-Mon Mar 13 21:10:16 2000 Dan Harkless <dan-nmh@dilvish.speed.net>
+Mon Mar 13 21:32:00 2000 Dan Harkless <dan-nmh@dilvish.speed.net>
* Applied Sullivan N. Beck <sbeck@cise.ufl.edu>'s mhshow-suffix patch:
mailbox called, for instance, "dan-nmh" (where username was "dan"
and $USERNAME_EXTENSION was "-nmh").
+ * Applied Simon Burge <simonb@thistledown.com.au>'s dtime.c patch:
+ There's a wrap-around problem that affects the implementation
+ of Zeller's congruence in dtime.c. This causes the day-of-week
+ calculations to fail for dates after Feb 29, 2000 (probably up
+ until some year far in the future).
Mon Mar 06 12:20:20 2000 Dan Harkless <dan-nmh@dilvish.speed.net>
* Applied Neil W Rickert <rickert+nmh@cs.niu.edu>'s msh.c patch:
tw->tw_wday =
((26 * month - 2) / 10 + day + year + year / 4
- 3 * century / 4 + 1) % 7;
+ if (tw->tw_wday < 0)
+ tw->tw_wday += 7;
tw->tw_flags &= ~TW_SDAY, tw->tw_flags |= TW_SIMP;