/* ** dtimep.lex exceeds the default table capacities for some old versions ** of lex (and the minimum defaults as specified by POSIX). The following ** choices meet or exceed the lex defaults for older SunOS4.x, Solaris, ** HPUX, and AIX. */ %e4000 %p7000 %n2500 %a5000 %{ #include #include #include /* ** Since we're looking at a string at a time, don't worry about ** wrapping to the next buffer. */ #define yywrap() 1 #define YY_SKIP_YYWRAP #define YY_NO_INPUT /* ** This is the tricky thing that makes this function cool. We ** replace the traditional int yylex(void) declaration with our ** dparsetime() declaration, essentially piggy-backing off the ** utility of the yylex() function and adding what we need to make ** the parsing function useful to us. */ #define YY_DECL struct tws *dparsetime(char *lexstr) /* ** yyerminate() is called after the input string is matched to ** completion (actually, when the lexer reaches an EOF). The only ** thing that really needs to be in this macro function is the ** return call, which must be substituted inline into dparsetime. */ #define yyterminate() (void)yy_delete_buffer(lexhandle); \ if(!(tw.tw_flags & TW_SUCC)) { \ return (struct tws *)NULL; \ } \ if(tw.tw_year < 1970) \ tw.tw_year += 1900; \ if(tw.tw_year < 1970) \ tw.tw_year += 100; \ return(&tw) /* ** Patchable flag that says how to interpret NN/NN/NN dates. When ** true, we do it European style: DD/MM/YY. When false, we do it ** American style: MM/DD/YY. Of course, these are all non-RFC822 ** compliant. */ int europeandate = 0; static char *monthnames[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", NULL }; static char *daynames[] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", NULL }; static int name2num(char *name, char *names[]) { int i; for (i=0; names[i]; i++) { if (strncasecmp(name, names[i], strlen(names[i]))==0) { return i; } } return 0; } /* ** The SET* macros will parse for the appropriate field, and leave the ** cp pointer at the first character after the desired field. Be ** careful with variable-length fields or alpha-num mixes. ** ** The SKIP* macros skip over characters of a particular class and ** leave cp at the position of the first character that doesn't match ** that class. Correspondingly, SKIPTO* skips until it reaches a ** character of a particular class. */ #define INIT() { cp = yytext;} #define SETWDAY() { tw.tw_wday = name2num(cp, daynames); \ tw.tw_flags &= ~TW_SDAY; tw.tw_flags |= TW_SEXP; SKIPA(); } #define SETMON() { tw.tw_mon = name2num(cp, monthnames); SKIPA(); } #define SETMON_NUM() { tw.tw_mon = atoi(cp)-1; SKIPD(); } #define SETYEAR() { tw.tw_year = atoi(cp); SKIPD(); } #define SETDAY() { tw.tw_mday = atoi(cp); tw.tw_flags |= TW_YES; SKIPD(); } #define SETTIME() { tw.tw_hour = atoi(cp); cp += 2; SKIPTOD(); \ tw.tw_min = atoi(cp); cp += 2; if(*cp == ':') { \ tw.tw_sec = atoi(++cp); SKIPD(); } } #define SETZONE(x) { tw.tw_zone = ((x)/100)*60+(x)%100; \ tw.tw_flags |= TW_SZEXP; SKIPD(); } #define SETZONEC(h, m) { tw.tw_zone = (h)*60+(m); \ tw.tw_flags |= TW_SZEXP; SKIPD(); } #define SETDST() { tw.tw_flags |= TW_DST; } #define SKIPD() { while ( isdigit(*cp++) ) ; --cp; } #define SKIPTOD() { while ( !isdigit(*cp++) ) ; --cp; } #define SKIPA() { while ( isalpha(*cp++) ) ; --cp; } #define SKIPTOA() { while ( !isalpha(*cp++) ) ; --cp; } #define SKIPSP() { while ( isspace(*cp++) ) ; --cp; } #define SKIPTOSP() { while ( !isspace(*cp++) ) ; --cp; } #ifdef ADJUST_NUMERIC_ONLY_TZ_OFFSETS_WRT_DST # ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include # endif #include static void zonehack (struct tws *tw) { struct tm *tm; if (dmktime (tw) == (time_t) -1) return; tm = localtime (&tw->tw_clock); if (tm->tm_isdst) { tw->tw_flags |= TW_DST; tw->tw_zone -= 60; } } #endif /* ADJUST_NUMERIC_ONLY_TZ_OFFSETS_WRT_DST */ %} sun ([Ss]un(day)?) mon ([Mm]on(day)?) tue ([Tt]ue(sday)?) wed ([Ww]ed(nesday)?) thu ([Tt]hu(rsday)?) fri ([Ff]ri(day)?) sat ([Ss]at(urday)?) DAY ({sun}|{mon}|{tue}|{wed}|{thu}|{fri}|{sat}) jan ([Jj]an(uary)?) feb ([Ff]eb(ruary)?) mar ([Mm]ar(ch)?) apr ([Aa]pr(il)?) may ([Mm]ay) jun ([Jj]un(e)?) jul ([Jj]ul(y)?) aug ([Aa]ug(ust)?) sep ([Ss]ep(tember)?) oct ([Oo]ct(ober)?) nov ([Nn]ov(ember)?) dec ([Dd]ec(ember)?) MONTH ({jan}|{feb}|{mar}|{apr}|{may}|{jun}|{jul}|{aug}|{sep}|{oct}|{nov}|{dec}) TIME ({D}:{d}{d}(:{d}{d})?) /* ** The year can either be 2 digits, or 4. However, after ** Y2K, we found that some MUA were reporting the year 100, hence ** the middle term here. yyterminate() resolves the actual ** issues with 2-digit years. */ YEAR (({d}{d})|(1{d}{d})|({d}{4})) w ([ \t]*) W ([ \t]+) D ([0-9]?[0-9]) d [0-9] nl [ \t\n()] %% %{ /* ** This section begins the definition of dparsetime(). ** Put here any local variable definitions and initializations */ YY_BUFFER_STATE lexhandle; unsigned char *cp; static struct tws tw; memset(&tw,0,sizeof(struct tws)); lexhandle = yy_scan_string(lexstr); %} {DAY}","?{W}{MONTH}{W}{D}{W}{TIME}{W}{YEAR} { INIT(); SETWDAY(); SKIPTOA(); SETMON(); SKIPTOD(); SETDAY(); SKIPTOD(); SETTIME(); SKIPTOD(); SETYEAR(); } {DAY}","?{W}{D}{W}{MONTH}{W}{YEAR}{W}{TIME} { INIT(); SETWDAY(); SKIPTOD(); SETDAY(); SKIPTOA(); SETMON(); SKIPTOD(); SETYEAR(); SKIPTOD(); SETTIME(); } {D}{W}{MONTH}{W}{YEAR}{W}{TIME} { INIT(); SETDAY(); SKIPTOA(); SETMON(); SKIPTOD(); SETYEAR(); SKIPTOD(); SETTIME(); } {DAY}","?{W}{MONTH}{W}{D}","?{W}{YEAR}","?{W}{TIME} { INIT(); SETWDAY(); SKIPTOA(); SETMON(); SKIPTOD(); SETDAY(); SKIPTOD(); SETYEAR(); SKIPTOD(); SETTIME(); } {DAY}","?{W}{MONTH}{W}{D}","?{W}{YEAR} { INIT(); SETWDAY(); SKIPTOA(); SETMON(); SKIPTOD(); SETDAY(); SKIPTOD(); SETYEAR(); } {MONTH}{W}{D}","?{W}{YEAR}","?{W}{DAY} { INIT(); SETMON(); SKIPTOD(); SETDAY(); SKIPTOD(); SETYEAR(); SKIPTOA(); SETWDAY(); } {MONTH}{W}{D}","?{W}{YEAR} { INIT(); SETMON(); SKIPTOD(); SETDAY(); SKIPTOD(); SETYEAR(); } {d}{4}"-"{d}{2}"-"{d}{2}(" "|"T"){TIME} { INIT(); SETYEAR(); SKIPTOD(); SETMON_NUM(); SKIPTOD(); SETDAY(); SKIPTOD(); SETTIME(); } {d}{4}"-"{d}{2}"-"{d}{2} { INIT(); SETYEAR(); SKIPTOD(); SETMON_NUM(); SKIPTOD(); SETDAY(); } {d}{2}"-"{d}{2}"-"{d}{2} { fprintf(stderr, "the highly ambiguous date format XX-XX-XX..." " is no longer supported\n"); } {D}"/"{D}"/"{YEAR}{W}{TIME} { INIT(); if(europeandate) { /* DD/MM/YY */ SETDAY(); SKIPTOD(); SETMON_NUM(); } else { /* MM/DD/YY */ SETMON_NUM(); SKIPTOD(); SETDAY(); } SKIPTOD(); SETYEAR(); SKIPTOD(); SETTIME(); } {D}"/"{D}"/"{YEAR} { INIT(); if(europeandate) { /* DD/MM/YY */ SETDAY(); SKIPTOD(); SETMON_NUM(); } else { /* MM/DD/YY */ SETMON_NUM(); SKIPTOD(); SETDAY(); } SKIPTOD(); SETYEAR(); } "[Aa][Mm]" "[Pp][Mm]" tw.tw_hour += 12; "+"{D}{d}{d} { INIT(); SKIPTOD(); SETZONE(atoi(cp)); #ifdef ADJUST_NUMERIC_ONLY_TZ_OFFSETS_WRT_DST zonehack (&tw); #endif /* ADJUST_NUMERIC_ONLY_TZ_OFFSETS_WRT_DST */ yyterminate(); } "-"{D}{d}{d} { INIT(); SKIPTOD(); SETZONE(-atoi(cp)); #ifdef ADJUST_NUMERIC_ONLY_TZ_OFFSETS_WRT_DST zonehack (&tw); #endif /* ADJUST_NUMERIC_ONLY_TZ_OFFSETS_WRT_DST */ yyterminate(); } "+"{d}{d}":"{d}{d} { INIT(); SKIPTOD(); SETZONEC(atoi(cp), atoi(cp+3)); #ifdef ADJUST_NUMERIC_ONLY_TZ_OFFSETS_WRT_DST zonehack (&tw); #endif /* ADJUST_NUMERIC_ONLY_TZ_OFFSETS_WRT_DST */ yyterminate(); } "-"{d}{d}":"{d}{d} { INIT(); SKIPTOD(); SETZONEC(-atoi(cp), -atoi(cp+3)); #ifdef ADJUST_NUMERIC_ONLY_TZ_OFFSETS_WRT_DST zonehack (&tw); #endif /* ADJUST_NUMERIC_ONLY_TZ_OFFSETS_WRT_DST */ yyterminate(); } {nl}("ut"|"UT") INIT(); SETZONE(0); yyterminate(); {nl}("gmt"|"GMT") INIT(); SETZONE(0); yyterminate(); {nl}("est"|"EST") INIT(); SETZONE(-500); yyterminate(); {nl}("edt"|"EDT") { INIT(); SETDST(); SETZONE(-500); yyterminate(); } {nl}("cst"|"CST") INIT(); SETZONE(-600); yyterminate(); {nl}("cdt"|"CDT") { INIT(); SETDST(); SETZONE(-600); yyterminate(); } {nl}("mst"|"MST") INIT(); SETZONE(-700); yyterminate(); {nl}("mdt"|"MDT") { INIT(); SETDST(); SETZONE(-700); yyterminate(); } {nl}("pst"|"PST") INIT(); SETZONE(-800); yyterminate(); {nl}("pdt"|"PDT") { INIT(); SETDST(); SETZONE(-800); yyterminate(); } {nl}("nst"|"NST") INIT(); SETZONE(-330); yyterminate(); {nl}("ast"|"AST") INIT(); SETZONE(-400); yyterminate(); {nl}("adt"|"ADT") { INIT(); SETDST(); SETZONE(-400); yyterminate(); } {nl}("hst"|"HST") INIT(); SETZONE(-1000); yyterminate(); {nl}("hdt"|"HDT") { INIT(); SETDST(); SETZONE(-1000); yyterminate(); } .|\n %% /* ** This is a portable way to squash a warning about the yyunput() ** function being static but never used. It costs us a tiny amount ** of extra code in the binary but the other options are: ** "%option nounput" which is flex-specific ** makefile hackery just to compile dtimep.c with different flags */ void dtimep_yyunput(int c) { unput(c); }