head 1.10; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.10 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.8; 1.8 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.7; 1.7 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.10 log @fix id @ text @: run this script through /bin/sh : '$Id:$' if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "usage: bootmhn.sh MH-library-area" 1>&2 exit 1 fi LIB="$1" MHN="$LIB/mhn_defaults" if [ -s $MHN ]; then echo "%s: already exists." 1>&2 exit 1 fi TMP=/tmp/mhn$$ trap "rm -f $TMP" 0 1 2 3 13 15 echo "mhn-store-text: %m%P.txt" >> $TMP echo "mhn-store-text/richtext: %m%P.rt" >> $TMP echo "mhn-store-video/mpeg: %m%P.mpg" >> $TMP echo "mhn-store-application/PostScript: %m%P.ps" >> $TMP echo "mhn-show-application/pgp: %ppgpshow -show '%F' %a" >> $TMP echo "mhn-store-application/pgp: | pgpshow -store %m%P.pgp %a" >> $TMP echo "mhn-show-text/pgp: %ppgpshow -show '%F' %a" >> $TMP echo "mhn-store-text/pgp: | pgpshow -store %m%P.txt %a" >> $TMP PGM="`./bootmhn.findit xwud $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then XWUD="$PGM" X11DIR="`echo $PGM | awk -F/ '{ for(i=2;i> $TMP elif [ ! -z $"PBM" -a ! -z "$XWUD" ]; then echo "\ mhn-show-image/gif: %p${PBMDIR}giftoppm | ${PBMDIR}ppmtopgm | ${PBMDIR}pgmtopbm | ${PBMDIR}pbmtoxwd | $XWUD -geometry =-0+0 mhn-show-image/x-pbm: %p${PBMDIR}pbmtoxwd | $XWUD -geometry =-0+0 mhn-show-image/x-pgm: %p${PBMDIR}pgmtopbm | ${PBMDIR}pbmtoxwd | $XWUD -geometry =-0+0 mhn-show-image/x-ppm: %p${PBMDIR}ppmtopgm | ${PBMDIR}pgmtopbm | ${PBMDIR}pbmtoxwd | $XWUD -geometry =-0+0 mhn-show-image/x-xwd: %p$XWUD -geometry =-0+0" >> $TMP PGM="`./bootmhn.findit djpeg $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then echo "\ mhn-show-image/jpeg: %p$PGM -Pg | ${PBMDIR}ppmtopgm | ${PBMDIR}pgmtopbm | ${PBMDIR}pbmtoxwd | $XWUD -geometry =-0+0" >> $TMP fi fi if [ -f "/dev/audioIU" ]; then PGM="`./bootmhn.findit recorder $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then echo "\ mhn-store-audio/basic: %m%P.au mhn-compose-audio/basic: ${AUDIODIR}recorder '%f' -au -pause > /dev/tty mhn-show-audio/basic: %p${AUDIODIR}splayer -au" >> $TMP fi elif [ -f "/dev/audio" ]; then PGM="`./bootmhn.findit raw2audio $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then AUDIODIR="`echo $PGM | awk -F/ '{ for(i=2;i %m%P.au mhn-store-audio/x-next: %m%P.au" >> $TMP AUDIOTOOL="`./bootmhn.findit audiotool $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$AUDIOTOOL" ]; then echo "\ mhn-compose-audio/basic: $AUDIOTOOL %f && ${AUDIODIR}raw2audio -F < %f" >> $TMP else echo "\ mhn-compose-audio/basic: trap \"exit 0\" 2 && ${AUDIODIR}record | ${AUDIODIR}raw2audio -F" >> $TMP fi echo "\ mhn-show-audio/basic: %p${AUDIODIR}raw2audio 2>/dev/null | ${AUDIODIR}play" >> $TMP PGM="`./bootmhn.findit adpcm_enc $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then DIR="`echo $PGM | awk -F/ '{ for(i=2;i> $TMP else echo "\ mhn-compose-audio/x-next: ${AUDIODIR}record | ${DIR}adpcm_enc" >> $TMP fi echo "\ mhn-show-audio/x-next: %p${DIR}adpcm_dec | ${AUDIODIR}play" >> $TMP else if [ ! -z "$AUDIOTOOL" ]; then echo "\ mhn-compose-audio/x-next: $AUDIOTOOL %f" >> $TMP else echo "\ mhn-compose-audio/x-next: ${AUDIODIR}record" >> $TMP fi echo "\ mhn-show-audio/x-next: %p${AUDIODIR}play" >> $TMP fi else echo "\ mhn-compose-audio/basic: cat < /dev/audio mhn-show-audio/basic: %pcat > /dev/audio" >> $TMP fi fi PGM="`./bootmhn.findit mpeg_play $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then echo "\ mhn-show-video/mpeg: %p$PGM '%f'" >> $TMP fi PGM="`./bootmhn.findit lpr $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then echo "\ mhn-show-application/PostScript: %plpr -Pps" >> $TMP else PGM="`./bootmhn.findit lp $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then echo "\ mhn-show-application/PostScript: %plp -dps" >> $TMP fi fi PGM="`./bootmhn.findit ivs_replay $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then echo "\ mhn-show-application/x-ivs: %p$PGM -o '%F'" >> $TMP fi PGM="`./bootmhn.findit richtext $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then echo "\ mhn-show-text/richtext: %p$PGM -p '%F'" >> $TMP else PGM="`./bootmhn.findit rt2raw $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then echo "\ mhn-show-text/richtext: %p$PGM < '%f' | fmt -78 | more" >> $TMP fi fi PGM="`./bootmhn.findit xterm $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then echo "\ mhn-charset-iso-8859-1: xterm -fn '-*-*-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-c-*-iso8859-*' -e %s" >> $TMP fi sort < $TMP > $MHN chmod 644 $MHN exit 0 : not until we get a "safe" postscript environment... PGM="`./bootmhn.findit pageview $LIB`" if [ "$DISPLAY" = "unix:0.0" -a ! -z "$PGM" ]; then echo "mhn-show-application/PostScript: %p$PGM -" >> $TMP else PGM="`./bootmhn.findit gs $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then echo "mhn-show-application/PostScript: %p$PGM -- '%F'" >> $TMP fi fi : have to experiment more with this PGM="`./bootmhn.findit ivs_record $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then echo "\ mhn-compose-application/x-ivs: $PGM -u localhost '%F'" >> $TMP fi @ 1.8 log @more pgp fixes from mtr @ text @d2 1 a2 1 : '$Id' @ 1.7 log @pgp changes from mtr @ text @d24 2 @ 1.6 log @fixes from mtr: mpeg support better audio support @ text @d22 2 @ 1.5 log @fixes from mtr @ text @d19 2 d71 8 d80 1 a80 2 mhn-compose-audio/basic: ${AUDIODIR}record | ${AUDIODIR}raw2audio -F mhn-show-audio/basic: %p${AUDIODIR}raw2audio 2>/dev/null | play" >> $TMP d85 7 a92 1 mhn-compose-audio/x-next: ${AUDIODIR}record | ${DIR}adpcm_enc d95 7 a102 1 mhn-compose-audio/x-next: ${AUDIODIR}record d110 6 @ 1.4 log @use [ -f ...] instead of -x/-c since those options aren't present everywhere @ text @d103 6 d124 1 a124 1 mhn-charset-iso-8859-1: xterm -fn '-*-*-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*' -e %s" >> $TMP d142 8 @ 1.3 log @add single quotes around %f @ text @d54 1 a54 1 if [ -c "/dev/audioIU" ]; then d62 1 a62 1 elif [ -c "/dev/audio" ]; then @ 1.2 log @new version from MTR @ text @d38 1 a38 1 mhn-show-image: %p$PGM -geometry =-0+0 %f" >> $TMP d59 1 a59 1 mhn-compose-audio/basic: ${AUDIODIR}recorder %f -au -pause > /dev/tty d106 1 a106 1 mhn-show-text/richtext: %p$PGM -p %F" >> $TMP d111 1 a111 1 mhn-show-text/richtext: %p$PGM < %f | fmt -78 | more" >> $TMP d134 1 a134 1 echo "mhn-show-application/PostScript: %p$PGM -- %F" >> $TMP @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d2 1 a2 1 : '$Id$' d54 9 a62 1 if [ -c "/dev/audio" ]; then a87 8 fi elif [ -c "/dev/audioIU" ]; then PGM="`./bootmhn.findit recorder $LIB`" if [ ! -z "$PGM" ]; then echo "\ mhn-store-audio/basic: %m%P.au mhn-compose-audio/basic: ${AUDIODIR}recorder %f -au -pause > /dev/tty mhn-show-audio/basic: %p${AUDIODIR}splayer -au" >> $TMP @