head 1.3; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @ * @; 1.3 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author jromine; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.3 log @add clientname tailor option @ text @/* mts.h - definitions for the mail system */ /* Local and UUCP Host Name */ char *LocalName (), *SystemName (), *UucpChan (); /* Mailboxes */ extern char *mmdfldir, *mmdflfil, *uucpldir, *uucplfil; #define MAILDIR (mmdfldir && *mmdfldir ? mmdfldir : getenv ("HOME")) #define MAILFIL (mmdflfil && *mmdflfil ? mmdflfil : getusr ()) #define UUCPDIR (uucpldir && *uucpldir ? uucpldir : getenv ("HOME")) #define UUCPFIL (uucplfil && *uucplfil ? uucplfil : getusr ()) char *getusr (), *getfullname (); char *getenv (); /* Separators */ extern char *mmdlm1, *mmdlm2; #define isdlm1(s) (strcmp (s, mmdlm1) == 0) #define isdlm2(s) (strcmp (s, mmdlm2) == 0) /* Filters */ extern char *umincproc; /* Locking Directory */ #define LOK_UNIX 0 #define LOK_BELL 1 #define LOK_MMDF 2 #ifndef MMDFONLY extern int lockstyle; #endif /* MMDFONLY */ extern char *lockldir; int lkopen (), lkclose (); FILE *lkfopen (); int lkfclose (); /* */ /* MTS specific variables */ #ifdef MHMTS extern char *Mailqdir; extern char *TMailqdir; extern int Syscpy; extern char *Overseer; extern char *Mailer; extern char *Fromtmp; extern char *Msgtmp; extern char *Errtmp; extern int Tmpmode; extern char *Okhosts; extern char *Okdests; #endif /* MHMTS */ #ifdef MMDFMTS #endif /* MMDFMTS */ #ifdef SENDMTS extern char *hostable; extern char *sendmail; #endif /* SENDMTS */ /* SMTP/POP stuff */ extern char *clientname; extern char *servers; extern char *pophost; /* BBoards-specific variables */ extern char *bb_domain; /* POP BBoards-specific variables */ #ifdef BPOP extern char *popbbhost; extern char *popbbuser; extern char *popbblist; #endif /* BPOP */ /* MailDelivery */ extern char *maildelivery; /* Aliasing Facility (doesn't belong here) */ extern int Everyone; extern char *NoShell; @ 1.2 log @fix ifdefs @ text @d84 1 @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d48 1 a48 1 #endif MMDFONLY d71 1 a71 1 #endif MHMTS d74 1 a74 1 #endif MMDFMTS d79 1 a79 1 #endif SENDMTS d99 1 a99 1 #endif BPOP @