1{\iftell@@all\tell{#1}\fi} \def\okmessage#1{\iftell@@all\message{#1}\fi} % Chapter macro parameters \newcount\chapterno \chapterno=\z@@ % Number of current chapter \newif\ifnumber@@chapters \number@@chapterstrue % By default, number the chapters \def\nochapternumbers{% \number@@chaptersfalse \oktell{No Chapter Numbers mode}% } % Same thing for sections, subsections, etc \newcount\sectno \sectno=\@@ne \newcount\subsectno \subsectno=\@@ne \newcount\subsubsectno \subsubsectno=\@@ne \newif\ifnumber@@sections \def\numbersections{% \number@@sectionstrue \oktell{Section Numbers mode}% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % OUTPUT CONTROL MACROS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Center, left justify, right justify -- avoid exceeding margins \def\centerline#1{\line{\hfill#1\hfill}} \def\leftline#1{\line{#1\hfill}} \def\rightline#1{\line{\hfill#1}} \def\threepart#1#2#3{\line{\hskip\leftskip\rlap{#1}\hfill#2\hfill \llap{#3}\hskip\rightskip}} % End of the main body of the document \let\enddiss=\bye % Summary Information \outer\def\showsummary{% \begingroup \def\note##1##2##3##4{% \count@@=##1 \advance\count@@ by##3 \ifcase\count@@ \message{No ##2s##4}\or \message{1 ##2##4}\else \message{\the\count@@\space ##2s##4}\fi }% \note\fignumber{figure}{-1}{,}% \note\tablenumber{table}{-1}{,}% \note\note@@count{footnote}{-1}{,}% \cardinality\ref@@set\to\count@@ \note\count@@{citation}{0}{.}% \endgroup } % Real version of ragged right margins \def\raggedright{% \rightskip=\z@@ plus 2em \oktell{Raggedright mode}% } % Disallow hyphenation -- a very dangerous thing \def\nohyphens{% \hyphenpenalty=\@@M\tolerance=500\pretolerance=\@@M \oktell{Nohyphens mode}% } % Allow capitalized words to be hyphenated \def\hyphenall{% \uchyph=\@@ne \oktell{Hyphenating all words}% } % Handle a long quotation in a standard way \def\bigquote#1\endbigquote{% \par \vskip \baselineskip \vskip -\parskip { \advance\rightskip by30\p@@ \advance\leftskip by30\p@@ \smallertype \singlespace \let\\=\newline \noindent\llap{``}\ignorespaces#1\unskip''\par }% End of singlespacing and special indentation \vskip \baselineskip \vskip -\parskip } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CHAPTERS, SECTIONS, FIGURES, TABLES % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % What to do at the beginning of a chapter \def\chapter#1\endchapter{ \chapter@@base #1\endchapter \oktell{Chapter \number\chapterno: #1} \content{Chapter \number\chapterno: #1} } % This boolean controls whether chapters are made to start only on % odd pages. \newif\ifoddpages \oddpagesfalse \def\twosided{% This is the ``official'' command \oddpagestrue \oktell{Twosided mode}% } % The guts of the \chapter command. \chapter==\chapter@@base when % in \articlestyle. \def\chapter@@base#1\endchapter{ \par \clearpage % Clean up from prev chapter \ifoddpages % Make sure start on even page. \ifodd\pageno \relax \else \null\vfill\eject \fi \fi \pageno@@foot % Page #ing special for chap pages \advance\chapterno by\@@ne \ifnumber@@chapters \centerline{\chap@@font CHAPTER \number\chapterno}% Do heading \fi \sectno=\z@@ \subsectno=\z@@ \subsubsectno=\z@@ {\let\\=\cr \tabskip=\z@@ \chap@@font % Center the chapter title \halign to\hsize{\centerline{\ignorespaces##\unskip}\cr#1\cr} } \nobreak % Shouldn't happen anyway \vskip 1.0in minus 0.15in } % What to do at the beginning of a section \outer\def\section{\dosection} \def\dosection#1{% \skip@@=\lastskip % \par resets \lastskip, apparently \par % This junk trys to provide consistent spacing \dimen@@=\baselineskip \ifdim\skip@@<\dimen@@ \ifdim\skip@@=\z@@ \penalty-200 \fi \vskip \dimen@@ plus .5\baselineskip \fi \ifnumber@@sections \advance\sectno by\@@ne \subsectno=\z@@ \subsubsectno=\z@@ \leftline{\sec@@font\number\sectno. #1} \else \leftline{\sec@@font#1} \fi \subcontent{#1} \sanetell{ Section: #1} \nobreak \vskip \z@@ plus .15\baselineskip \vskip -\parskip } % And for sub-sections \outer\def\subsection{\dosubsection} \def\dosubsection#1{% \skip@@=\lastskip \par \dimen@@=.6\baselineskip \ifdim\skip@@<\dimen@@ \ifdim\skip@@=\z@@ \penalty-100 \fi \vskip \dimen@@ plus .3\baselineskip \fi \ifnumber@@sections \advance\subsectno by\@@ne \subsubsectno=\z@@ \leftline{\subsec@@font\number\sectno.\number\subsectno. #1} \else \leftline{\subsec@@font#1} \fi \subsubcontent{#1} \sanetell{ \\Subsection: #1} \nobreak \vskip \z@@ plus .1\baselineskip \vskip -\parskip } % And for sub-sub-sections \outer\def\subsubsection{\dosubsubsection} \def\dosubsubsection#1{% \skip@@=\lastskip \par \dimen@@=.5\baselineskip \ifdim\skip@@<\dimen@@ \ifdim\skip@@=\z@@ \penalty-50 \fi \vskip \dimen@@ plus .3\baselineskip \fi \ifnumber@@sections \advance\subsubsectno by\@@ne \leftline{\subsubsec@@font\number\sectno.\number\subsectno .\number\subsubsectno. #1} \else \leftline{\subsubsec@@font#1} \fi \subsubsubcontent{#1} \sanetell{ \\\\Subsubsection: #1} \nobreak \vskip -\parskip } % This is an alternate definition for plain TeX's \@@ins, % omitting the \par. It is for use during \figure etc. Reason: % If you use \figure right after \section, it would otherwise % become a legal place for a page break. \def\@@ins@@uci{\begingroup\setbox\z@@\vbox\bgroup} % This is \endinsert from plain.tex, but \midinsert's are not converted % to \topinsert's, since that can lead to figures getting out of order. % This can lead to excessive blank space at the bottom of the page, but % that's life. Makes use of \keep...\endkeep type stuff. \def\endinsert{\egroup % finish the \vbox \if@@mid \dimen@@\ht\z@@ \advance\dimen@@\dp\z@@ \advance\dimen@@12\p@@ \vskip\z@@ plus\dimen@@ \penalty\z@@ \vskip\z@@ plus-\dimen@@ \bigskip\box\z@@\bigbreak \else\insert\topins{\penalty100 % floating insertion \splittopskip\z@@skip \splitmaxdepth\maxdimen \floatingpenalty\z@@ \ifp@@ge \dimen@@\dp\z@@ \vbox to\vsize{\unvbox\z@@\kern-\dimen@@}% depth is zero \else \box\z@@\nobreak\bigskip\fi}\fi\endgroup} % This macro provides rudamentary support for figures. The % argument to \figure is the name of the file containing the tpic (or whatever) % output. The second argument is the caption for the picture. % As usual, TeX's delayed paging and midinserting causes expansion-timing % problems which have to be kludged around. \newif\iftopfigs \topfigstrue \def\domidfigs{% \topfigsfalse \oktell{Midfigs mode}% } % Counters for figures/diagrams/examples and tables \newcount\fignumber \fignumber=\@@ne \newcount\tablenumber \tablenumber=\@@ne % Helper for \figure, \example, and \diagram. Define \lastfigure and % \this@@insert, increment the figure number for next time, and make sure % the figures list file is open for writing. % #1=the caption, to be written to the figures list file \def\advance@@figno#1{% \xdef\lastfigure{\the\fignumber}% Remember the current figure number \begingroup\no@@cites \let\\=\space \xdef\this@@insert{\write\noexpand\fig@@file{\noexpand\noexpand \noexpand\listfig{\lastfigure}{#1}% {\noexpand\number\noexpand\pageno}% }% }% \endgroup \global\advance\fignumber by\@@ne \iffig@@closed % Open figures file if not already \immediate\openout\fig@@file=\figtitle \global\fig@@closedfalse \fi } % Bump the table number after defining \lasttable. Prepare \this@@insert. % Define \table@@caption. \def\advance@@tablenumber#1{% \xdef\lasttable{\the\tablenumber}% Remember the current figure number \begingroup \no@@cites \let\\=\space \xdef\this@@insert{\write\noexpand\tab@@file{\noexpand\noexpand \noexpand\listfig{\lasttable}{#1}% {\noexpand\number\noexpand\pageno}% }% }% \endgroup \global\advance\tablenumber by\@@ne \gdef\table@@caption{#1}% } \newif\ifpage@@figs \page@@figsfalse % Special mode to put figures/diagrams/examples on separate pages \def\pagefigs{% \oktell{Page Figures mode}% \page@@figstrue } % Usage: \figure{filename}{caption with \\'s} \def\figure#1#2{% \begingroup % Hide anything that crazy user does! \advance@@figno{#2}% % Now do mid or top insert as appropriate \let\@@ins=\@@ins@@uci \ifpage@@figs \shipout\vbox to\vsize\bgroup {\smallertype\rm\input #1\relax\centerline{\box\graph}}% \vfill \centerline{Figure \lastfigure}\this@@insert \egroup \else \iftopfigs \topinsert \else \midinsert \fi \hrule \vskip .5\baselineskip {\smallertype\rm\input #1\relax\centerline{\box\graph}}% \vskip .5\baselineskip plus .5\baselineskip \centerline{\twelvebf Figure \lastfigure}% \this@@insert \let\\=\cr \tabskip=\z@@ \halign to\hsize{\centerline{\ignorespaces##\unskip}\cr#2\cr}% \vskip2\p@@ \hrule \endinsert \fi \endgroup } % Allow user to specify arbitrary diagrams. The arguments are: % #1=name of the file containing the commands to form the diagram, % #2=caption for the figure, possibly containing \\'s. \def\diagram#1#2{% \begingroup \advance@@figno{#2}% % Do mid or top insert as appropriate \let\@@ins=\@@ins@@uci \ifpage@@figs \shipout\vbox to\vsize\bgroup {\smallertype\rm\input #1\relax}% \vfill \centerline{\twelverm Figure \lastfigure}\this@@insert \egroup \else \iftopfigs \topinsert \else \midinsert \fi \hrule \vskip .5\baselineskip {\smallertype\rm\input #1\relax}% \vskip .5\baselineskip plus .5\baselineskip \centerline{\twelvebf Figure \lastfigure}% \this@@insert \let\\=\cr \tabskip=\z@@ \halign to \hsize{\centerline{\ignorespaces##\unskip}\cr#2\cr}% \vskip2\p@@ \hrule \endinsert \fi \endgroup } % Allow user to include verbatim examples from files. The arguments are: % #1=name of the file containing the text of the example, % #2=caption for the figure, possibly containing \\'s. \def\example#1#2{% \begingroup \advance@@figno{#2}% % Do mid or top insert as appropriate \let\@@ins=\@@ins@@uci \ifpage@@figs \shipout\vbox to\vsize\bgroup \vbox{\smallertype\singlespace\verbfile{#1}}% \vfill \centerline{\twelverm Figure \lastfigure}\this@@insert \egroup \else \iftopfigs \topinsert \else \midinsert \fi \hrule \vskip .5\baselineskip \vbox{\smallertype\singlespace\verbfile{#1}}% \vskip .5\baselineskip plus .5\baselineskip \centerline{\twelvebf Figure \lastfigure}% \this@@insert \let\\=\cr \tabskip=\z@@ \halign to \hsize{\centerline{\ignorespaces##\unskip}\cr#2\cr}% \vskip2\p@@ \hrule \endinsert \fi \endgroup } % Similar thing for tables % usage: \table{caption} ...text... \endtable \def\table#1{% \begingroup % Hide user zingers \advance@@tablenumber{#1}% \setbox\z@@=\vbox\bgroup } % End of the table body specification. \def\endtable{% \egroup % End the definition of \box0. % Now do top or mid insert \let\@@ins=\@@ins@@uci \iftab@@closed % Open output file if necessary \immediate\openout\tab@@file=\tabtitle \global\tab@@closedfalse \fi \ifpage@@figs \shipout\vbox to\vsize\bgroup \box\z@@ \vfill \centerline{\twelverm Table \lasttable}\this@@insert \egroup \else \iftopfigs \topinsert \else \midinsert \fi \hrule \vskip .5\baselineskip \box\z@@ % Insert the material here. \vskip .5\baselineskip plus .5\baselineskip \centerline{\twelvebf Table \lasttable}% \this@@insert \let\\=\cr \tabskip=\z@@ \halign to\hsize{\centerline{\ignorespaces##\unskip}\cr\table@@caption \cr}% \vskip2\p@@ \hrule \endinsert \fi \endgroup } % End of the table body specification for a full-page table. \def\endtablepage{% \egroup % End the definition of \box0. % Now do top or mid insert \let\@@ins=\@@ins@@uci \iftab@@closed % Open output file if necessary \immediate\openout\tab@@file=\tabtitle \global\tab@@closedfalse \fi \ifpage@@figs \shipout\vbox to\vsize\bgroup \box\z@@ \vfill \centerline{\twelverm Table \lasttable}\this@@insert \egroup \else \pageinsert \hrule \vskip .5\baselineskip \box\z@@ % Insert the material here. \vskip .5\baselineskip plus .5\baselineskip \centerline{\twelvebf Table \lasttable}% \this@@insert \let\\=\cr \tabskip=\z@@ \halign to\hsize{\centerline{\ignorespaces##\unskip}\cr\table@@caption \cr}% \vskip2\p@@ \hrule \endinsert \fi \endgroup } % Environment for report generation -- use only at the beginning! % Since sections are the biggest division, the table of contents % stuff is redefined, and chapter numbering is turned off so that % \chapter can be used for the first-page title. The title page % gets no page number (page # 0). The user can get to the % normal chapter font as \titlefont, and the section font as % \authorfont. \def\articlestyle{% \nochapternumbers \let\subsubsubcontent=\subsubcontent \let\subsubcontent=\subcontent \let\subcontent=\content \let\chapter=\chapter@@base \pageno=\z@@ \let\titlefont=\chap@@font \let\authorfont=\sec@@font \oktell{Articlestyle mode}% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PAGE NUMBERING and OUTPUT ROUTINES % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This macro produces a blank, numbered page of output \def\blankpage{\pageinsert \null\vfill \endinsert} % This defintion of \folio differs from Plain's in that (a) page % numbers are printed in 12pt, and (b) roman numeral ones are % printed in italics. It makes use of a trick, that % \romannumeral0 produces no output, which we need for title % pages and things, so we make their page numbers be 0. \def\folio{\ifnum\pageno>\z@@ {\twelverm\number\pageno}\else {\twelveit\romannumeral-\pageno}\fi } % Permanent definitions of macros which get switched in and out % with \let's. Do not change any of these !!! \def\uci@@headpage{\hfill\folio} \def\uci@@footpage{\hfill\folio\hfill} \headline={\uci@@headline} \footline={\uci@@footline} % If this is used as the footline, it causes a page number to be % printed, but with the side-effect of making the headline blank % and the footline a page number again. This is used on pages % like the first of a chapter. \def\no@@foot{% \uci@@footpage \global\let\uci@@footline=\hfil \global\let\uci@@headline=\uci@@headpage } % This macro causes the page number to be at the bottom of the current % page, and after it has been used there once, it moves to the % top right of each page. It also sets \dimen\topins=0pt so that % any material \topinsert'd on these pages will get carried over % to subsequent pages. \def\pageno@@foot{% \dimen\topins=\z@@ \let\uci@@headline=\hfil \let\uci@@footline=\no@@foot } % Executing this causes page numbers to be at the bottom only, as % with the plain TeX format. \def\plain@@page@@numbers{% \let\uci@@headline=\hfil % Initial values similar to plain's \let\uci@@footline=\uci@@footpage } % Change plain's \makeheadline and \makefootline to position page % numbers as required. \def\makeheadline{% \vbox to\z@@{\vskip-22.65\p@@ \line{\vbox to8.5\p@@{}\the\headline}\vss}\nointerlineskip } \def\makefootline{\baselineskip=1.6cm\line{\the\footline}} % Define an output routine which will restore \dimen\topins % after \chapter, \references, etc, title pages, which have % \dimen\topins=0pt \def\dissoutput{\shipout\vbox{\makeheadline\pagebody\makefootline}% \advancepageno \global\dimen\topins=\vsize \ifnum\outputpenalty>-\@@MM \else\dosupereject\fi } \let\output@@AmS=\dissoutput \dimen\topins=\vsize % Don't insert more than will fit on one page % Output Routines: We adjust the \raggedbottom command of plain % TeX so that the extra space is no more than 1in, and so that % the space is put above footnotes instead of below. NOTE: Since % we put a \vfil below the page contents, the topskip glue will % never actually be stretched. Its stretchability is just to % let TeX know about the raggedness in computing when to make a % page break. Since it's 1in, the \vfil will never be stretched to % more than that amount. \def\raggedbottom{\topskip=\normal@@topskip plus1in \r@@ggedbottomtrue \oktell{Ragged bottom mode}} \def\normalbottom{\topskip=\normal@@topskip\r@@ggedbottomfalse \oktell{Normal bottom mode}} \def\pagecontents{% \ifvoid\topins\else\unvbox\topins\fi \dimen@@=\dp\@@cclv \unvbox\@@cclv % open up \box255 \ifr@@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@@ \vfil\fi \ifvoid\footins \else % footnote info is present \vskip\skip\footins \footnoterule \unvbox\footins \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % INITIALIZATION % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \font@@no=0 % Default font=\rm, \twelvepoint % point size, \doublespace % and spacing \plain@@page@@numbers % Page nos like plain's % Note that normally in AmSTeX, the @@ character may not be used. % But in the dissertation style, @@ may be used as a normal character, % As it can in plain TeX. \catcode`\@@=12 % Eat any further \documentstyle commands \def\documentstyle#1{} % This prints out our welcome message, and it computes the time % and date string once per run, which saves time if they're used % more than once. Since \catcode`@@=12 at the time this is % executed, it can't contain any @@-type macros. \everyjob={% \begingroup \xdef\today{% \ifcase\month \the\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\else \the\month \fi\space\the\day, \the\year }% \count0=\time \count1=\count0 \divide\count0by60 \count2=\count0 \multiply\count0by60 \advance\count1by-\count0 \ifnum\count2>11 \ifnum\count2>12 \advance\count2by-12\fi \def\ampm{PM}% \else \ifnum\count2=0 \advance\count2by12\fi \def\ampm{AM}% \fi \xdef\daytime{% \ifnum\count2<10 0\fi \the\count2:% \ifnum\count1<10 0\fi \the\count1 \ampm }% \endgroup \tell{AmSTeX Dissertation Style, version \version}% } \edef\temp@@uci{\the\everyjob} \temp@@uci @ 1.2 log @am->cm fonts @ text @d2 1 @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d86 3 a88 3 \font\sixrm=amr6 \font\sixbf=ambx6 \font\sixi=ammi6 \skewchar\sixi='177 \font\sixsy=amsy6 \skewchar\sixsy='60 d90 5 a94 5 \font\eightrm=amr8 \font\eightsl=amsl8 \font\eightit=amti8 \font\eightsy=amsy8 \skewchar\eightsy='60 \skewchar\eightsy='60 \font\eightbf=ambx8 \font\eightex=amex10 at 8\p@@ \font\eighti=ammi8 \skewchar\eighti='177 d96 4 a99 4 \font\ninerm=amr9 \font\nineit=amti9 \font\ninei=ammi9 \skewchar\ninei='177 \font\ninesy=amsy9 \skewchar\ninesy='60 \font\ninesl=amsl9 \font\ninebf=ambx9 d101 5 a105 5 \font\twelvecsc=amcsc10 scaled \magstep1 \font\tencsc=amcsc10 \font\eightcsc=amcsc10 at 8\p@@ \font\elevencsc=amcsc10 scaled \magstephalf \font\ninecsc=amcsc10 at 9\p@@ d107 2 a108 2 \font\tencscod=amcscod10 \font\eightcscod=amcscod10 at 8\p@@ d110 3 a112 3 \font\eightsf=amss10 at 8\p@@ \font\tensf=amss10 \font\twelvesf=amss10 at 12\p@@ d114 2 a115 2 \font\twelvett=amtt10 scaled \magstep1 \font\eighttt=amtt10 at 8\p@@ % \tentt is predefined in plain.tex d121 5 a125 5 \font\twelveex=amex10 scaled \magstep1 \font\twelverm=amr10 scaled \magstep1 \font\twelvesl=amsl10 scaled \magstep1 \font\twelvebf=ambx10 scaled \magstep1 \font\twelvei=ammi10 scaled \magstep1 \skewchar\twelvei='177 \font\twelvesy=amsy10 scaled \magstep1 \skewchar\twelvesy='60 \font\twelveit=amti10 scaled \magstep1 d127 3 a129 3 \font\twelvechap@@font=amssbx10 at 14\p@@ \font\twelvesec@@font=amss10 at 13\p@@ \font\twelvesubsec@@font=amssi10 scaled \magstep1 d131 3 a133 3 \font\tenchap@@font=amssbx10 scaled \magstep1 \font\tensec@@font=amssbx10 scaled \magstephalf \font\tensubsec@@font=amssi10 d135 3 a137 3 \font\eightchap@@font=amssbx10 \font\eightsec@@font=amss10 at 9\p@@ \font\eightsubsec@@font=amssqi8 @