head 1.9; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @ * @; 1.9 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.8; 1.8 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.7; 1.7 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.9 log @read AliasFile (system default) in same order as post does @ text @/* ali.c - the new ali */ #ifndef lint static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: ali.c,v 1.8 1992/12/15 00:20:22 jromine Exp jromine $"; #endif /* lint */ #include "../h/mh.h" #include "../h/addrsbr.h" #include "../h/aliasbr.h" #include #ifdef LOCALE #include #endif #define NVEC 50 /* maximum number of names */ /* */ static struct swit switches[] = { #define ALIASW 0 "alias aliasfile", 0, #define NALIASW 1 "noalias", -7, #define LISTSW 2 "list", 0, #define NLISTSW 3 "nolist", 0, #define NORMSW 4 "normalize", 0, #define NNORMSW 5 "nonormalize", 0, #define USERSW 6 "user", 0, #define NUSERSW 7 "nouser", 0, #define HELPSW 8 "help", 4, NULL, 0 }; /* */ static int pos = 1; extern struct aka *akahead; /* */ /* ARGSUSED */ main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int i, vecp = 0, inverted = 0, list = 0, noalias = 0, normalize = AD_NHST; char *cp, **ap, **argp, buf[100], *vec[NVEC], *arguments[MAXARGS]; struct aka *ak; #ifdef LOCALE setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #endif invo_name = r1bindex (argv[0], '/'); mts_init (invo_name); if ((cp = m_find (invo_name)) != NULL) { ap = brkstring (cp = getcpy (cp), " ", "\n"); ap = copyip (ap, arguments); } else ap = arguments; (void) copyip (argv + 1, ap); argp = arguments; /* */ while (cp = *argp++) { if (*cp == '-') switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULLCP, "-%s unknown", cp); case HELPSW: (void) sprintf (buf, "%s [switches] aliases ...", invo_name); help (buf, switches); done (1); case ALIASW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULLCP, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); if ((i = alias (cp)) != AK_OK) adios (NULLCP, "aliasing error in %s - %s", cp, akerror (i)); continue; case NALIASW: noalias++; continue; case LISTSW: list++; continue; case NLISTSW: list = 0; continue; case NORMSW: normalize = AD_HOST; continue; case NNORMSW: normalize = AD_NHST; continue; case USERSW: inverted++; continue; case NUSERSW: inverted = 0; continue; } vec[vecp++] = cp; } if (!noalias) { if (cp = m_find ("Aliasfile")) { /* allow Aliasfile: profile entry */ char *dp = NULL; for (ap = brkstring(dp = getcpy(cp), " ", "\n"); ap && *ap; ap++) if ((i = alias (*ap)) != AK_OK) adios (NULLCP, "aliasing error in %s - %s", *ap, akerror (i)); if (dp) free(dp); } (void) alias (AliasFile); } /* */ if (vecp) for (i = 0; i < vecp; i++) if (inverted) print_usr (vec[i], list, normalize); else print_aka (akvalue (vec[i]), list, 0); else { if (inverted) adios (NULLCP, "usage: %s -user addresses ... (you forgot the addresses)", invo_name); for (ak = akahead; ak; ak = ak -> ak_next) { printf ("%s: ", ak -> ak_name); pos += strlen (ak -> ak_name) + 1; print_aka (akresult (ak), list, pos); } } done (0); } /* */ print_aka (p, list, margin) register char *p; int list, margin; { register char c; if (p == NULL) { printf ("\n"); return; } while (c = *p++) switch (c) { case ',': if (*p) if (list) printf ("\n%*s", margin, ""); else if (pos >= 68) { printf (",\n "); pos = 2; } else { printf (", "); pos += 2; } case 0: break; default: pos++; (void) putchar (c); } (void) putchar ('\n'); pos = 1; } /* */ print_usr (s, list, norm) register char *s; int list, norm; { register char *cp, *pp, *vp; register struct aka *ak; register struct mailname *mp, *np; if ((pp = getname (s)) == NULL) adios (NULLCP, "no address in \"%s\"", s); if ((mp = getm (pp, NULLCP, 0, norm, NULLCP)) == NULL) adios (NULLCP, "bad address \"%s\"", s); while (getname ("")) continue; vp = NULL; for (ak = akahead; ak; ak = ak -> ak_next) { pp = akresult (ak); while (cp = getname (pp)) { if ((np = getm (cp, NULLCP, 0, norm, NULLCP)) == NULL) continue; if (uleq (mp -> m_host, np -> m_host) && uleq (mp -> m_mbox, np -> m_mbox)) { vp = vp ? add (ak -> ak_name, add (",", vp)) : getcpy (ak -> ak_name); mnfree (np); while (getname ("")) continue; break; } mnfree (np); } } mnfree (mp); #ifdef notdef printf ("%s: ", s); print_aka (vp ? vp : s, list, pos += strlen (s) + 1); #else print_aka (vp ? vp : s, list, 0); #endif if (vp) free (vp); } @ 1.8 log @endif sugar @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: ali.c,v 1.7 1992/11/04 00:37:27 jromine Exp jromine $"; a139 1 (void) alias (AliasFile); d150 1 @ 1.7 log @putenv -> m_putenv @ text @d3 2 a4 2 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: ali.c,v 1.6 1992/02/10 17:33:44 jromine Exp jromine $"; #endif lint @ 1.6 log @allow "Aliasfile" to be multiple files @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: ali.c,v 1.5 1992/02/10 17:17:34 jromine Exp jromine $"; d10 3 d74 3 @ 1.5 log @make -user more self-consistent -- don't output "arg: " before expansion @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: ali.c,v 1.4 1992/01/31 22:06:17 jromine Exp jromine $"; d135 10 a144 3 if (cp = m_find ("Aliasfile")) /* allow Aliasfile: profile entry */ if ((i = alias (cp)) != AK_OK) adios (NULLCP, "aliasing error in %s - %s", cp, akerror (i)); @ 1.4 log @kerberos @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: ali.c,v 1.3 1990/04/05 15:03:38 sources Exp jromine $"; d151 2 a152 1 adios (NULLCP, "usage: %s addresses ... (you forgot the addresses)", d248 1 d251 3 @ 1.3 log @add ID @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id:$"; d40 1 a40 1 NULL, NULL d194 1 a194 1 case NULL: @ 1.2 log @add "Aliasfile: file" profile entry (like -alias file) @ text @d2 3 @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d130 1 a130 1 if (!noalias) d132 5 @