head 1.3; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @ * @; 1.3 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.3 log @add id @ text @/* bb_wtmail.c - write mail to a BBoard */ #ifndef lint static char Id[] = "@@(#)$Id:$"; #endif #include "util.h" #include "mmdf.h" #include "ch.h" #include "bboards.h" #include "tws.h" #include #include /* */ int err_fd = NOTOK; int dist_address (); extern int errno; int bbrduid, bbrdgid; char *channelname, channelinfo[LINESIZE], bbrdaddr[LINESIZE], bbrdfrom[LINESIZE], bbrdheader[LINESIZE], bbrdhome[LINESIZE], bbrdtime[LINESIZE]; extern char *qu_msgfile, delim1[], delim2[], locname[], sitesignature[]; struct bboard *curbb; extern struct ll_struct *logptr; off_t lseek (); char *index (), *rindex (), *sprintf (); struct passwd *getpwnam (); /* */ bb_init (chanptr) Chan * chanptr; { int uid, eid; struct passwd *pw; #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGBTR, "bb_init(chanptr=%s)", chanptr -> ch_spec); #endif channelname = chanptr -> ch_spec; #ifndef notdef sprintf (channelinfo, "vmth%s*", channelname); #else notdef /* the following is probably a BAD idea */ if (chanptr -> ch_host == NULL) channelinfo[0] = NULL; /* local delivery ONLY */ else sprintf (channelinfo, "vmth%s*", chanptr -> ch_host); #endif notdef if ((pw = getpwnam (BBOARDS)) == NULL) err_abrt (RP_BHST, "no passwd entry for '%s'", BBOARDS); bbrduid = pw -> pw_uid; bbrdgid = pw -> pw_gid; sprintf (bbrdfrom, "%s@@%s", pw -> pw_name, locname); #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGGEN, "distributing as '%s'", bbrdfrom); #endif sprintf (bbrdhome, pw -> pw_dir); if (!setbbent ()) err_abrt (RP_BHST, "setbbent() failed"); getwho (&uid, &eid); if (eid != 0) err_abrt (RP_BHST, "not running as root"); return RP_OK; } bb_end (result) short result; { #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGBTR, "bb_end(result=0%o)", result); #endif return RP_OK; } /* */ bb_sbinit () { #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGBTR, "bb_sbinit()"); #endif return RP_OK; } bb_sbend () { #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGBTR, "bb_sbend()"); #endif return RP_OK; } /* */ bb_winit (info, sender) char *info, *sender; { #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGBTR, "bb_winit(info='%s',sender='%s')", info, sender); #endif return RP_OK; } /* */ bb_wtadr (host, adr) char *host, *adr; { short count, result; int i, md, offset, qd, size; long start, stop, pos; char *cp, buffer[BUFSIZ]; #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGBTR, "bb_wtadr(host=%s,adr=%s)", host, adr); #endif make_lower (adr, adr); if ((curbb = getbbnam (adr)) == NULL) return RP_USER; sprintf (bbrdaddr, "local-%s-request@@%s", curbb -> bb_name, locname); #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGGEN, "=> BBoard %s: file='%s' info='%s addr='%s'", curbb -> bb_name, curbb -> bb_file, curbb -> bb_info, bbrdaddr); #endif if (curbb -> bb_file == NULL || *curbb -> bb_file == NULL) return RP_AOK; #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGGEN, "begin local delivery..."); #endif printx ("\r\nperforming local delivery to file %s...\n", curbb -> bb_file); qu_rtinit (0L); if ((qd = dup (qu_fileno ())) == NOTOK) { ll_log (logptr, LLOGFAT, "unable to dup qu_fileno()"); return RP_LIO; } if ((md = mbx_open (curbb -> bb_file, bbrduid, bbrdgid, BBMODE)) == NOTOK) { close (qd); return RP_FOPEN; } if (rp_isbad (result = mbx_init ())) { close (qd); mbx_close (curbb -> bb_file, md); return result; } pos = (long) lseek (md, (off_t)0, 1); count = strlen (delim1); if (write (md, delim1, count) != count) { ll_log (logptr, LLOGTMP, "error writing delim1"); i = NOTOK; goto clean_up; } start = (long) lseek (md, (off_t)0, 1); size = 0; count = strlen (bbrdheader); if (write (md, bbrdheader, count) != count) { ll_log (logptr, LLOGTMP, "error writing BBoard information"); i = NOTOK; goto clean_up; } for (cp = bbrhdheader; *cp; cp++, size++) if (*cp == '\n') size++; /* */ while ((i = read (qd, buffer, sizeof buffer)) > 0) { for (offset = 0; (offset = strindex (delim1, buffer)) >= 0; buffer[offset]++) continue; for (offset = 0; (offset = strindex (delim2, buffer)) >= 0; buffer[offset]++) continue; if (write (md, buffer, i) != i) { ll_log (logptr, LLOGTMP, "error writing to file '%s'", curbb -> bb_file); i = NOTOK; goto clean_up; } for (offset = 0, cp = buffer; offset < i; offset++, size++) if (*cp++ == '\n') size++; } if (i < 0) ll_log (logptr, LLOGTMP, "error reading from message file '%s'", qu_msgfile); clean_up: ; close (qd); stop = (long) lseek (md, (off_t)0, 1); count = strlen (delim2); if (write (md, delim2, count) != count) ll_log (logptr, LLOGTMP, "error writing delim2"); map_write (curbb -> bb_file, md, curbb -> bb_maxima, start, stop, pos, size, 0); #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGGEN, "end local delivery..."); #endif result = mbx_close (curbb -> bb_file, md); return (i < 0 ? RP_FIO : result); } /* */ bb_txtcpy () { short result; #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGBTR, "bb_txtcpy()"); #endif if (curbb -> bb_dist == NULL || *curbb -> bb_dist == NULL || channelinfo[0] == NULL) return RP_MOK; #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGGEN, "begin distribution..."); #endif if (curbb -> bb_file == NULL || *curbb -> bb_file == NULL) printx ("\r\n"); printx("\rperforming remote distribution\n"); if (rp_isbad (result = dist_init ()) || rp_isbad (result = dist_adrs ()) || rp_isbad (result = dist_text ()) || rp_isbad (result = dist_end ())) return dist_lose (result); #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGGEN, "end distribution..."); #endif if (err_fd != NOTOK) dist_lose (RP_MOK); else printx ("\rmessage distributed\n"); return RP_MOK; } /* */ /* dist_ BBoard distribution routines */ dist_init () { short result; #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGBTR, "dist_init()"); #endif if (rp_isbad (result = mm_init ())) return dist_log (result, LLOGFAT, "mm_init() failed [%s]", rp_valstr (result)); if (rp_isbad (result = mm_sbinit ())) return dist_log (result, LLOGFAT, "mm_sbinit() failed [%s]", rp_valstr (result)); if (rp_isbad (result = mm_winit (chnlname, chnlinfo, bbrdaddr))) return dist_log (result, LLOGFAT, "mm_winit('%s','%s','%s') failed [%s]", chnlname, chnlinfo, bbrdaddr, rp_valstr (result)); return result; } /* */ dist_adrs () { short result; #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGBTR, "dist_adrs()"); #endif if (getbbdist (curbb, dist_address)) return dist_log (RP_NO, LLOGTMP, "getbbdist failed: %s", getbberr ()); if (rp_isbad (result = mm_waend ())) return dist_log (result, LLOGFAT, "mm_waend() failed [%s]", rp_valstr (result)); return result; } /* */ dist_address (addr, host) char *addr, *host; { short result, len; struct rp_bufstruct reply; #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGBTR, "dist_address(addr='%s',host='%s')", addr, host); #endif printx ("\rperforming distribution to %s@@%s...\n", addr, host); if (rp_isbad (result = mm_wadr (host, addr))) { dist_log (result, LLOGFAT, "mm_wadr('%s','%s') failed [%s]", host, addr, rp_valstr (result)); return NOTOK; } if (rp_isbad (result = mm_rrply (&reply, &len))) { dist_log (result, LLOGFAT, "mm_rrply() failed [%s] getting status of '%s@@%s'", rp_valstr (result), addr, host); return NOTOK; } switch (rp_gval (reply.rp_val)) { case RP_AOK: #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGGEN, "address '%s@@%s' [%s] -- %s", addr, host, rp_valstr (reply.rp_val), reply.rp_line); #endif return OK; case RP_NO: case RP_USER: case RP_NDEL: case RP_AGN: case RP_NOOP: dist_log (reply.rp_val, LLOGTMP, "address '%s@@%s' [%s] -- %s", addr, host, rp_valstr (reply.rp_val), reply.rp_line); return OK; /* fail-soft */ default: dist_log (reply.rp_val, LLOGFAT, "unexpected reply [%s] -- %s", rp_valstr (reply.rp_val), reply.rp_line); return NOTOK; } } /* */ dist_text () { short result; int i, qd; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGBTR, "dist_text()"); #endif qu_rtinit (0L); if ((qd = dup (qu_fileno ())) == NOTOK) return dist_log (RP_LIO, LLOGFAT, "unable to dup qu_fileno()"); while ((i = read (qd, buffer, sizeof buffer)) > 0) if (rp_isbad (result = mm_wtxt (buffer, i))) return dist_log (result, LLOGFAT, "mm_wtxt() failed [%s]", rp_valstr (result)); close (qd); if (i < 0) return dist_log (RP_FIO, LLOGTMP, "error reading from message file '%s'", qu_msgfile); if (rp_isbad (result = mm_wtend ())) return dist_log (result, LLOGFAT, "mm_wtend() failed [%s]", rp_valstr (result)); return result; } /* */ dist_end () { short result, len; struct rp_bufstruct reply; #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGBTR, "dist_end()"); #endif if (rp_isbad (result = mm_rrply (&reply, &len))) return dist_log (result, LLOGFAT, "mm_rrply() failed [%s] getting final status", rp_valstr (result)); switch (rp_gval (reply.rp_val)) { case RP_OK: case RP_MOK: #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGGEN, "message [%s] -- %s", rp_valstr (reply.rp_val), reply.rp_line); #endif mm_sbend (); mm_end (OK); return result; case RP_NO: case RP_NDEL: case RP_AGN: case RP_NOOP: return dist_log (RP_NO, LLOGTMP, "not delivered [%s] -- %s", rp_valstr (reply.rp_val), reply.rp_line); default: return dist_log (RP_RPLY, LLOGFAT, "unexpected final reply [%s] -- %s", rp_valstr (reply.rp_val), reply.rp_line); } } /* */ dist_lose (result) short result; { int qd; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; FILE * qp; #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGBTR, "dist_lose(result=0%o)", result); #endif DEBUG mm_end (NOTOK); printx ("\rerrors during distribution: "); if (domsg) fflush (stdout); sprintf (buffer, "ch_bboards(%d) distribution for %s failed [%s]\n", getpid (), curbb -> bb_name, rp_valstr (result)); if (ml_init (NO, NO, sitesignature, "Re-distribution Failure") != OK || ml_adr (bbrdaddr) != OK || ml_cc () != OK || ml_adr (bbrdfrom) != OK || ml_aend () != OK || ml_tinit () != OK) goto ml_err; ml_txt (buffer); if (err_fd != NOTOK) { lseek (err_fd, (off_t)0, 0); if ((qp = fdopen (err_fd, "r")) == NULL) { ml_txt ("unable to fdopen() for diagnostic copy\n"); close (err_fd); } else { ml_file (qp); fclose (qp); } err_fd = NOTOK; } qu_rtinit (0L); if ((qd = dup (qu_fileno ())) == NOTOK) ml_txt ("unable to dup qu_fileno() for message copy\n"); else if ((qp = fdopen (qd, "r")) == NULL) { ml_txt ("unable to fdopen() for message copy\n"); close (qd); } else { ml_txt ("\n --Message Follows--\n"); ml_file (qp); fclose (qp); } if (ml_end (OK) != OK) { char *cp; ml_err: ; if (cp = index (buffer, '\n')) *cp = NULL; printx ("unable to post advisory.\n"); ll_log (logptr, LLOGFAT, "unable to post failure notice"); ll_log (logptr, LLOGFAT, "info: %s", buffer); } else printx ("advisory posted.\n"); if (domsg) fflush (stdout); return RP_MOK; } /* */ /* VARARGS3 */ dist_log (result, level, fmt, a, b, c, d, e) short result; int level; char *fmt, *a, *b, *c, *d, *e; { int i; char buffer[BUFSIZ], tmpfil[BUFSIZ]; ll_log (logptr, level, fmt, a, b, c, d, e); sprintf (buffer, fmt, a, b, c, d, e); strcat (buffer, "\n"); printx ("\rerror: %s", buffer); if (err_fd == NOTOK) { unlink (mktemp (strcpy (tmpfil, "/tmp/bboardsXXXXXX"))); if ((err_fd = creat (tmpfil, 0600)) == NOTOK) return result; close (err_fd); if ((err_fd = open (tmpfil, 2)) == NOTOK) return result; unlink (tmpfil); lseek (err_fd, (off_t)0, 0); } i = strlen (buffer); write (err_fd, buffer, i); return result; } /* */ /* mbx_ local mailbox routines */ mbx_init () { int fd, clear; char name[BUFSIZ]; FILE *fp; #ifdef DEBUG ll_log (logptr, LLOGBTR, "mbx_init()"); #endif if ((fd = mbx_Xopen (curbb -> bb_info, bbrduid, bbrdgid, BBMODE, &clear)) == NOTOK) { if (errno == ETXTBSY) { printx ("\runable to lock %s\n", curbb -> bb_info); ll_err (logptr, LLOGTMP, "unable to lock %s", curbb -> bb_info); return RP_LOCK; } printx ("\runable to open '%s'", curbb -> bb_info); ll_log (logptr, LLOGTMP, "unable to open '%s'", curbb -> bb_info); return RP_FOPN; } if ((fp = fdopen (fd, "w")) == (FILE *) NULL) { printx ("\runable to fdopen '%s'", curbb -> bb_info); ll_err (logptr, LLOGTMP, "unable to fdopen '%s'", curbb -> bb_info); mbx_close (curbb -> bb_info, fd); return RP_LIO; } strcpy (name, curbb -> bb_name); if ((curbb = getbbnam (name)) == NULL) { printx ("\runable to get information on BBoard %s\n", name); ll_err (logptr, LLOGFAT, "unable to get info on %s", name); lkfclose (fp, curbb -> bb_info); return RP_LIO; } strcpy (bbrdtime, dtimenow ()); sprintf (bbrdheader, "BBoard-ID: %d\nBB-Posted: %s\n", ++curbb -> bb_maxima, bbrdtime); fprintf (fp, "%d\n%s\n", curbb -> bb_maxima, bbrdtime); lkfclose (fp, curbb -> bb_info); return RP_OK; } @ 1.2 log @off_t fixes for BSD44 @ text @d2 3 @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d40 1 a40 1 long lseek (); d188 1 a188 1 pos = lseek (md, 0L, 1); d195 1 a195 1 start = lseek (md, 0L, 1); d236 1 a236 1 stop = lseek (md, 0L, 1); d486 1 a486 1 lseek (err_fd, 0L, 0); d563 1 a563 1 lseek (err_fd, 0L, 0); @