-nmh unit test suite.
+Mmh test suite.
- The testcases are not maintained in mmh, currently.
- Thus, they likely are broken. --meillo 2012-04
-The purpose of these tests is to verify the functionality of the nmh
+The purpose of these tests is to verify the functionality of the mmh
commands. The goal of the suite is to create an environment where testing
-nmh commands is easy and useful. Each test is a shell script, and is
+mmh commands is easy and useful. Each test is a shell script, and is
launched via the 'sh' command. The script should run the test and report
the result by one of:
* for a test pass: exit with status 0
* where a test has been skipped (perhaps because it depends on an
- external program which can't be found): print "Test $0 SKIP (reason)"
- and exit with status 120
+ external program which can't be found) execute: `test_skip "reason"'.
+ (test_skip() is defined in common.sh; it exits with status 120)
* for a test fail: exit with some status other than 0 or 120
The Suite is arranged as such:
- Create the unit test framework. This will re-generate your configure
+ Create the test framework. This will re-generate your configure
script and make files.
- Remove the temporary files created as part of the unit tests.
+ Remove the temporary files created as part of the tests.
Run a single test.
Directory containing the tests. All files found in this and all
- subsequent directories which have the name test-* will be treated as a
- single test.
+ sub-directories which have the name test-* will be treated as one
+ test each.
Complex tests may be given their own directory as long as there is a file
named 'test-*' in the directory which will launch the test.
-# Common helper routines for test shell scripts -- intended to be sourced by them
-test_skip ()
+# Common helper routines for test shell scripts
+# -- intended to be sourced by them
- WHY="$1"
- echo "$Test $0 SKIP ($WHY)"
- exit 120
+ WHY="$1"
+ echo "Test $0 SKIP ($WHY)"
+ exit 120
# portable implementation of 'which' utility
- PROG="$1"
- IFS=:
- for D in $PATH; do
- if [ -z "$D" ]; then
- D=.
- fi
- if [ -f "$D/$PROG" ] && [ -x "$D/$PROG" ]; then
- printf '%s\n' "$D/$PROG"
- break
- fi
- done
+ PROG="$1"
+ IFS=:
+ for D in $PATH; do
+ if [ -z "$D" ]; then
+ D=.
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$D/$PROG" ] && [ -x "$D/$PROG" ]; then
+ printf '%s\n' "$D/$PROG"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
-require_prog ()
- if [ -z "$(findprog $1)" ]; then
- test_skip "missing $1"
- fi
+ if [ -z "$(findprog $1)" ]; then
+ test_skip "missing $1"
+ fi
# Some stuff for doing silly progress indicators
-progress_update ()
- THIS="$1"
- FIRST="$2"
- LAST="$3"
- RANGE="$(($LAST - $FIRST))"
- PROG="$(($THIS - $FIRST))"
- # this automatically rounds to nearest integer
- PERC="$(((100 * $PROG) / $RANGE))"
- # note \r so next update will overwrite
- printf "%3d%%\r" $PERC
+ THIS="$1"
+ FIRST="$2"
+ LAST="$3"
+ RANGE="$(expr $LAST - $FIRST ||:)"
+ PROG="$(expr $THIS - $FIRST ||:)"
+ # this automatically rounds to nearest integer
+ PERC="$(expr 100 \* $PROG / $RANGE ||:)"
+ # note \r so next update will overwrite
+ printf "%3d%%\r" $PERC
-progress_done ()
- printf "100%%\n"
+ printf "100%%\n"
# Note that we ignore *~ files as these are probably editor backups
for i in `find tests -name 'test-*[!~]' -type f`;
- ./runtest $i
+ ./runtest "$i"
+ case $? in
+ 0) passed="`expr $passed + 1`" ;;
+ 1) failed="`expr $failed + 1`" ;;
+ 2) skipped="`expr $skipped + 1`" ;;
+ esac
+awk -v passed="$passed" -v failed="$failed" -v skipped="$skipped" '
+ sum = passed + failed + skipped;
+ if (failed > 0) {
+ smilie = ":-("
+ } else if (sum == passed) {
+ smilie = ":-)"
+ } else {
+ # we either passed the tests or managed to sneak around them
+ smilie = ";-)"
+ }
+ printf("\n%s %s\n", "SUMMARY", smilie);
+ printf("%-12s %4d = %d%%\n", "Passed", passed, passed/sum*100);
+ printf("%-12s %4d = %d%%\n", "Failed", failed, failed/sum*100);
+ printf("%-12s %4d = %d%%\n", "Skipped", skipped, skipped/sum*100);
+ printf("%-12s %4d\n", "Total", sum);
set -e
-if [ ! -e test-temp-dir ]; then
- echo "test-temp-dir not found: running setup-test"
- ./setup-test
+export MH_TEST_COMMON="$PWD/common.sh"
+if [ ! -f test-temp-dir ]; then
+ echo "test-temp-dir not found: running setup-test"
+ ./setup-test
export MH_TEST_DIR=`cat test-temp-dir`
-if [ ! -e "$MH_TEST_DIR/bld/Makefile" ]; then
- echo "temporary directory missing or broken: running setup-test"
- ./setup-test
- export MH_TEST_DIR=`cat test-temp-dir`
+if [ ! -f "$MH_TEST_DIR/build/Makefile" ]; then
+ echo "temporary directory missing or broken: running setup-test"
+ ./setup-test
+ export MH_TEST_DIR=`cat test-temp-dir`
-export MH=$MH_TEST_DIR/Mail/.mh_profile
-export PATH=$MH_TEST_DIR/bin:$PATH
-export MH_TEST_COMMON=$PWD/common.sh
+unset MMHP MMHC
+export PATH="$MH_TEST_DIR/bin:$PATH"
+export MMH="$MH_TEST_DIR/.mmh"
# clean old test data
-rm -rf $MH_TEST_DIR/Mail
-# setup test data
-mkdir $MH_TEST_DIR/Mail
-echo "Path: $MH_TEST_DIR/Mail" > $MH
-folder -create +inbox > /dev/null
+rm -rf "$MAILDIR" "$MMH"
+# setup mmh
+mkdir "$MAILDIR" "$MMH"
+cat >"$MMH/profile" <<-!
+ Path: $MAILDIR
+ Inbox: +inbox
+folder -create `mhparam inbox` >/dev/null
+folder -create `mhparam trashfolder` >/dev/null
+folder -create `mhparam draftfolder` >/dev/null
# create 10 basic messages
for i in `seq 1 10`;
- cat > $MH_TEST_DIR/Mail/inbox/$i <<EOF
-From: Test$i <test$i@example.com>
-To: Some User <user@example.com>
-Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 00:00:00
-Subject: Testing message $i
-This is message number $i
+ cat >"$MAILDIR/inbox/$i" <<-!
+ From: Test$i <test$i@example.com>
+ To: Some User <user@example.com>
+ Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 00:00:00
+ Subject: Testing message $i
+ This is message number $i
+ !
# now run the test
set +e
-/bin/sh $1
+/bin/sh "$1"
set -e
if [ $return_value -eq 0 ] ; then
- echo Test $1 PASS
+ printf "Test %s:\tPASS\n" "$1"
+ exit 0
elif [ $return_value -eq 120 ]; then
- # indicates test was skipped (eg needed program not found)
- # test itself should have printed a message about this,
- # so print nothing here.
- :
+ # indicates test was skipped (eg needed program not found)
+ # test itself should have printed a message about this,
+ # so print nothing here.
+ :
+ exit 2
- echo Test $1 FAIL
+ printf "Test %s:\tFAIL\n" "$1"
+ exit 1
set -e
-if TEMPDIR=`cat test-temp-dir 2> /dev/null` \
- && [ -e $TEMPDIR/bld/Makefile ]; then
- (cd $TEMPDIR/bld && make all install)
- exit
+if TEMPDIR="`cat test-temp-dir 2>/dev/null`" \
+ && [ -f "$TEMPDIR/build/Makefile" ]; then
+ (cd "$TEMPDIR/build" && make all install)
+ exit
-TEMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/nmh-test-XXXXXXXX`
-echo $TEMPDIR > test-temp-dir
+TEMPDIR="`mktemp -d /tmp/mmh-test-XXXXXXXX`"
+echo "$TEMPDIR" >test-temp-dir
cd ..
-if ! [ -e configure ]; then
- ./autogen.sh
+if [ ! -f configure ]; then
+ ./autogen.sh
-mkdir $TEMPDIR/bld
-cd $TEMPDIR/bld
-$srcdir/configure --prefix=$TEMPDIR --with-locking=fcntl --enable-debug
-make install
+if [ -f Makefile ]; then
+ make -s clean
+mkdir "$TEMPDIR/build"
+cd "$TEMPDIR/build"
+"$srcdir/configure" -q --prefix="$TEMPDIR" --enable-debug
+make -s all install
-rm -rf `cat test-temp-dir`
+rm -rf "`cat test-temp-dir`"
rm -f test-temp-dir