%; %; digestcomps - the component template file used when doing "forw -digest" %; %; What happens here is the following: %; %; - Try to make reasonable defaults when using -digest %; - Allow users to override headers if they give them %; %; See forwcomps for more details on how this works %; %<{nmh-from}%(void(width))%(putaddr From: )%|From: %{digest}-Request%> %<{nmh-to}%(void(width))%(putaddr To: )%|To: %{digest} Distribution: dist-%{digest};%> %<{nmh-cc}%(void(width))%(putaddr cc: )\n%>\ %<{fcc}Fcc: %(putstr)\n%>\ Subject: %<{nmh-subject}%(putlit)%|%{digest} Digest V%(cur) #%(msg)%> Reply-To: %{digest} -------- %{digest} Digest %(weekday{nmh-date}), %2(mday{nmh-date}) %(month{nmh-date}) %(year{nmh-date}) Volume %(cur) : Issue %(msg) Today's Topics: