head 1.3; branch ; access ; symbols ; locks ; strict; comment @ * @; 1.3 date; author sources; state Exp; branches ; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author sources; state Exp; branches ; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches ; next ; desc @@ 1.3 log @add ID @ text @/* m_foil.c - foil search of .mh_profile */ #ifndef lint static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id:$"; #endif lint #include "../h/mh.h" #include void m_foil (path) char *path; { register struct node *np; defpath = context = "/dev/null"; if (path) { np = m_defs = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof *np); if (np == NULL) adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate profile storage"); np -> n_name = getcpy ("Path"); np -> n_field = getcpy (path); np -> n_context = 0; np -> n_next = NULL; if (mypath == NULL && (mypath = getenv ("HOME")) != NULL) mypath = getcpy (mypath); } } @ 1.2 log @add ID @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "$Id:"; @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d2 3 @