head 1.14; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @ * @; 1.14 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.13; 1.13 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.12; 1.12 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.11; 1.11 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.10; 1.10 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.9; 1.9 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.8; 1.8 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.7; 1.7 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author sources; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.14 log @endif sugar @ text @/* getbbent.c - subroutines for accessing the BBoards file */ #ifndef lint static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: getbbent.c,v 1.13 1992/12/11 22:12:13 jromine Exp jromine $"; #endif /* lint */ /* LINTLIBRARY */ #include "bboards.h" #ifndef MMDFONLY #include "../h/strings.h" #include #else /* MMDFONLY */ #include "util.h" #include "mmdf.h" #include "strings.h" #endif /* MMDFONLY */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef MMDFONLY #define NOTOK (-1) #define OK 0 #endif /* not MMDFONLY */ #define MaxBBAka 100 #define MaxBBLdr 100 #define MaxBBDist 100 #define NCOLON 9 /* currently 10 fields per entry */ #define COLON ':' #define COMMA ',' #define NEWLINE '\n' #define ARCHIVE "archive" #define CNTFILE ".cnt" #define DSTFILE ".dist" #define MAPFILE ".map" /* */ static int BBuid = -1; static unsigned int BBflags = SB_NULL; static char BBName[BUFSIZ] = BBOARDS; static char BBDir[BUFSIZ] = ""; static char BBData[BUFSIZ] = ""; static FILE *BBfile = NULL; static struct bboard BB; static struct bboard *bb = &BB; static int BBload = 1; static char BBFile[BUFSIZ]; static char BBArchive[BUFSIZ]; static char BBInfo[BUFSIZ]; static char BBMap[BUFSIZ]; static char *BBAkas[MaxBBAka]; static char *BBLeaders[MaxBBLdr]; static char *BBDists[MaxBBDist]; static char BBAddr[BUFSIZ]; static char BBRequest[BUFSIZ]; static char BBDate[BUFSIZ]; static char BBErrors[BUFSIZ]; #ifdef MMDFONLY extern LLog *logptr; #endif /* MMDFONLY */ static char *bbskip (), *getcpy (); #if defined(__STDC__) && defined(SVR4) #include #endif #if defined(UNISTD) || defined(_AIX) #include #else #ifndef __STDC__ char *crypt (), *getpass (); struct group *getgrnam (); #ifdef SYS5 struct passwd *getpwnam (), *getpwuid (); #endif #endif /* !__STDC__ */ #endif /* _AIX */ static int setpwaux(), getbbitem(), bblose(); static void BBread(); #ifdef UCL int called_bbc = 0; char *bbs[101]; #endif /* */ int setbbfile (file, f) register char *file; register int f; { if (BBuid == -1) return setbbinfo (BBOARDS, file, f); (void) strcpy (BBData, file); BBflags = SB_NULL; (void) endbbent (); return setbbent (f); } /* */ int setbbinfo (user, file, f) register char *user, *file; register int f; { register struct passwd *pw; if ((pw = getpwnam (user)) == NULL) { (void) sprintf (BBErrors, "unknown user: %s", user); return 0; } return setpwinfo (pw, file, f); } int setpwinfo (pw, file, f) register struct passwd *pw; register char *file; register int f; { if (!setpwaux (pw, file)) return 0; BBflags = SB_NULL; (void) endbbent (); return setbbent (f); } /* */ static int setbbaux (name, file) register char *name, *file; { register struct passwd *pw; if ((pw = getpwnam (name)) == NULL) { (void) sprintf (BBErrors, "unknown user: %s", name); return 0; } return setpwaux (pw, file); } static int setpwaux (pw, file) register struct passwd *pw; register char *file; { (void) strcpy (BBName, pw -> pw_name); BBuid = pw -> pw_uid; (void) strcpy (BBDir, pw -> pw_dir); (void) sprintf (BBData, "%s/%s", *file != '/' ? BBDir : "", *file != '/' ? file : file + 1); BBflags = SB_NULL; return 1; } /* */ int setbbent (f) register int f; { if (BBfile == NULL) { if (BBuid == -1 && !setbbaux (BBOARDS, BBDB)) return 0; if ((BBfile = fopen (BBData, "r")) == NULL) { (void) sprintf (BBErrors, "unable to open: %s", BBData); return 0; } } else rewind (BBfile); BBflags |= f; return (BBfile != NULL); } int endbbent () { if (BBfile != NULL && !(BBflags & SB_STAY)) { (void) fclose (BBfile); BBfile = NULL; } return 1; } long getbbtime () { struct stat st; if (BBfile == NULL) { if (BBuid == -1 && !setbbaux (BBOARDS, BBDB)) return 0; if (stat (BBData, &st) == NOTOK) { (void) sprintf (BBErrors, "unable to stat: %s", BBData); return 0; } } else if (fstat (fileno (BBfile), &st) == NOTOK) { (void) sprintf (BBErrors, "unable to fstat: %s", BBData); return 0; } return ((long) st.st_mtime); } /* */ struct bboard *getbbent () { register int count; register char *p, *q, *r, *d, *f, **s; static char line[BUFSIZ]; if (BBfile == NULL && !setbbent (SB_NULL)) return NULL; retry: ; if ((p = fgets (line, sizeof line, BBfile)) == NULL) return NULL; for (q = p, count = 0; *q != 0 && *q != NEWLINE; q++) if (*q == COLON) count++; if (count != NCOLON) { #ifdef MMDFONLY if (q = index (p, NEWLINE)) *q = 0; ll_log (logptr, LLOGTMP, "bad entry in %s: %s", BBData, p); #endif /* MMDFONLY */ goto retry; } bb -> bb_name = p; p = q = bbskip (p, COLON); p = bb -> bb_file = bbskip (p, COLON); bb -> bb_archive = bb -> bb_info = bb -> bb_map = ""; p = bb -> bb_passwd = bbskip (p, COLON); p = r = bbskip (p, COLON); p = bb -> bb_addr = bbskip (p, COLON); p = bb -> bb_request = bbskip (p, COLON); p = bb -> bb_relay = bbskip (p, COLON); p = d = bbskip (p, COLON); p = f = bbskip (p, COLON); (void) bbskip (p, NEWLINE); s = bb -> bb_aka = BBAkas; while (*q) { *s++ = q; q = bbskip (q, COMMA); } *s = 0; s = bb -> bb_leader = BBLeaders; if (*r == 0) { if (!(BBflags & SB_FAST)) { *s++ = BBName; *s = 0; } } else { while (*r) { *s++ = r; r = bbskip (r, COMMA); } *s = 0; } s = bb -> bb_dist = BBDists; while (*d) { *s++ = d; d = bbskip (d, COMMA); } *s = 0; if (*f) (void) sscanf (f, "%o", &bb -> bb_flags); else bb -> bb_flags = BB_NULL; bb -> bb_count = bb -> bb_maxima = 0; bb -> bb_date = NULL; bb -> bb_next = bb -> bb_link = bb -> bb_chain = NULL; #ifdef UCL /* * Only do a BBread on bboards that the user has expressed an * interest in, if we were called by bbc. */ if (BBload) { register char **ap, *cp; register int bbp; if (called_bbc == 0) BBread(); else { for (bbp = 0; cp = bbs[bbp]; bbp++) { if (!strcmp(bb->bb_name, cp)) { BBread(); break; } for (ap = bb->bb_aka; *ap; ap++) if (!strcmp(*ap, cp)) { BBread(); break; } } } } #else if (BBload) BBread (); #endif return bb; } /* */ struct bboard *getbbnam (name) register char *name; { register struct bboard *b = NULL; if (!setbbent (SB_NULL)) return NULL; BBload = 0; while ((b = getbbent ()) && strcmp (name, b -> bb_name)) continue; BBload = 1; (void) endbbent (); if (b != NULL) BBread (); return b; } struct bboard *getbbaka (aka) register char *aka; { register char **ap; register struct bboard *b = NULL; if (!setbbent (SB_NULL)) return NULL; BBload = 0; while ((b = getbbent ()) != NULL) for (ap = b -> bb_aka; *ap; ap++) if (strcmp (aka, *ap) == 0) goto hit; hit: ; BBload = 1; (void) endbbent (); if (b != NULL) BBread (); return b; } /* */ static void BBread () { register int i; register char *cp, *dp, *p, *r; char prf[BUFSIZ]; static char line[BUFSIZ]; register FILE * info; if (BBflags & SB_FAST) return; p = index (bb -> bb_request, '@@'); r = index (bb -> bb_addr, '@@'); BBRequest[0] = 0; if (*bb -> bb_request == '-') if (p == NULL && r && *r == '@@') (void) sprintf (BBRequest, "%s%s%s", bb -> bb_name, bb -> bb_request, r); else (void) sprintf (BBRequest, "%s%s", bb -> bb_name, bb -> bb_request); else if (p == NULL && r && *r == '@@' && *bb -> bb_request) (void) sprintf (BBRequest, "%s%s", bb -> bb_request, r); if (BBRequest[0]) bb -> bb_request = BBRequest; else if (*bb -> bb_request == 0) bb -> bb_request = *bb -> bb_addr ? bb -> bb_addr : bb -> bb_leader[0]; if (*bb -> bb_addr == '@@') { (void) sprintf (BBAddr, "%s%s", bb -> bb_name, bb -> bb_addr); bb -> bb_addr = BBAddr; } else if (*bb -> bb_addr == 0) bb -> bb_addr = bb -> bb_name; if (*bb -> bb_file == 0) return; if (*bb -> bb_file != '/') { (void) sprintf (BBFile, "%s/%s", BBDir, bb -> bb_file); bb -> bb_file = BBFile; } if ((cp = rindex (bb -> bb_file, '/')) == NULL || *++cp == 0) (void) strcpy (prf, ""), cp = bb -> bb_file; else (void) sprintf (prf, "%.*s", cp - bb -> bb_file, bb -> bb_file); if ((dp = index (cp, '.')) == NULL) dp = cp + strlen (cp); (void) sprintf (BBArchive, "%s%s/%s", prf, ARCHIVE, cp); bb -> bb_archive = BBArchive; (void) sprintf (BBInfo, "%s.%.*s%s", prf, dp - cp, cp, CNTFILE); bb -> bb_info = BBInfo; (void) sprintf (BBMap, "%s.%.*s%s", prf, dp - cp, cp, MAPFILE); bb -> bb_map = BBMap; if ((info = fopen (bb -> bb_info, "r")) == NULL) return; if (fgets (line, sizeof line, info) && (i = atoi (line)) > 0) bb -> bb_maxima = (unsigned) i; if (!feof (info) && fgets (line, sizeof line, info)) { (void) strcpy (BBDate, line); if (cp = index (BBDate, NEWLINE)) *cp = 0; bb -> bb_date = BBDate; } (void) fclose (info); } /* */ int ldrbb (b) register struct bboard *b; { register char *p, **q, **r; static int uid = 0, gid = 0; static char username[10] = ""; register struct passwd *pw; register struct group *gr; if (b == NULL) return 0; if (BBuid == -1 && !setbbaux (BBOARDS, BBDB)) return 0; if (username[0] == 0) { if ((pw = getpwuid (uid = getuid ())) == NULL) return 0; gid = getgid (); (void) strcpy (username, pw -> pw_name); } if (uid == BBuid) return 1; q = b -> bb_leader; while (p = *q++) if (*p == '=') { if ((gr = getgrnam (++p)) == NULL) continue; if (gid == gr -> gr_gid) return 1; r = gr -> gr_mem; while (p = *r++) if (strcmp (username, p) == 0) return 1; } else if (strcmp (username, p) == 0) return 1; return 0; } /* */ int ldrchk (b) register struct bboard *b; { if (b == NULL) return 0; if (*b -> bb_passwd == 0) return 1; if (strcmp (b -> bb_passwd, crypt (getpass ("Password: "), b -> bb_passwd)) == 0) return 1; fprintf (stderr, "Sorry\n"); return 0; } /* */ struct bboard *getbbcpy (bp) register struct bboard *bp; { register char **p, **q; register struct bboard *b; if (bp == NULL) return NULL; b = (struct bboard *) malloc ((unsigned) sizeof *b); if (b == NULL) return NULL; b -> bb_name = getcpy (bp -> bb_name); b -> bb_file = getcpy (bp -> bb_file); b -> bb_archive = getcpy (bp -> bb_archive); b -> bb_info = getcpy (bp -> bb_info); b -> bb_map = getcpy (bp -> bb_map); b -> bb_passwd = getcpy (bp -> bb_passwd); b -> bb_flags = bp -> bb_flags; b -> bb_count = bp -> bb_count; b -> bb_maxima = bp -> bb_maxima; b -> bb_date = getcpy (bp -> bb_date); b -> bb_addr = getcpy (bp -> bb_addr); b -> bb_request = getcpy (bp -> bb_request); b -> bb_relay = getcpy (bp -> bb_relay); for (p = bp -> bb_aka; *p; p++) continue; b -> bb_aka = q = (char **) calloc ((unsigned) (p - bp -> bb_aka + 1), sizeof *q); if (q == NULL) return NULL; for (p = bp -> bb_aka; *p; *q++ = getcpy (*p++)) continue; *q = NULL; for (p = bp -> bb_leader; *p; p++) continue; b -> bb_leader = q = (char **) calloc ((unsigned) (p - bp -> bb_leader + 1), sizeof *q); if (q == NULL) return NULL; for (p = bp -> bb_leader; *p; *q++ = getcpy (*p++)) continue; *q = NULL; for (p = bp -> bb_dist; *p; p++) continue; b -> bb_dist = q = (char **) calloc ((unsigned) (p - bp -> bb_dist + 1), sizeof *q); if (q == NULL) return NULL; for (p = bp -> bb_dist; *p; *q++ = getcpy (*p++)) continue; *q = NULL; b -> bb_next = bp -> bb_next; b -> bb_link = bp -> bb_link; b -> bb_chain = bp -> bb_chain; return b; } /* */ int getbbdist (bb, action) register struct bboard *bb; register int (*action) (); { register int result; register char **dp; BBErrors[0] = 0; for (dp = bb -> bb_dist; *dp; dp++) if (result = getbbitem (bb, *dp, action)) return result; return result; } char *getbberr () { return (BBErrors[0] ? BBErrors : NULL); } /* */ static int getbbitem (bb, item, action) register struct bboard *bb; register char *item; register int (*action) (); { register int result; register char *cp, *dp, *hp, *np; char mbox[BUFSIZ], buffer[BUFSIZ], file[BUFSIZ], host[BUFSIZ], prf[BUFSIZ]; register FILE *fp; switch (*item) { case '*': switch (*++item) { case '/': hp = item; break; case 0: if ((cp = rindex (bb -> bb_file, '/')) == NULL || *++cp == 0) (void) strcpy (prf, ""), cp = bb -> bb_file; else (void) sprintf (prf, "%.*s", cp - bb -> bb_file, bb -> bb_file); if ((dp = index (cp, '.')) == NULL) dp = cp + strlen (cp); (void) sprintf (file, "%s.%.*s%s", prf, dp - cp, cp, DSTFILE); hp = file; break; default: (void) sprintf (file, "%s/%s", BBDir, item); hp = file; break; } if ((fp = fopen (hp, "r")) == NULL) return bblose ("unable to read file %s", hp); while (fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, fp)) { if (np = index (buffer, '\n')) *np = 0; if (result = getbbitem (bb, buffer, action)) { (void) fclose (fp); (void) bblose ("error with file %s, item %s", hp, buffer); return result; } } (void) fclose (fp); return OK; default: if (hp = rindex (item, '@@')) { *hp++ = 0; (void) strcpy (mbox, item); (void) strcpy (host, hp); *--hp = '@@'; } else { (void) sprintf (mbox, "%s%s", DISTADR, bb -> bb_name); (void) strcpy (host, item); } if (result = (*action) (mbox, host)) (void) bblose ("action (%s, %s) returned 0%o", mbox, host, result); return result; } } /* */ /* VARARGS1 */ static int bblose (fmt, a, b, c) char *fmt, *a, *b, *c; { if (BBErrors[0] == 0) (void) sprintf (BBErrors, fmt, a, b, c); return NOTOK; } /* */ void make_lower (s1, s2) register char *s1, *s2; { if (s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL) return; for (; *s2; s2++) *s1++ = isupper (*s2) ? tolower (*s2) : *s2; *s1 = 0; } /* */ static char *bbskip (p, c) register char *p, c; { if (p == NULL) return NULL; while (*p && *p != c) p++; if (*p) *p++ = 0; return p; } static char *getcpy (s) register char *s; { register char *p; if (s == NULL) return NULL; if (p = malloc ((unsigned) (strlen (s) + 1))) (void) strcpy (p, s); return p; } @ 1.13 log @int/void fixup @ text @d3 2 a4 2 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: getbbent.c,v 1.12 1992/12/10 23:57:12 jromine Exp jromine $"; #endif lint d12 1 a12 1 #else MMDFONLY d16 1 a16 1 #endif MMDFONLY d27 1 a27 1 #endif not MMDFONLY d79 1 a79 1 #endif MMDFONLY d267 1 a267 1 #endif MMDFONLY @ 1.12 log @add #include @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: getbbent.c,v 1.11 1992/11/24 18:45:37 jromine Exp jromine $"; d97 2 a98 1 static int setpwaux(), BBread(), getbbitem(), bblose(); d401 2 a402 1 static int BBread () { @ 1.11 log @fix ifdef @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: getbbent.c,v 1.10 1992/05/19 21:14:18 jromine Exp jromine $"; d83 3 @ 1.10 log @AIX @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: getbbent.c,v 1.9 1992/02/03 17:58:04 jromine Exp jromine $"; d83 1 a83 1 #ifdef _AIX d85 1 a85 1 #else /* _AIX */ @ 1.9 log @STDC/SYS5/getpw @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: getbbent.c,v 1.8 1992/02/03 16:37:17 jromine Exp jromine $"; d83 3 d93 1 @ 1.8 log @fix @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: getbbent.c,v 1.7 1992/01/31 22:30:56 jromine Exp jromine $"; d86 1 d88 1 @ 1.7 log @kerberos @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: getbbent.c,v 1.6 1992/01/31 22:30:44 jromine Exp jromine $"; d83 1 d87 1 @ 1.6 log @typo @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: getbbent.c,v 1.5 1990/04/09 10:11:57 sources Exp jromine $"; d246 1 a246 1 for (q = p, count = 0; *q != NULL && *q != NEWLINE; q++) d253 1 a253 1 *q = NULL; d277 1 a277 1 *s = NULL; d280 1 a280 1 if (*r == NULL) { d283 1 a283 1 *s = NULL; d291 1 a291 1 *s = NULL; d299 1 a299 1 *s = NULL; d404 1 a404 1 BBRequest[0] = NULL; d420 1 a420 1 if (*bb -> bb_request == NULL) d429 1 a429 1 if (*bb -> bb_addr == NULL) d432 1 a432 1 if (*bb -> bb_file == NULL) d439 1 a439 1 if ((cp = rindex (bb -> bb_file, '/')) == NULL || *++cp == NULL) d461 1 a461 1 *cp = NULL; d487 1 a487 1 if (username[0] == NULL) { d524 1 a524 1 if (*b -> bb_passwd == NULL) d611 1 a611 1 BBErrors[0] = NULL; d649 2 a650 2 case NULL: if ((cp = rindex (bb -> bb_file, '/')) == NULL || *++cp == NULL) d670 1 a670 1 *np = NULL; d682 1 a682 1 *hp++ = NULL; d707 1 a707 1 if (BBErrors[0] == NULL) d724 1 a724 1 *s1 = NULL; d739 1 a739 1 *p++ = NULL; @ 1.5 log @nil pointer fix @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id: getbbent.c,v 1.4 90/04/05 15:04:11 sources Exp Locker: sources $"; d621 1 a621 1 }; @ 1.4 log @add ID @ text @d3 1 a3 1 static char ident[] = "@@(#)$Id:$"; d281 1 a281 1 if (!(BBflags & SB_FAST)) d283 2 d286 1 a286 1 else d291 2 a292 1 *s = NULL; @ 1.3 log @UCL ifdefs @ text @d2 3 @ 1.2 log @ANSI Compilance @ text @d85 4 d303 26 d331 1 @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d78 1 a78 1 char *bbskip (), *getcpy (); d83 1 @