# test spost: bcc and dcc headers . "$MH_TEST_COMMON" draft="$MH_TEST_DIR/spost-$$.draft" profile="$MMH/profile-spost" cd "$MMH" cat "`mhparam profile`" - >"$profile" < ! cd - export MMHP="$profile" # to + cc headers cat >"$draft" < foo ----EOM---- jack charly alice gill ! # to + bcc headers cat >"$draft" < foo ----EOM---- alice ! # only bcc headers cat >"$draft" < Bcc: undisclosed-recipients:; foo ----EOM---- ! # to + dcc headers cat >"$draft" < foo ----EOM---- john paul george ringo alice ! # only dcc headers cat >"$draft" < Bcc: undisclosed-recipients:; foo ----EOM---- john paul george ringo !