]> git.marmaro.de Git - dungeon1/summary
descriptionA small dungeon crawler game in curses
ownermarkus schnalke
last changeMon, 20 Dec 2021 21:45:02 +0000 (22:45 +0100)
2021-12-20 markus schnalkeMinor changes (found out what overlay() means ...) master
2021-12-20 markus schnalkeUser curses windows
2021-12-19 markus schnalkeAdd map beautifying (still has some minor bugs)
2021-12-19 markus schnalkeAdd fog of war
2021-12-19 markus schnalkeAdd map readings and movements based on map stuff
2021-12-19 markus schnalkeInitial commit: basic cursor movements
3 years ago master