head 1.8; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @ * @; 1.8 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.7; 1.7 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date; author mh; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.8 log @endif sugar @ text @/* m_sync.c - synchronize message sequences */ #ifndef lint static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: m_sync.c,v 1.7 1992/01/31 21:56:12 jromine Exp jromine $"; #endif /* lint */ #include "../h/mh.h" #include #include #ifndef sigmask #define sigmask(s) (1 << ((s) - 1)) #endif /* not sigmask */ /* decision logic 1. public and folder readonly: make it private 2a. public: add it to the sequences file 2b. private: add it to the profile */ void m_sync (mp) register struct msgs *mp; { int bits; register int i; register char *cp; char flags, attr[BUFSIZ], seq[BUFSIZ * 2]; register FILE *fp; #ifndef BSD42 TYPESIG (*hstat) (), (*istat) (), (*qstat) (), (*tstat) (); #else /* BSD42 */ int smask; #endif /* BSD42 */ if (!(mp -> msgflags & SEQMOD)) return; mp -> msgflags &= ~SEQMOD; m_getdefs (); (void) sprintf (seq, "%s/%s", mp -> foldpath, mh_seq); bits = FFATTRSLOT; fp = NULL; flags = mp -> msgflags; if (mh_seq == NULL || *mh_seq == 0) mp -> msgflags |= READONLY; for (i = 0; mp -> msgattrs[i]; i++) { (void) sprintf (attr, "atr-%s-%s", mp -> msgattrs[i], mp -> foldpath); if (mp -> msgflags & READONLY || mp -> attrstats & (1 << (bits + i))) { priv: ; if (cp = m_seq (mp, mp -> msgattrs[i])) m_replace (attr, cp); else (void) m_delete (attr); } else { (void) m_delete (attr); if ((cp = m_seq (mp, mp -> msgattrs[i])) == NULL) continue; if (fp == NULL) { if ((fp = fopen (seq, "w")) == NULL && (unlink (seq) == NOTOK || (fp = fopen (seq, "w")) == NULL)) { admonish (attr, "unable to write"); goto priv; } #ifndef BSD42 hstat = signal (SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); istat = signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN); qstat = signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); tstat = signal (SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); #else /* BSD42 */ smask = sigblock (sigmask (SIGHUP) | sigmask (SIGINT) | sigmask (SIGQUIT) | sigmask (SIGTERM)); #endif /* BSD42 */ } fprintf (fp, "%s: %s\n", mp -> msgattrs[i], cp); } } if (fp) { (void) fclose (fp); #ifndef BSD42 (void) signal (SIGHUP, hstat); (void) signal (SIGINT, istat); (void) signal (SIGQUIT, qstat); (void) signal (SIGTERM, tstat); #else /* BSD42 */ (void) sigsetmask (smask); #endif /* BSD42 */ } else if (!(mp -> msgflags & READONLY)) (void) unlink (seq); mp -> msgflags = flags; } @ 1.7 log @kerberos @ text @d3 2 a4 2 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: m_sync.c,v 1.6 1990/11/05 11:46:34 mh Exp jromine $"; #endif lint d11 1 a11 1 #endif not sigmask d33 1 a33 1 #else BSD42 d35 1 a35 1 #endif BSD42 d76 1 a76 1 #else BSD42 d79 1 a79 1 #endif BSD42 d92 1 a92 1 #else BSD42 d94 1 a94 1 #endif BSD42 @ 1.6 log @correctly detect inability to alter the public sequence file. the original test only worked if the unlink succeeded. JLR @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: m_sync.c,v 1.5 90/04/05 15:31:00 sources Exp Locker: mh $"; d47 1 a47 1 if (mh_seq == NULL || *mh_seq == NULL) @ 1.5 log @add ID @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id:$"; d66 2 a67 2 && unlink (seq) != NOTOK && (fp = fopen (seq, "w")) == NULL) { @ 1.4 log @add ID @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "$Id:"; @ 1.3 log @TYPESIG @ text @d2 3 @ 1.2 log @increase message sequence buffer size by factor of 2. I hope this is worth it, since it'll make things bigger. @ text @d29 1 a29 1 int (*hstat) (), (*istat) (), (*qstat) (), (*tstat) (); @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d26 1 a26 1 seq[BUFSIZ]; @