2 %; distcomps - Our components file for "dist"
4 %; This is modeled after the components file for forw, so check that
5 %; file for more explanation as to what is going on here.
7 %; When using "dist" we have to use the special Resent- headers, since
8 %; we're keeping the original headers of the message intact.
10 %; All of the header components from the original message are available
11 %; if you wish to use them.
13 %<{nmh-from}%|%(void(localmbox))%>%(void(width))%(putaddr Resent-From: )
14 %<{nmh-to}%(void(width))%(putaddr Resent-To: )%|Resent-To:%>
15 %<{nmh-cc}%(void(width))%(putaddr Resent-cc: )%|Resent-cc:%>
16 %<{nmh-fcc}%(void(width))%(putaddr Resent-fcc: )%|Resent-fcc:%>