]> git.marmaro.de Git - mantis2gitlab/summary
descriptionMigrate from Mantis bugtracker to Gitlab
ownermarkus schnalke
last changeSun, 2 Jan 2022 09:45:03 +0000 (10:45 +0100)
2022-01-02 markus schnalkeThe version we used to actually import master
2022-01-02 markus schnalkeCleanups
2022-01-02 markus schnalkeAdd sample config
2022-01-02 markus schnalkemore stuff
2022-01-02 markus schnalkefixes
2022-01-02 markus schnalkeSwitch to API v4; plus additional stuff
2018-02-03 Stepan RihaUpdate installation instructions - fixes #4
2015-10-23 Stepan RihaAdded description on how the script operates.
2015-10-23 Stepan RihaConversion to promises and general cleanup.
2015-10-23 Stepan RihaInitial commit.
3 years ago master