Remove space between -o and output filename so it works on older versions
[mmh] / etc / replcomps
1 %; $Header$
2 %;
3 %; These next lines slurp in lots of addresses for To: and cc:.
4 %; Use with repl -query or else you may get flooded with addresses!
5 %;
6 %; If no To:/cc:/Fcc: text, we output empty fields for prompter to fill in.
7 %;
8 %(lit)%(formataddr{reply-to})\
9 %(formataddr %<{from}%(void{from})%|%(void{apparently-from})%>)\
10 %(formataddr{resent-to})\
11 %(formataddr{prev-resent-to})\
12 %(formataddr{x-to})\
13 %(formataddr{apparently-to})\
14 %(void(width))%(putaddr To: )
15 %(lit)%(formataddr{to})\
16 %(formataddr{cc})\
17 %(formataddr{x-cc})\
18 %(formataddr{resent-cc})\
19 %(formataddr{prev-resent-cc})\
20 %(formataddr(me))\
21 %(void(width))%(putaddr cc: )
22 Fcc: %<{fcc}%{fcc}%|+outbox%>
23 Subject: %<{subject}Re: %{subject}%>
24 %;
25 %; Make References: and In-reply-to: fields for threading.
26 %; Use (void), (trim) and (putstr) to eat trailing whitespace.
27 %;
28 %<{message-id}In-reply-to: %{message-id}\n%>\
29 %<{message-id}References: \
30 %<{references}%(void{references})%(trim)%(putstr) %>\
31 %(void{message-id})%(trim)%(putstr)\n%>\
32 Comments: In-reply-to \
33 %<{from}%(void{from})%?(void{apparently-from})%|%(void{sender})%>\
34 %(trim)%(putstr)\n\
35    message dated "%<(nodate{date})%{date}%|%(tws{date})%>."
36 --------